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Posts posted by FluttershyGrimshy

  1. ((Sorry I'm so late on this you guys XD I have a lot of stuff to make up and grades to bring up))

    Shade was too distracted watching Bluemoon and Knight to notice the kiss between Knight Flash and Blizzy.

    ((Also, I see what you did there, Stormy XD))

    Flashbomb released the kiss and opened his eyes he was blushing profusely still and he chuckled a bit. It felt like an eternity kissing Blizzy, He actually didnt know how long he held the kiss for. [colour=#0000FF]"wow" [/colour]He said, He looked forward and had many thoughts running through his mind. He then looked back and Asked who was still playing truth or dare.

    His first kiss, and it was with Blizzy. He smiled at the thought.

    Blizzy was at a loss for words. In only a couple of hours, Blizzard had gone from finding the thought of socializing with anypony absolutely ridiculous to making several new friends and kissing the pony she'd developed a crush on several minutes before. She wasn't even weirded out! It was actually kind of... nice! She heard Flash say "[colour=#0000ff]wow[/colour][colour=#000000]," and she grinned and responded with, "[/colour][colour=#008080]Ditto[/colour][colour=#000000]."[/colour]

  2. EEP! Your profile pic is Jolteon :D Can we be besties?!?!

    Welcome to Canterlot :) You sound like a very lively fun person to talk to ;) If you're ever in need of somepony to chat with, don't be a stranger :D

  3. Suddenly, Blizzy's mind went blank. She felt her emotions start to take control while she sat there, unaware of what was happening. Before she knew it, she was meeting Flash halfway, closing the space between them. Out of nervousness, her eyes clamped shut. She'd never kissed anypony before, so she had no idea how it was even supposed to go.

    ((Please excuse me while I drown in a sea of feels XD))

  4. Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Name: Blizzard Icewing (Blizzy for short)

    [colour=#000000]Sex: [/colour][colour=#000000]Female[/colour]

    Age: Young Filly

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Silver

    [colour=#000000]Coat:[/colour][colour=#000000] An icy blue. She has snow white freckles on either side of her face. Her nose is white, like it's been dipped in snow. She has a white triangular pattern going across the bottom of her hooves. She wears silver bracelets around one front hoof and the opposite rear hoof. Blizzy is often seen wearing a blue vest [/colour]

    Mane/Tail: Blizzy's mane is styled to make her look like a total rocker. Her mane and tail are white and sky blue. She has a medium length tail.

    Physique: Blizzy's a very decent height for her age. Though she was smaller than most when she was much younger, Blizzy grew to be slightly taller than average. She has a nice thin figure.

    Residence: On the edge of Cloudsdale during weekdays (Mother's house) Or in the heart of Viva Las Pegasus during weekends (Father's house) (Sorry ^^" Couldn't resist throwing the "Viva" in there)

    [colour=#000000]Occupation:[/colour][colour=#000000] Student in Flight School[/colour]

    Cutie Mark: [colour=#282828]Blizzy's cutie mark is a wintery tornado with snowflakes around it. Blizzy got her cutie mark by accident when she was a young foal. It was the same day her parents announced their decision to seperate. The heartbreaking news came from her mother, and was soon after confirmed by her father. Blizzy was so upset that she ran off, or rather flew off at top speed with her parents yelling after her with worried expressions. She ended up reaching speeds she never thought possible, and that's when it happened. Blizzy's anger made her fly faster and faster- until she crashed into a snow sculpture that a couple of foals had built. Realizing what she'd done, Blizzy apologized and promised the foals she'd rebuild the snow sculpture. Up until that point, Blizzy didn't know it was possible to be so artistic with snow. Blizzy kept her promise to the foals, rebuilding the sculpture, but she rebuilt it to be even better than the original! The small foals found themselves amazed with Blizzy's ability to create amazing art out of the powdery white snow.[/colour][colour=#282828] It was only when she finally calmed down and saw what she'd done that she became aware of her love of winter weather. Shortly after this happened, Blizzy noticed that her wintery cutie mark had appeared. After that, even when it wasn't winter anymore, Blizzy would tag along with her mum to the weather factory. While there, she'd usually go and watch ponies hand make the snowflakes and start taking care of details for the next year. Her super fast flying that day earned her a top spot on the Winter Wrap-up team at a young age. The winter colours of her cutie mark represent her love of the winter season, and the tornado part symbolizes her super fast flying abilities and incredible wing power.[/colour]

    post-7113-0-01915700-1363123680_thumb.pn Blizzy's cutie mark (Created be MEEEE)

    History: Blizzard Icewing was born in Las Pegasus on the coldest day of winter. She was given her name because of the fact that she was born on the coldest day of the year, and at the time there was an ongoing blizzard. Her mother, Raini Daze, works in the Cloudsdale Weather Factory. Her Father works in Las Pegasus as an illusionist. He can create and manipulate fog, and over the years he's learned how to use it to create numerous illusions. When Blizzy was little, he would take Blizzy with him to many of his shows.

    When Blizzy when an older foal, she started to notice complications between her parents. (At this point in time, the three of them had moved to the outer part of Cloudsdale.) As time went on, the situation worsened and Raini suggested she and Blizzy's father split up. A week after deciding to go through with it, the two told Blizzy, and she got her cutie mark that same day. This was about the time when Blizzard began to develop a sense of social isolation. Simply put, the whole thing left her rather bummed out, and she didn't want to bother anypony outiside of her family with her troubles. When she was in school, she would put on a smile and act like everything was a-Okay. When she would return home, she'd usually end up locking herself in her room, blasting music and reading. On school trips, she'd opt for the back of the bus, and was content as long as she had her headphones and some music.

    After everything went down, Blizzy's father packed up and moved back to Las Pegasus. Raini and Blizzy remained in Cloudsdale with Raini working harder than ever at the Rain Factory. When asked who she wanted to live with until the split was finalized, Blizzy almost immediately chose her mother's side. She was all too hurt by what her father had done. A month after this, the split was finalized, and Blizzy would start spending weekends in Las Pegasus with her dad.

    Blizzy's relationship with Raini never really felt the impact of the separation. In fact, as Blizzy got older, Blizz and her mother began to develop a best-friend type relationship! They did more mother-daughter things together and Blizzy finally broke away from shutting herself in her room all the time. She was starting to explore the outside world a lot more, even making trips to Ponyville every once in a while to hit up the local music stores and chat with other music loving ponies.

    Eventually, Blizzy was able to work past her social isolation. As she grew older, Blizzy not only grew closer to her mother, but she began to realize that being totally alone is so, well, lonely. Her opinion on the matter changed one day during flight school. Blizz was stretching in preparation for a test run through an obstacle course (emphasis on "test"). She was patiently waiting for her turn to run the course when an older filly she recognized from her class approached her. The filly introduced herself as Skyla Nightwing. Not knowing what else to do (as well as not wanting to be rude), Blizzy introduced herself as well. Soon, the two were talking and laughing about the funny flying stories they were telling each other, and before Blizzy knew it, it was her turn to run the track. Skyla caught up with Blizzy on the way home from flight school that same day, and Blizzy began to realize that she actually enjoyed being in the company of another pony. After that, Blizzy and Skyla became best friends and are practically inseparable.

    Blizzy's life now is a lot more stable. She enrolled in flight school after the split-up and is in the process of trying to start up her own flight team. As a foal, Blizzy tended to be extremely distant towards anypony and everypony, and disliked the idea of making friends. Now, however, Blizzy has many wonderful friends (including Skyla) that she says she couldn't live without, and she's more comfortable meeting new ponies.

    post-7113-0-82255600-1363223868_thumb.pn Skyla and Blizzy

    Character Summary: Blizzy is very much a tomcolt. She always tries to look her best and loves to accessorize, but that's about as far as her feminine side goes. Blizzy loves hanging out with the guys, discussing which bands are the edgiest and loudest, and having burp-offs. She's not afraid to get her hooves dirty and loves the outdoors. In a group of ponies, Blizz will be the one to come up mischievous plans that other ponies might find a bit dangerous or risky, and they'd probably be right. Basically, she's the pony you don't want to invite to any high class Canterlot event. Why? Because she hates the idea of being "prim and proper." She marches to the beat of her own drum. She'd rather be loud, be proud, and be herself and not have to hold back than be subjected to a strict standard of social class life. She's also the kind of pony that'll try anything once. In the past, Blizzy had an extremely hard time making friends. In fact, she wasn't to fond of the idea of making friends. Now, she likes making a new friend from time to time.

    Blizzy has a couple different talents, one of them being she has no problem at all being herself. Her main talent is her insane artistic abilities when it comes to snow sculpting and anything wintery! Blizzy's also extremely good at playing drums (so she kind of literally marches to the beat of her own drum.) And of course, let's not forget her fast flying abilities!

    A lot of Blizzy's motivation comes from her friends and her mum (and her dad, though she'll rarely admit it), and what drives her motivation is the fact that she's very persistent. She keep at something until she's able to get it right. One of her biggest dreams is to have her own flight team someday soon. She wants to create the fastest flight team Equestria's ever seen.

    Blizzy likes snow, moderately chilly weather, flying at fast speeds, free falling (she loves the adrenaline), taking risks, rock music/ garage band music, her Hoof-Beats (headphones), and drumming pony-style, as well as anything that makes her come off as a tomcolt. She also lovess accessorizing, i.e. her blue vest and hoof bracelets. Her favorite bands include (but are not limited to) The All-Equestrian Rejects, The Mane, Colts like Fillies, Hoof Eleven, Bowling for Hay, Secondhoof Serenade, We the Alicorns and Fall Out Colt. Blizzy dislikes extremely hot weather, classical music (unless it's classic rock like The Beastie Colts), and ponies who think they're so much better than everypony else.

    Blizzy has her strong points, but she has her faults as well. She's extremely stubborn, and while she's become so much better at socializing with other ponies, she can still act extremely distant at times. Blizzy has terrible organization skills. She often acts and speaks before thinking about what she's about to do or say, and that can and has gotten her into trouble.

    What most ponies don't know about Blizzy is what she fears. What Blizzy fears more than anything else is being alone again. While she used to love being alone when she was a foal, Blizzy came to realize that being all alone isn't such a good thing. She fears that there will come a time when she has nopony to turn to for help, comfort, guidance, she fears losing her friends and family and just being completely alone. She also fears that she'll fail at accomplishing her goals and dreams and let everypony she cares about down in the process. She's also afraid of spiders and intense silence.


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  5. (wow isnt this truth or dare fun)

    Flashbomb listened to Broken's fears and nodded. He had 1 fear in common and that was Embarrisment. Broken looked to him. [colour=#00FFFF]"Alright Flash truth or dare?" [/colour]Flashbomb sat on the seat and wonderd what he would pick. He aleady did truth so hedecided on dare. [colour=#0000FF]"Ima gonna choose dare!" [/colour]He said in an enthusiastic tone. Broken looked sly and glanced over to Him. [colour=#00FFFF]"Kiss Blizzy!" [/colour]She said.

    Flashbomb stopped. He started to blush profusely. He glanced over to Blizzy and back to Broken. He was taken off guard by the dare. he had just a little while ago had a crush on Blizzy, Now he had to kiss her? He didnt think it gross or anything but he was just surprised. He was still blushing really bad.

    "Haha, you have to- wait what?!" Blizzy asked In surprise as she realized what Broken had dared Flash to do. The icy pony felt her coat turn a bright red. True, she hadn't had a crush on him for that long, but in all honesty, her heart was beating a mile a minute at the thought of Flash kissing her. Would she ever admit that? No, probably not. Even so...

    While all of this as going on, somepony on the bus passed out. Blizzy heard the loud thud followed by several gasps, but all she was able to think about was Flash's dare.

  6. Another new pony friend? HUZZAH! Let there be cake! Cake is good, right? I like cake :)

    Heya! Welcome to Canterlot (Not gonna lie, I almost typed Ponyville for some reason XD Woopsy daisy!) Hope you enjoy it here! And if you're in need of a friend, never be afraid to drop by and say hi!

  7. And on this day of the new pony's arrival, everypony shouted a loud "HUZZAH!" and Grimshy yelled to everypony far and wide, "LET THERE BE CAKE!"

    XD Yeah, I have no idea what that was. Either way, welcome to Canterlot! Hope you have fun here, and if you're looking for a friend, don't be afraid to stop by and say hello!

  8. "Hm? O-oh, yes, sir. I /am/ part of the investigation team." She knew that he must've been wondering how the hay a timid scaredy mare such as herself ended up being recruited to the investigation team. Even /she/ wondered that from time to time. All the time actually. But, she digressed.


    "Who's there? WHO'S THERE?" Soul bellowed, followed by more insane laughter. The laughter went on for a few seconds and then stopped. It was another minute or so before Soul finally answered, making his voice carry so that it sounded like his voice was coming from all directions of the forest. "Why, I'm your worst nightmare."

  9. "[colour=#ff6699]O-oh! Yes, of course...[/colour][colour=#000000]" Fluttershy cleared her throat and continued on. "[/colour][colour=#ff6699]W-well, you see, I was in the Everfree forest today. I was checking up on some of my animal friends to see if they had any information on the recent sightings. And, oh, well they definitely did![/colour][colour=#000000]" Fluttershy was doing her absolute best to sound professional and not at all scared. She was positive, however, that her best was nowhere near good enough. Nonetheless, she pressed on. "[/colour][colour=#ff6699]Well, um, they said that... th-they said...[/colour][colour=#000000]" Fluttershy stopped, unsure of how to phrase this in a way that wouldn't scare herself. She took a deep breath, suddenly feeling much calmer, and spoke again. "[/colour][colour=#ff6699]They said that there may be another stallion besides the faceless one lurking about the Everfree forest. They said they've seen him, but only glimpses of him. H-he has antlers, and jagged teeth, a-and he's c-c-completely insane...[/colour][colour=#000000]" The pitch of Fluttershy's voice went higher with each word towards the end of her explanation. [/colour]


    [colour=#000000]Soul watched as another pony, a mare this time, joined the stallion known as Draco. He heard her ask why it was so cloudy over the forest even though it was daytime. "[/colour][colour=#cc0000]I know whyyy[/colour][colour=#000000]," he said in a sing-song voice, followed by loud maniacal laughter. He didn't care if he was heard. It wouldn't matter. They would never find him, try hard as they might. It was one of the many reasons he had been chosen by the faceless stallion himself. Chosen to do a great deal of his dirty work. Chosen to scare the daylight out of anypony that dared to venture within the Everfree. He loved his job more than anything, which was saying a lot considering he had no compassion in his dark twisted heart.[/colour]

  10. "[colour=#ff6699]F-Fluttershy, sir[/colour][colour=#000000]," the pony with the yellow coat and light pink mane stuttered softly, angling her head so that her soft pink hair covered one of her eyes. "[/colour][colour=#ff6699]I'm here b-b-because I, um, I have some information. Information from some of the animals i-in the Everfree forest. I came here to, um, to tell you about what they told me. Oh! Th-that is... if you wouldn't mind hearing it. I understand if you don't have the time... or i-if you just don't want to, that's fine too[/colour][colour=#000000]," Fluttershy said quietly. She knew he must be awfully busy with so many reports coming in about the faceless stallion. Right as soon as that thought entered her head, Harmony burst through the door and began showing Time a piece of paper. [/colour][colour=#ff6699]Oh. I guess it'll have to wait[/colour][colour=#000000], [/colour][colour=#000000]Fluttershy thought with a sigh. [/colour]


    Soul teleported to the Everfree forest just in time to see Draco wandering on through. "[colour=#cc0000]Oooh, another pony to spook[/colour][colour=#000000]," he said quietly with a cruel smirk, grinning to show off his sharp teeth. He reared onto his hind legs just as some large clouds passed by, making the forest seem dark, even though it was daytime. It helped him that the forest was so abnormally quiet. Just to spook the unfortunate pony out, he began galloping through the forest, not anywhere that Draco could see him. He was just close enough that Draco would be able to clearly hear him.[/colour]

  11. ((I'm so sorry that it took me so long to reply, everypony! I've been uber busy these past two days >.<))

    Now, it was Blizzy's turn to play. She listened intently as Flashbomb gave her the options. "[colour=#008080]Hm...[/colour][colour=#000000]" Well, she didn't really want to run up and down the bus squeeing like Fluttershy, but telling everypony who she liked? The icy blue pony took a deep breath and... "[/colour][colour=#008080]Truth.[/colour][colour=#000000]" There was a chance she was going to regret... wait.. "[/colour][colour=#008080]You asked if I liked somepony on this bus, but you never said I had to specify who,[/colour][colour=#000000]"[/colour][colour=#000000] Blizzy said with a grin. "[/colour][colour=#008080]So, yes, I do like somepony on this bus.[/colour][colour=#000000]" [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Now that that was over... "[/colour][colour=#008080]Alright, Broken, your turn! Truth or dare?[/colour][colour=#000000]"[/colour]


    "[colour=#008080]What's your biggest fear[/colour]?"


    The icy pony grinned with a mischievous sparkle in her silver eyes. "[colour=#008080]You have to sing your least favorite song in a funny voice[/colour]."

    "[colour=#008080]Take your pick[/colour][colour=#000000]."[/colour]

  12. "[colour=#cc0099]Eek![/colour][colour=#000000]" Fluttershy turned to look behind her for the sixth time as she galloped in the direction of Time's office. She was sure, absolutely certain, that something,[/colour] or somepony[colour=#000000], was following her. What with all of those recent disappearances in the Everfree forest, and the sightings of the faceless stallion, how could she [/colour]not [colour=#000000]feel that way? But it wasn't only the faceless stallion... there was another, at least that's what Fluttershy suspected. One who worked just below the faceless pony, but could be considered just as dangerous. She'd received this information from some of the animals who called the Everfree their home, as well as some she'd sent to the Everfree to work as undercover operatives. After all, that's why she'd been called to work for the investigation team. She was the only one with the helpful ability to communicate with animals. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Fluttershy felt a wave of relief wash over her as Time's office came into view. Taking one last look behind her, she dove through the door to Time's office. "[/colour][colour=#cc0099]I'm... here... have... info...[/colour]" she panted.


    Soul chuckled to himself as the frightened yellow pony ran for dear life. She repeatedly looked behind her, as if she knew he was there, watching her every move."[colour=#ff0000]Look as much as you want, you'll never spot me[/colour][colour=#000000]," he muttered to himself with a wild grin. He watched as she ran and then dove, literally dove into that pesky pony historian's office. It was alright though. The yellow pony's silly animals would pay the price for their words. "[/colour][colour=#ff0000]The [/colour][colour=#ff0000]ultimate [/colour][colour=#ff0000]price[/colour][colour=#000000]," he said with a low evil chuckle before.[/colour]

  13. Flashbomb had sat next to Blizzy on the bus. He placed his bag on the floor and sighed. [colour=#0000FF]"Im so happy were out of there." [/colour]He commented [colour=#0000FF]"Just a hot, dry, middle of nowhere town." [/colour]He leaned back and felt the bus start again. It rolled out of the sleepy town and started on the main road. Flashbomb looked to Blizzy and realized that she hadnt got much at the store. [colour=#0000FF]"Hey if you want i could share some of the stuff i got if you run out, I got plenty." [/colour]He offered her. He heard knight squeal about something and looked to see that a blue pony had been messing with him. He shrugged and sat back again. looking at the back of the seat in front of them.

    Flahbomb heard knight ask somepony to choose truth or dare. He didnt hear a responce and turned his head to Knight. He was talking to him. Flashbomb smiled [colour=#0000FF]"Truth!" [/colour]He said to Knight. [colour=#B22222]"Whatdo you hate most about the pony next to you?"[/colour][colour=#800000] [/colour]Flashbomb glanced to Blizzy whom was next to him. He had no hates to her at all. He liked her, He even kinda had a crush on her. He looked back to knight. He was waiting for a responce. Flashbomb tried to think of nothing harsh. His mind was blank, he had to respond. [colour=#0000FF]"I hate...... How she Looks so sad all the time like she is alone. She needs to cheer up." [/colour]He said. He looked to Blizzy.

    Blizzy slid into a seat, and Flashbomb joined her shortly after. She heard him say that he would share some of the stuff he had brought on the trip with him. The light blue pegasus smiled and gave a small nod. "[colour=#008080]Thanks, Flashy[/colour][colour=#000000]," she said, and then realized that she called him Flashy. "[/colour][colour=#008080]Er, sorry. I hope you don't mind that I called you Flashy... twice[/colour][colour=#000000]," she said with a nervous laugh. Then Knight challenged Flashbomb to Truth or Dare. He picked truth. "[/colour][colour=#b22222]What do you hate the most about the pony next to you[/colour][colour=#000000]?" he asked.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Blizzy tensed up big time. Why, of all the questions Knight could've asked, did it have to be that question? She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for Flashbomb to say something that would break her... but he didn't. In fact, he said something nopony had ever said to/about her before. "[/colour][colour=#0000FF]I hate...... How she Looks so sad all the time like she is alone. She needs to cheer up.[/colour][colour=#000000]" Blizzy's silver eyes snapped open and she felt her coat change from light icy blue to a reddish colour. She opened her mouth to say something, but then clamped it shut, because she honestly couldn't find anything to say. In all honesty, Flash was the first pony she considered to be her friend, and she even liked him a little more than just a friend. [/colour]

  14. Soul chuckled when Licorice asked if he played music. "[colour=#ff0000]Eheh, nah. Love to listen to it, can't play it.[/colour]" Hah, yeah. That was somewhat of a lie. While Soul didn't play any instruments, he could carry a tune quite well, though he claimed to be tone deaf (which he wasn't.)

    Soul watched as Licorice left and returned minutes later with a poster of Scribbled and Steel. He let out a sigh. Of course. Soul had charm and swagger, that was true. But Scribbles carried the cuteness factor, and he let Steel use it to both of their advantages. So of course, whenever Scribbles entered the room, he would soon find any mare he'd been talking to suddenly crowded with many other mares around the cutie. Though, Soul loved hanging out with the rambunctious host.

    And then there was Alba. Of course as the Host Club's "King," he had to make himself appear most desirable. But was the sparkling voice-like-an-angel thing really necessary? Of course it was, Soul thought, grinning and shaking his head. [colour=#ff0000]Alba, you player[/colour], he thought with an amused grin.

    His amused grin turned into a small frown when he saw Licorice go join the others around Scribbles. [colour=#ff0000]Should've seen that one coming[/colour], he thought to himself, sighing. With any other mare, it was his job to be a good host and live up the to the role of being the bad boy of the host club. But... he had a feeling that Licorice was different. They seemed to at least share a common interest. "[colour=#ff0000]Snap out of it, Soul[/colour]," he mumbled to himself, shaking his head. Even so, he stood up and joined the others because why not?

  15. "[colour=#008080]Dubstep can be pretty cool[/colour]," Blizzy said with a grin. "[colour=#008080]Wow! Your cutie mark is awesome![/colour]" She raised her flank slightly, turning her neck to glance at her own cutie mark, an icy tornado with snowflakes around it. Her cutie mark had gotten her a top spot on the Winter Wrap-Up weather clearing team even though she was so young.

    Blizzy heard Broken say something about having to go, and she looked away from her cutie mark to see several of the ponies getting back on the bus. "[colour=#008080]C'mon, Flashie,[/colour]" she said to Flashbomb. "[colour=#008080]Last one back on the bus is a slowpoke pony![/colour]" she yelled, and then took off towards the bus.

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