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Posts posted by MidnightRose

  1. Midnight continues looking at six strings and says "ok, i might SEEM blind at first site, but im not, i can clearly see the the worried expression on your face, tell us beginning to end, and im SURE you passed a few guards atleast, tell us also why you left them out." ignoring his question on why we are back here.

  2. Midnight blinks a few times, looking toward Delilah and back " how in the world did you anger thugs first off," Midnight turning completely around to face the stallion that barged in. "and wouldn't the guards noticed that you were in some sort of panic?"

  3. Midnight looks at the stallion and blinks, opening her mouth to break the silence "are..you running from something sir? or are you just lost?, tell the truth" her electric yellow eyes scanning over his body quickly before meeting him eye to eye again.

  4. Midnight trots off the bus, thanking the bus driver, and walking around canterlot, eventually finding way and walking into the music room and setting my instrument down on its stand, feeling the red velvet rug that separated us from the crowd, looking back to Delilah, "wanna meet my sister? she's over here somewhere," Midnight looking around for her and then back to her.

  5. [colour=#3D3D3D]Roleplay Type: free-for-all[/colour]



    [colour=#3D3D3D]Age: Young mare[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]Species: unicorn[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]Eye colour: electric yellow[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]Coat: snow white[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]Mane/Tail: maroon[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]Physique:thinner than normal mares, same size as them, though.[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]Residence: unknown[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]Occupation: playing with Octavia as the violinist in the band[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]Cutie Mark: a black and grey music note,[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]History: MidnightRose is a shy pony, not very willing to talk at times, is somepony makes fun of me or is rude,[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]she will end up fighting back and sometimes turning discorded in the process. i enjoy having fun and playing[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]with my friends, and will protect them when nessary. I enjoy going to vinyls party's in the everfree quite often, i[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]studyed in canterlot to get [/colour]a degree[colour=#3D3D3D] to be a animal vet. but once i got a opportunity on music, i quickly left to do[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]what i do best. i make plenty of friends on my travels.[/colour]

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