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Posts posted by Saronyx

  1. Shimmer made an irritated face, following after the puddle, calling, "Twilight! Heads up! One of them got past me!"

    Velocity attempted to slow himself. Realizing this was a lost cause, he turned so his armored side would crash into the ground first. While it didn't save him completely from injury, the armor absorbed some of the shock. The stallion lay still for a few moments

  2. Velocity changed his angle, flying over the cloud and into the sky. Shimmer smiled, holding her ground, "I heard you the first time. But frankly, it's not me you need to worry about," As she said this, Velocity rocketed out of the sky, headed directly for Gadget, "My brother is easily worth two."

  3. As Velocity felt Gadget's hoof connect with his helmet, he compensated, rolling beneath and to the side of Gadget, taking a ready stance as Shimmer answered for them, "Sounds like fun." She said, smiling slightly. Velocity charged Gadget, a borderline sadistic look in his eyes. Shimmer stayed close to Twilight.

  4. Above them, a distorted warping sound appeared, followed by a pony shouting "No" repeatedly before falling to the ground. The pony, a unicorn, pushed themselves up, muttering, "I've got the actual teleporting down... It's just a matter of where I end up."

    (referring to the pony as ambiguously as I have not decided who it is just yet)

  5. Rune shrugs, hopping from one side to the other, "Well, I sorta know them. We've been acquainted."

    Turning his attention to Sweetie Belle, he waved a hoof, "Mhm! Well, hopefully, maybe. My uncle is up there right now actually. I think he's looking to buy a house or something, so that way he's closer to his publisher."

    He smiled and went to attention, giving his greeting salute to Scootaloo, "Nice to meet you! My name's Rune."

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