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Posts posted by MidnightRose

  1. ohh ok, well...he is a grey pegasus i think, silky black mane, its faceing backwards, and a spiked tail, a buggish blue coloured eyes, and a hourglass as a cutie mark, if you see him tell him he dropped his screwdriver?" Midnight pours the tea into to cups, setting the object on the desk, and setting down.

  2. "ya, hey do you know a pony thats grey and has...what is it...a hourglass as a cutiemark? he dropped this...skrewdriver? i think..he kept on rambleing on about something and he ignored me, so i couldent return it to him"...Midnight holds out what seems like a skrewdriver with a blue light flashing at the end it seems to high tech for this generation

  3. ahh yes, i am in a band, i play along side with octavia, we grew up together, but, i got lost so im staying the night at the hotel, the concert is tomarrow at 12 in the afternoon, so i have to get up early, nopony seemed to wanted to help, so i gathered enough bits to stay one night, things are quite cheep here actually, in canterlot a room is usually 20 bits, here its 5 per night...interesting, anyway, would you like to come in and stay for tea?

  4. nice to meet you Deliah, my name is MidnightRose, but please call me Rose. Midnight uses her magic to take the violen off her back and setting it on the desk, calmly opening the door all the way "your the first pony to talk to me, is this place allways busy?"

  5. ((the more the merrier :D)) Midnight was unpacking her saddlebag as she heard the knock on the door, dropping what she was doing after the 5th knock, as she trots up to the door she days "comeing!" opening the door with my violin still balanced on my back, "may i help you ma'am?"

  6. she looks up at the pony and says: "thank you sir" packing her stuff and hooking the violin to my back, and trotting to the hotel to rent a room for the night, walking in and rigging the bell waiting for the desk pony to come out, after talking to her i take the keys off the desk and head up the stairs to the second floor and looks around muttering: "room 8 room 8............ there it is!" putting the key in the slot and unlocking the door, turning on the lights and setting the saddlebags on the floor, and the keys on the desk, closeing the door with my back hoof.

  7. midnight stops playing for a split second watching a pony drop two bits in the violin case and nods toward him watching as he walked on, then continues playing calmly, blowing strand of hair out of face, the sunlight poking through the cracks of the leaves illuminating my eyes to make it look like electric. Then speeds up the pace of my playing to keep with the dance of the tree swaying in the wind, the shadow keeping me cool in the warm summer day.

  8. Midnight has been traveling for days trying to find a place to rest, she looks up to see the white, puffy, clouds. Seeing she was in a small town, she checked her map "ponyville?" putting it away in her saddlebag, she looks around for anypony that could possibly help her. "hello? anypony that could help me?" as she watched the pony's pass by her. Finnally giving up with help she sits under a shady tree and pulls out her violin and starts playing.

  9. to me, a single bit is a single dollar, due to the fact in the one episode with Iron will, pinkie argues with the one mare over the tomato's and a silver bit? im guessing it stands for half a dollar, a copper bit must stand for a penny, (if silver and copper bits exist, im pretty sure that's how it would work) and the gems must be worthless...but in season three spiked used them for bartering, i guess that you CAN use gems, but there just not worth more, despite the fact Rarity uses raw ones for her fancy dresses...

  10. About Myself: my name is MidnightRose, my side hobbies are art, and sports, im moveing to ponyville from canterlot.

    How I found Canterlot.com: i follow the facebook page DerpyTheAlicorn soo...

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: watched one episode, fell in love with it.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    my cutie mark stands for music, i play the violin along side Octavia, i love all ponys, im friendly and protective, my getaway place is the canterlot labyrinth, so peaceful and quiet, anyway hello! :D

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