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Posts posted by MidnightRose

  1. [colour=#800080]" sorry ma'am, that pony is now under arrest for [/colour][colour=#800080]accomplice in a crime and being disrespectful to the royal guard, she will not be playing tonight,"[/colour]


    Midnight moans quietly as six strings ran toward the stage.

  2. nice to..meet you?" rose being a bit flattered she looked over to the other pony's and raised a eyebrow looking back she tried her best to put on a fake smile, setting her hoof on the ground gently and bowing toward knight, walking toward the others.

  3. midnight attempts to stand before a guard places his hoof on her back and puts the handcuffs on forcing her up as she stumbles to keep her balance, feeling the paralyzes branch out into her blood, using the last of her energy to teleport outside and attempting to sit, feeling a bit dizzy and confused.

  4. wait huh? AHH!" Midnight feels the spell slowly start to take over but keeps running, catching up with six strings and teleports him out of there, "ill catch up!" stopping and turning, shooting back at the guard before collapsing on the ground.

  5. "well maybe he was running because he was scared hmm? ever though of that? or are you brainless?" looking back toward six strings and giveing him a sly look, as if saying "get ready to run" looking back to the guard "im thinking under that thick skull of yours is a brain the size of a peanut," Midnight standing up and meets eye to eye with the guard, makeing one last final smart remark "why ya holding back then hmm? scared to arrest a mare?"

  6. well, first off.." MIdnight starting to annoy him some more for the fun of it "sure your not deaf? apparently you dident hear me..or do i have to shout it?" Midnight raising a eyebow, as her smirk grew wider " first off, you gotta hear both sides of the story.." "that or you just dident check the crime scene good enough, did you?" As she sits down, knowing she is on the edge of getting arrested herself.

  7. ((are you playing as the guard?)) whoa now buddy" Midnight steps on front of the guard, blocking his walk way, makeing a tisking noise with her tongue and saying "now, you may have seen what happend, but ever HEARD of hearing the other side of the story? or are you just to dumb to do so? hmm?" Midnight takeing her hoof and twitching his ear back and forth once, as if trying to make him mad. haveing a smirk appear slowly on her face.

  8. hmm, its fine, you did the right thing atleast, so i wont, ok?" Midnight trys to put on a smirk for the situation and says "well, i have a good..20 minutes before the show starts, lets go straighten this out with those guards huh? if they try to arrest you, ill just talk them out of it, do we have a deal?" sticking her hoof out, hopeing the stallion would shake on the agreement.

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