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Posts posted by candysnow-09

  1. I'm CandySnow-09, but you can call me Candy. I'm quickly sinking into a pony obsession, and thoroughly enjoying it. As Christopher Walken might say, "I've got a fever, and the only cure is more Ponies!" :?

    I love to draw ponies and I do most of my art roughly by pencil and then do photoshop vectors over it. If you like it, please feel free to look me up on DeviantArt!

    My favorite ponies are Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash, though I also very much enjoy all the others. Equestria wouldn't be the same without them! :D

  2. :D This is AMAZING! You did a really good job with the drawing, and I love the story behind it. (Esp. because you address the astonishing lack of male ponies in Equestria- hehe!) You shouldn't feel embarassed at all! :( Be proud you did a fine job creating an awesome piece of work.
  3. lefthttp://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/217/0/e/golden_apple_by_candysnow_09-d45kfiz.jpg

    (The pretty little filly in High Hooves)


    (Golden Apple and her Beautiful Baskets Boutique!)

    Parents: Rarity and Braeburn :lol: :heart:

    Name: Golden Apple

    Sex: Filly

    Age: Filly (about the age of CMC). Young G.A. featured below; Grown G.A. featured above.

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: White like her mother’s.

    Mane/Tail: Gold/Blond, like her father’s.

    Eye Color: Green like Braeburn’s.

    Cutie Mark: Golden Apple’s cutie mark is a golden apple with a silver sparkle mark on it. She received it after an incident involving a batch of her father’s apples, a bag of glitter, and a bottle of (horse-free) glue.

    Motivation: Golden Apple loves to help her mother design fashion and to help her father plant and pick apples. She also loves to make new friends and LOVES showing new ponies around Ponyville (although sometimes these unsuspecting ponies find themselves overwhelmingly intimidated by her highly outgoing and enthusiastic personality). She also believes that everything in a pony’s life can be ‘pretty,’ right down to the food they eat, and that everypony should be able to enjoy beautiful things. She’s got an excellent sense for fashion but is not too proud to get her hooves dirty.

    Likes: Fashion, designing fruit baskets, picking apples, eating apples, decorating apples, giving guided tours, and occasionally just going for a random run through the woods.

    Dislikes: Bad fashion, bullies, snobs, wasted fruit, and spaghetti.

    Character Summary: Who could keep a refined lady like Rarity from falling for a charismatic, ruggedly handsome cowpony like Braeburn? After their whirlwind romance, they ended up having a sweet little filly. The filly was an elegant white unicorn like her mother, but had her father’s mane, tail, eyes, and enthusiasm for life. Having also inherited her mother’s taste for high fashion as well as her famous generosity, little Golden Apple quickly became a tiny treasure throughout Ponyville. Even as a newborn foal she enjoyed going to her mother’s boutique and helping her to design and sew beautiful garments for her dolls.

    To Rarity’s dismay, however, she was quick to discover that her precious daughter also had the Apple family’s apparent disregard for cleanliness. :wail: On many summer evenings she would often have Braeburn take their filthy daughter out behind the house and hose her down until every hint of dirt and mud from her day in the orchard was gone. Golden Apple didn’t understand why her mother had such an aversion to dirt, but as she grew she did come to appreciate the qualities of a well-groomed coat. Still, despite the strict lessons in etiquette and the art of refinement that her mother gave her, Golden Apple still maintains a nature that is really half refined, half wild.

    When she wasn’t at the boutique, Golden Apple was either helping her father on the Apple family farm or showing new ponies around Ponyville. Golden Apple was very friendly and could make friends with anypony, and was so proud of her hometown of Ponyville that, when showing her new friends around, she would sometimes speak so fast and be so animated in her enthusiasm that she ended up freaking them out more than anything.

    When she was about the age of the CMCs, Golden Apple was helping her mother at the Carousel Boutique. Her father had brought them a bushel of apples to snack on throughout the day. Golden Apple was just reaching for one of these favorite, juicy delights when she accidentally knocked over a container full of gold glitter. At first dismayed, the little filly was suddenly captivated by the look of the glittery apples. Collecting some of these sparkly sweets, along with another container of glitter and a bottle of glue, she snuck off into a closet and began covering the apples with glitter. That night, when dinner time came, Golden Apple showed her parents her ‘surprise’ and offered to let them eat the glittery apples. However, when she learned that she could no longer eat apples that were covered in glue and glitter, she grew very depressed. G.A had always loved the apples she and her family grew, and the thought of any one of those apples not being eaten made her very sad. And yet, here she herself had made some of her beloved apples uneatable. What was she to do?

    Dismayed by their daughter’s melancholy, Rarity suggested that they find some other way to make apples pretty while still keeping them edible. That night she and her daughter worked in the kitchen, cutting apples into pretty shapes before eating them. When bedtime came, the whole family was delighted to discover that Golden Apple’s cutie mark had appeared! Golden Apple’s special talent was making apples pretty.

    But what was poor little G.A. to do with such a strange purpose? She and her parents thought for weeks and weeks. How was she to support herself when she grew older if her talent couldn’t serve a function? No matter what they did, they couldn’t come up with a solution.

    Then, one day, the Mayor caught a bad cold. Rarity suggested that her daughter bring a basket of fruit to the Mayor as a ‘get well soon’ gift. Excited to be of help, Golden Apple set to work collecting all sorts of fruit from their home and farm to bring to the Mayor. As she put the basket together, she felt an odd inclination to decorate it as well. Racing back to her mother’s boutique, she borrowed some ribbons, silks, and a few jewels and used them to put together a beautiful display for the fruit. Skillfully arranging the fruit on top, she was just about to wrap the whole thing up in a sheer silk when her mother, whom had been curious about the supplies she was borrowing, walked in. Amazed at Golden Apple’s beautiful handiwork, she commended the happy little filly before sending her off with the gift.

    The Mayor of Ponyville was beyond delighted with the lovely fruit basket- in fact, once she was feeling better, she requested that the little pony put together a few more baskets for her to give to several friends as gifts. She offered to pay the very excited little pony, but Golden Apple was so happy just to feel she could use her special talent that she would have made the baskets for free. Over time, Golden Apple’s beautiful fruit baskets became a popular and much-loved gift throughout Ponyville, and eventually throughout all of Equestria. Golden Apple made her baskets at home and had her friend Derpy Hooves deliver them to her clients; however, as the orders began piling up, she realized that her tiny little kitchen wasn’t enough to keep up with the demand. She began saving money so that she could perhaps purchase a small shop of her own where she could continue to make and sell her beautiful baskets.

    It was around this time that Golden Apple helped her mother develop High Hooves (high heels for ponies), which became an instant smash hit in the fashion world. With this sudden spike in their income, Rarity and Braeburn helped their daughter purchase a little shop on the edge of town near Sweet Apple Acres, where she could receive fresh supplies of apples from her family’s farm to make her popular baskets. Her gift basket shop, called the Beautiful Baskets Boutique, became an instant success. Golden Apple was very happy running her business and using her special talent to make other ponies happy as well.


    For some reason a portion of the right side is gone... sorry, guess you can't see Rarity's tail...

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