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Posts posted by Cloudflare

  1. About Myself: I was born near the city of Birmingham, A nice place when you think about it, Sure it IS the UK but you will get use to it.I have always been fascinated by space and astrophysics. I am always a gamer looking for a challenge. I play a lot of games from Halo to one of my all time favorites, TF2. I haven't done much with my life before I was a brony, just met some cool people and that is it.

    How I found Canterlot.com: I found this lovely place out by another user, decided it looked good and here I am now!

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I became a brony many of months ago, It all started from a video called "My little fortress 2" I really enjoyed the video and decided to give the show a try. It turned out that I liked the show for it's animation, Voice acting, script writing and it's Music! Then I watch all the episodes and loved each and every one of them :)

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Well here I am, It is nice to meet you all, Hope you enjoyed getting to know me, and I will be on my merry little way, Hope we cross paths again ^^

    PS: I had a post which was much more detailed then this...But I lost it...

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