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Posts posted by Starburst

  1. Starburst mixes some mint leaves with one of her finer blends of black tea and lets the pot steep. She moves over to the baked goods and pulls out a lemon tart, depositing it on a plate for Flickerlight. "Four bits please," she says, smiling. She exchanges coins with the pony and escorts her to a table, pulling out the chair and pushing it in after she takes a seat.

    After a few minutes have passed, she walks out, with some very expensive looking china, slides a saucer onto the table from her wing and places a teacup ontop of it, pouring some tea and sitting the tea on another doily. "Enjoy your tea!" she says, beaming at the mare. She sees a Griffon enter the tea shop and politely asks if he'd like to take a look at the menu, trotting behind the counter, retrieving a menu from a receptacle and handing it to the new customer.

    On the menu are very appetizing items, but the things listed that appear to be most expensive are the Cinnamon buns, at Six bits each, and a pot of Oolong or Darjeeling costs about 30-60 bits, due to the rarity of the leaves and the taste.

    The cinnamon buns are widely regarded as one of the best baked goods in all of Equestria. The specially made cinnamon buns are so soft and the icing so tasty, that even the canterlot elite frequent the tea shop to eat them. Starburst makes many dozens of these per day, and always has some baking, because they're one of the first things she sells out of.during a day. They're available by the dozen at 60 bits, for a discount of 12 bits per dozen. There are still three sitting in the glass cabinet, which is a surprise.. but she did just open the shop for the day... so that might explain it.

    ( First post updated with a menu. )

  2. (Tea takes about six minutes to steep before being served.)

    Starburst finishes steeping Colton's Blueberry tea and brings a teapot out to his table, lifting it with her mouth by the handle. She slides a teacup off of her wing onto the table and tilts her head forward, pouring the tea into the cup. After she pours the tea, she sets the rest of the pot onto the table on a doily, and moves back behind the counter to attend the next pony.

    Soon after she addresses Flickerlight. "What can I get for you today?" she says, beaming.

  3. Starburst nods while looking away and mashes some blueberries into a pestle, dripping the juice into the steeping teapot.

    She also grabs a pair of tongs with her mouth and deposits one of the cinnamon buns onto a saucer. After doing so she picks up the saucer by sliding it onto her wing and deposits it on the counter in front of Colton.

    "Six Bits please." Starburst says with a smile.

  4. Starburst flashes a sincere smile at the new mare, and prepares another pot of hot water to make tea for her when she walks in.

    "Welcome to a little slice of heaven, What kind of tea can I serve you today?"

    Starburst loses her initial fear of the first stallion when another mare comes into the shop, stepping into the back of the shop to recover some cinnamon buns from her oven. After putting on some hoof-mitts and removing them from the oven she covers them in hot icing, and places them behind the glass in the front of the store, removing her hoof-mitts and hanging them on a hook.

    "It takes approximately four to six minutes to steep a pot of tea, so you can both order now and I'll bring the pot out to you when it's finished." Starburst replies with a newly fearless smile.

    "There are sugar cubes on each of the tables if you want something sweet to snack on while you're waiting on your tea.. or if you prefer your tea sweet. And if you have a coupon, I can go ahead and set you up with one of my fresh baked sweets while you're waiting as well." Starburst trots back into the back room to retrieve some candles, and then trots back into the dining room, replacing some of the nearly burnt out candles with the fresh candles of a different scent.

    "So what can I get for you?" she says, looking towards flickerlight, while also throwing a glance over towards Colton, propping her hooves under her chin and staring in her direction.

  5. Starburst manages a weak smile and lowers her eyes to the teabags and tea leaves she keeps neatly arranged below the counter. She fidgets with them a little and turns around, grabbing a teacup and a saucer, pouring hot water into the cup, steeping a blend of tea leaves for a few minutes. "So.. what kind of.. fruit..?" she says, looking down at the floorboards, averting eye contact with the new pony and his outstretched hoof, not out of dislike, but out of fear.

  6. I just found the biggest cave system in my entire Minecraft experience. It connects my little cabin and ravine near Bramble's house, through a huge series of caves, to a ravine near the spawn.

    Edit: Also, if I can make a request to allow /tp [playername] and /spawn available as commands? Might be good to show people around the server to cool, and get back to spawn if you need to.

    There's a server map, and /home invite commands work for instant teleportation to other ponies homes. I saw the tower you built. It's nice.

  7. Starburst grabs the coupon from the pony offering it towards her and nods, smiling just a little. "O-of course, What kind of tea would you like, and what kind of baked goods would you like with that?" Starburst says, shifting her hooves a little. "It's.. best to pick a fruit that you like.. and I can make a blend for you." She says, shyly.

  8. Hello, nice server ya got here!

    I'd like to humbly request that you pick a different name than "Ponycraft", since there is a well established server with that name that has been running since last March.


    and another server was even fighting over the name


    so maybe you could be like the Canterlot.com Minecraft server?

    btw just so people know who I am, I own http://www.brohoof.com/ and I welcome your server to the herd of MLP themed Minecraft servers, there are quite a lot of us!

    It's Canterlot Ponycraft. The server is technically named Canterlot, and ponycraft is a twist on Minecraft. I have no intention of changing anything.

  9. starburst__s_tea_shop_by_jaelachan-d48ceq2.png

    A little slice of heaven... A tea shop sometimes nestled in the town of Canterlot. The shop itself is made of clouds, and is supplemented with glossy wood planking in the interior, so that non-pegasi can walk inside the tea shop. The furnishings inside are mostly made of clouds, columns and tables. On top of the tables are bottles of rainbow, situated near a candle that sheds a myriad of colors in multiple directions. In the back of the shop is a long counter-top, and behind the counter is a multitude of fine china. Saucers, teacups, larger glasses and plates. To the right side of the counter-top is a glass case, and inside are a multitude of fine-smelling pastries. In the center of the room, hanging from the soft, cloudy ceiling, is a large candelabra. The candelabra is obviously enchanted, from small cups at the top of the candelabra are candles, which are oozing rainbow colored wax onto a large ornate glass cup below them. Behind that glass cup a large candle is situated, which broadcasts a large myriad of colors on the cloudy white walls.

    A myriad of wonderful smells assault the senses of ponies entering A little slice of heaven. The first that can most easily be distinguished is the multitude of fruit and flower fragrances that waft through the air inside the shop. The scent isn't overpowering, but it comes to the nose in layers. After the nose gets used to the fruit and flower smells, The smell of the baked goods begins to fill the room. Almonds, hazelnuts, chocolate, cinnamon, and sugary icing.

    A purple maned pony with lighter highlights stands behind the counter of the tea shop, one typically dressed in a myriad of clothing, depending on her mood. Sometimes she chooses to dress in the attire of a maid, and other times she graces her purple mane with a hat of some kind. The rainbow dances along her white coat as she serves tea to the ponies who frequent her shop. The fruit scent comes from the tea, you see. The tea is blended with perfection to serve as a perfect compliment to the baked goods served.

    Currently there's a special promotion she's holding. The shop recently arrived in Canterlot, after a long stint in Cloudsdale, and Starburst has given vouchers to Very Important Ponies. The vouchers entitle the holder to a free cup of tea with the purchase of one of her special baked goods. If you're in Canterlot, you've probably come across one of the coupons within the last few days. And the promotion only lasts for a week, so you better take advantage of the offer while it lasts.


  10. Wish I could, but I'm on the same boat as you. I don't get paid till Friday too :sad:

    If I've had known we'd be this close, I'd have donated a bit more that what I did when I had the chance :-|

    Still, it has given me time to think up a few ideas for what else to build in game. A post office next to a railroad station comes to mind for some reason. Or, better yet since it's Canterlot, an airport. Been wanting to build a hedge maze too.

    Or, since I have a forest in my backyard, I could gather some wood and set out into the desert to build us an Aaaaaaaappleloosa!

    Disk donated $20USD, so the server is back up. Hooray for Disk. :3

  11. I'll put a little towards it ^^

    Does anyone know of any good minecraft planning programs? I have an idea for something I'd like to build for the server, but I've never really done anything like it before (I usually build very small homes in caves or in the sides of cliffs) so something to plan out the building before I spend time collecting materials would help.

    Also that weird half mushroom thing that can't be torn down near the spawn point was my fault. I have no idea what caused it to glitch like that. Sorry.

    Probably has something to do with being unable to change blocks near the spawn. I can tear it down when I get back onto the server.

  12. Server currently down until Next Friday, I don't get paid until then and the server just elapsed. So until then I have to scrape up the 15 euros needed to get the server running again.

    Edit: I've posted a link to the blogger version of this topic, and included a donation button for anyone wanting to donate. The donations are strictly voluntary. You don't have to donate if you play on the server.

    I've also added the new ponies to the list of active ponies.

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