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Posts posted by Saronyx

  1. Sage had gotten her mirth under control and followed Spitfire when she beckoned. She set about checking on the wounded.

    Carmus gave the Raptor who'd radioed for the medical team a nod and a salute, looking to his side as he heard Drisk's gravely voice commanding his unnoccupied Griffins to search the ruins down below, and for yet more to fly out to all cities and towns effected by the conflict to count the casualties. A few flew off towards Canterlot, while others went to Cloudsdale, Ponyville and any other settlements that had been struck.


    Shimmer felt her grip on life slipping as Flashbomb worked to free her from the rubble. She was once more unable to speak as she watched in pained silence. Flash broke the rebar off, causing her to fall to the ground. She winced when she felt the steel being removed, coughing up more crimson, her breathing ragged. Shimmer very faintly felt herself being turned over by the scarred stallion, though she couldn't see what was happening as her vision clouded, along with the rest of the feeling in her body. It felt like she was falling asleep... A much needed sleep...

    A sudden burst of energy shot through her, shocking her back into the living world, if only barely. She turned her gaze to the side as she heard something fall. Through blurred vision, Shimmer saw Flash crawl towards her, pleading for her to pull through. The mare could only wince in response.

    Through her dulled senses, she heard another pony arrive. Shimmer judged by the faint outline that is was Time. She felt another feeling, quite like the one that had dulled her initial pains, surround her. It was magic, obviously. She felt the energy focus somewhere around her chest, though unable to feel exactly, she guessed it was around her heart, as it began to function properly shortly after.

    Shimmer closed her eyes as Time continued to heal her, lying still as feeling slowly began to return to her body. She heard another thump of a body hitting the ground, and she opened her eyes. Time was lying next to Flash, trying to say something, but unable to get it completely out. And was he... crying? The steel grey mare extended a hoof slowly towards them, smiling faintly.

    What seemed like an eternity later, though in reality was most likely only a minute or so, a Griffin landed next to them, looking at the trio through amber eyes. He waved a talon in the air, glancing behind him and shouting for the rest of his medical team to hurry up, before looking back down again and sighing slightly, [colour=#000000]"Well... Let's get started then.."[/colour]

  2. Oooh, Doctor Whooves roleplay! :D

    Onwards and Upwards! (I might kind of love you for that)

    Name: Denim

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Species: Unicorn

    Coat Colour: a dark denim blue (hence her name)

    Mane Colour: a bit of a triad of colour. It is a kind of pale blonde with silver overtones, and black undertones. If asked about it she will point out that it is in fact natural. (I actually know someone who's hair is naturally just like this.)

    Eye Colour: Varies. Technically they are hazel, but they tend to reflect the colour of what she is wearing, most commonly blue and green, but not limited to those. (My eyes actually do this.)

    General Appearance: She is an average height mare, with an inquisitive air about her, and her eyes almost always portray this. Her mane is fairly long, and a little wavy near the ends of it. She keeps it tucked behind her ear on one side, and on the other she keeps it held back with a brooch that varies in appearance with her mood when she woke up. Likewise she carries a pair of reading glasses with her everywhere, despite not entirely needing them, they do help her read. She wears a scarf near always (no, she's not a hipster or anything.) which, like her brooch, changes colours depending on her mood when she woke up. (And by changing appearance and colour, I mean she simply wears a different one, they're not mood sensing things)

    She has been described as a 'cute kind of nerdy' by her friends and family back home. Her physique has been deemed attractive by many.

    Her cutie mark is a circle made of elements (water turning to frost and leading into fire, which leads into lightning, which leads back into water. This circle is surrounded by air currents. This represents her affinity for elemental magic.

    In the center of it is a black-ish purple root system, which signifies her tendency to branch out into new schools of magic, such as conjuration and alteration.

    Personality: She is inquisitive, and questions things she does not understand quite often. Likewise, she enjoys learning new things and figuring things out, and is fairly academic, but works in the trades well. While she comes off as an innocent pony, she is far from it, whih can lead to some interesting situations. Despite her older brother usually being the one who defends her, she is able to hold her own in a fight.

    She is generally kind and sweet, with a fairly good sense of humor, and would rather avoid fighting. But if she is hurt, or somepony she cares for is hurt, she becomes a serious and swift judge.

    Crush/mate: She never really gave the idea much thought, though that could change as she gets further in life.

    History: Born in Manehatten as the middle child and only girl out of three foals. Her father is the Manehatten police chief and he mother is a journalist. She was a sweet filly, and was always inquisitive, but not nearly as academic. She discovered her skill for elemental magic at a young age when she 'accidentally' set her homework ablaze. She was homeschooled by her mother after this occurrence, and taught by her to control her magic, while her father taught her basic spells. She later took it upon herself to learn new magic on her own and actually became serious about we studies. She uses her elemental spells for multiple practical, everyday use things, such as keeping things cooled down with frost, or cooking meals with flame. When Denim was 16 she was accepted into the Manehatten University's Institute of Magic, one of the youngest to be accepted. While there she was no longer able to rely on her oldest brother for protection from those who would take advantage or try to hurt her, and she began to fight her own battles. It was easy for her, as Elemental magic like hers was originally intended for militant use. She graduated the Institute with flying colours, and later moved to Ponyville with her oldest brother, Amicus, who works as an all around musician, as well as his disk jockeying best friend he met while at the University's Institute of Music.

    If anything about her needs changed to better fit this, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll do my best to fix it.

  3. Alkaline stood, nodding to Flash when he glanced back at him.

    Jet-Stream groaned as he was turned over, fully utilizing the support that Flash gave him when standing. He chuckled slightly, "And still you managed to put a quite a hurting on me... Consider this final test, I suppose."

    [colour=#0000FF]" I need to find out what happened to Vel, I will be back soon."[/colour]

    Alkaline nodded, [colour=#cccccc]"I'll stick here with the Commander for now. We'll catch up to you."[/colour]


    Shimmer swam along the edges of sleep and wakefulness, her body slightly numbed from blood loss. She stared blankly at the steel bar protruding from her stomach. She faintly heard what she thought was Flash's voice calling for her. The steel grey mare tried to answer, but couldn't get the words out, nor could she even lift her head. What seemed like an eternity later, Flashbomb was down in the hole with her, yelling through his comm system that he'd located her, and to get help. She felt her head being lifted by him, and she gave him the same blank stare she'd been giving the metal strut stuck through her. She tried to speak again, but still, could not force the words out.

    Another came over. An Alicorn who looked like an older Cadence. Shimmer saw a pink aura envelope her, and the numbness slowly vanished. She felt a sharp pain in multiple points in her body for a split second before that to, began to go away. She sensed her vocal functions return, and slowly managed to say, [colour=#696969]"Flash... Velocity's... Gone."[/colour]


    Carmus was sitting a few feet from Spitfire when she awoke, facing towards Canterlot. He stood and turned to face her, smiling, when he heard her happily observe that the Elements had done their job. She smiled and nodded to him, [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#FFD700]"And thanks to your Headstrong Attitude we made it out alive.....Well most of us."[/colour]

    Carmus sensed she was thinking of Argon as she finished her sentence. He gave a small nod, [colour=#b22222]"He'll be remembered. I'll see to it he is honored correctly." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said, somberly.[/colour]

    The stallion looked back towards Canterlot for a few seconds before looking back towards Spitfire. In the amount of time he'd been looking away she had closed the distance between them. She kissed him once more, and after the second it took him to get over the initial surprise of the occurrence, he returned it.

    After she released the kiss, she smiled, [colour=#FFD700]"Thank you again Carmus.....I love you..."[/colour]

    Carmus returned the smile, and nuzzled her ear, [colour=#b22222]"And I love you..."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He heard a giggle come from Sagebrush's direction, which he assumed was accidental considering she cut it off halfway through. He still gave her a mock glare.[/colour]


    Shrike and Drisk had stopped their conversation and listened as Spitfire declared her plans for the former Academy grounds, to turn them into a memorial as Shrike had proposed, as did Sagebrush and the Griffins who were not inspecting the wounded. Shrike nodded solemnly, looking to Drisk, [colour=#40e0d0]"Think you guys could help us with that?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He asked.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The Arbiter nodded, [/colour][colour=#8b4513]"Of course." [/colour][colour=#000000]Was his simple answer.[/colour]

    They stopped talking at the sound of Sage cutting off a giggle that managed to pass her lips. Shrike was surprised by this, in the year that Sage had served as his team's medic she'd always been a rather reserved mare, even off duty. Sure, she'd laughed, but never giggle before. The Sergeant was even more surprised when he saw why she had done so, and he smiled slightly.

  4. Rune trotted towards Twilight's Library with an excited smile on his face. The young unicorn colt waved to Twilight as he stepped onto the threshold of her home, "Good morning Miss Twilight! I'm really happy you decided to do this!" He said.

    Rune passed her and saw Shady Daze and Scootaloo were already inside. He walked up to them, "Good to see you two here!" Rune chuckled slightly and smiled, "You seem really excited about this Scoots."

  5. This is what happens when I go a day with no Internet!

    Anyway, just saying that I'm here with Xukar (though th fact you trust me to show up enough to not need me to post here makes me happy)

    Also, if need be I can throw Rune in as a colt for the listening.

    Being the nephew of a Writer, whom he lives with half the time, and a history buff, I can easily see him being a large fan of the Daring Do books.

  6. (OOC: terribly sorry for my absence yesterday. I had typed out a reply by when I went to pos it i discovered my mother had cut off t data connection, so it didn't go through :/ anyway...)

    Alkaline landed alongside Flash, stumbling as he did and falling to the ground himself. He looked at the stunned boy of the Commander as he spoke, "Well... That could have gone better on our part," he coughs and winces, "But hey, at least now you'll have someone to compare scars with, eh?"


    Carmus smiled slightly, despite the situation, "Technically they're not," he glances up at an older, gruff looking griffon who was talking to Shrike, "Maybe Arbiter Drisk and I could work something out..."


    Shimmer kept up her distract and delay attack on Thunder Swift before he shoved her forcefully away, sending her crashing into the remains of a tower. She cried out as broken struts of steel and stone punched through her armor, stabbing into her back, not quite killing her, but injuring her greatly.

    The Raptors guarding the Elements fought back when Thunder Swift began to assault them. Despite a few of their number falling, they stood their ground until the sunbeam enveloped Twilight and her Friends, at upon that time they dispersed to a position a few feet away.


    And then came the wave of light, washing over them all.

  7. (That's fine)

    Alkaline was counting down silently as the battle between the two went on. He heard Flash ask for help but stayed until he reached one. As soon as he did he saw the electricity on Jet-Stream's blades flick out and the gems eject from the ports. Alkaline shot a series of bolts at the Commander, striking him before new gems were set in. Jet locked up and fell from before Flash. Alkaline tried to call out in triumph but winced as more pain shot through him. The Commander's armor was working slower, but still worked towards reloading his gems, "Now's your chance Flash!" Alkaline called out, "Take out the gems and he'll be vulnerable!"


    (Cue 'An End Once and For All', Mass Effect 3 soundtrack)

    Velocity could breath now, his one working lung slowly filling with blood. He maintained his smile, stumbling again as he lost all feeling to one leg, but still stood. He saw Shining Armor guard him with his life, and his subsequent swarming. He watched in resolute horror as the hordes launched themselves at him, only to be held back by a Raptor named Horizon and his charges. Rainbow shouted for him to hold the shield a little longer. He barely heard her, but obliged. Velocity's mask was practically screaming at him to stop, that his chance of survival was non existent.

    (Cue 'Arrival', Halo 4 Soundtrack)

    Veloctiy watched out of what vision he could, as his one eye was just a blur of red. Twilight and her friends began to charge the Elements, and Thunder Swft shouted something, probably telling his horde to stop them. He watched helplessly as the hordes of Shadowbolts flew towards them. It seemed all of this would be in vain after all...

    Velocity's comm crackled, and a voice came through, "Magister Squadron, reporting in! Sorry we're late!"

    More started to come through, "Scuto Squadron here, looks like you guys could use a hoof!"

    "Hastati Squadron! You guys look like ****."

    More voices flooded through as scores of Raptors appeared out of the sky, barreling directly into the Shadowbolts with Devistating effect. Scuto Squadron surrounded the Mane 6, setting themselves up as a living barrier of steel shield and electrified pikes.

    Hastati, Magister and countless others began to swarm out, engaging in skirmishes all around.

    (And now for 'Never Forget' Halo 3 Soundtrack)

    Velocity faltered, and his shield around Thunder Swift fell as the stallion fell heavily to one side, his helmet and mask being knocked from his head and rolling to one side. The Sentinel looked up at the sky, still smiling. He was unable to speak as his eyes slowly closed...


    Shimmer arrived as her brother fell. She gave a dismayed yell and dashed towards him, crying his name. Her cries fell upon dead ears. She looked up from her brother's body, glaring at Thuder Swift as the shield around him fell. She growled with anger, activating her mask's ability and slowing the world's movement around her as she shot directly into the dark stallion's side. Tears streaming from her eyes, she drove her blades into him before drawing them out and swooping before him, slashing his chest before flying above him as driving the blades into his back before her mask had to recharge. Whether she harmed Thunder or not, she didn't care. All she cared about was her brother being lost.


    Sage reached out for Whisper's hoof, but realized that if the mare stayed to help her, the chance of escape would be to slim. Instead of grabbing hold, she shoved Whisper back out of the hole and tumbled back into the free falling hallway which had begun to tumble. She righted herself partially, looking around. She could tell they were closer to the ground now. Sage sighed, her adrenaline fueled mind thinking quickly. Pulling out the satchel of breach charges and reaching inside, drew out a hoofull, which she threw before her. The charges set against the revolving walls and glistened before exploding, blowing the wing of the Academy in half. The combined concussive force of them all detonating around her dazed Sagebrush and she lost control of her flight and tumbled for the ground. She had closed her eyes, accepting her fate when she felt something grab hold of her. If definately wasn't a pony... It was a..., "Honesty, you ponies. What in Taterus were you thinking?" ... Griffin?

    Sage opened her eyes, looking at the female griffin who's talons were clutching her tightly be the collar of her armor. There were more griffins, all of whom were clutching Sage's companions. She sighed in relief, letting a few tears fall. The griffin holding her chuckled, "You're not out of frying pan just yet missy. The ponies on the summit aren't in the best state.


    Carmus gave Spitfire a sad look, placing his forehead against hers and giving a shuddering sigh, obviously holding back his emotion, "Don't worry... It's going to be alright.. You'll be fine..."

    As he said this, a group of griffins landed around them. A few were carrying the survivors of the Academy. One set Sagebrush down, as she instantly ran for Spitfire, skidding into a kneeling position and pulling her supplies out, "What happened?!"

    Carmus was pleased to see her, "She had a piece of steel impaling her leg, and it was coated with sun essence. The infection's spreading..."

    Sage sighed, pulling her dark brown mane back and tying it off in a ponytail, "Alright.. Let's get started..."

    One of the griffins, obviously also a medic, landed alongside them and began to give his assistance.

  8. What do I do when I can't pick a pre-existing OC for something? Why, I create a new one of course! But then I realize I don't need to, because I already have a character that would work fine for this!

    His name is Xukar. And if the name didn't give it away, he's a Zebra.

    He is a very solid and powerfully built individual, standing a few hands (measurements used for equines in the real world. One foot=three hands) higher than the average pony/zebra, but is a gentle giant unless provoked, in which case he becomes a living wrecking-ball (He's kind of like Fezzik from 'Princess Bride', only with a higher IQ overall). He, like most Zerbas from the homeland, has a vast knowledge of flora and fauna, and can mix brews and remedies. While he speaks with an accent like Zecora's, he rarely speaks in rhyme.

    Despite his build, he is fairly quick, but less agile than the average zebra, relying more on powering through an obstacle rather than finding a way around it.

    If anything about him needs changed, just let me know!

  9. (OOC: Starting today and going into Sunday, I will most likely be very slow in replying, if I can get on at all, as the only method I'll have is on my phone, and I'm going somewhere where I may not have the best cell service. Just a heads up)

    Velocity winced with each strike Thunder applied to the shield. Surface wounds began to open up over his body, and his breathing was heavily labored.

    The Sentinel watched Thunder striking the barrier through red tinted vision, stumbling slightly as his muscles began to tear. He managed to keep standing despite this, watching as Rainbow and the other Element bearers began to arrive, racing down to stand with Twilight. Velocity gave a bitter-sweet smile, [colour=#daa520]"I'm giving you guys a chance here... don't waste it..."[/colour]

    He whispered to himself. The shield faltered ever so slightly.


    Carmus smiled slightly, and Shrike nodded, [colour=#b22222]"And if only we'd met under better circumstances."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He stepped to her side when she tried to stand but was prevented by her wound. Carmus examined it, biting his cheek. It was bad, and getting worse.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Shrike sighed, stepping over to the edge and extending his wings, [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"I'm going to go search for Sage. We could all use a doctor."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He stumbled in his take off, his concussion getting the better of him. Shrike landed heavily, grunting as he hit the ground. Carmus gave him a concerned look, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"You're in no condition to fly Sergeant."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Shrike gave him a look that easily read, 'You don't say?'. A streak of brown flashed past him, heading downwards. He whipped his head around at the noise, but was struck by vertigo as he did and flopped on his side, groaning.[/colour]


    [colour=#282828]Sage to save her. She smiled and winced at her injuries. She flapped her wings and paicked Rocket up the best she could. The building cried out one more time and Let go. the building went into freefall.[/colour]

    Sagebrush breathed a curse as the floor dropped from beneath her. She leveled out mid air, and began to push Rocket and Whisper towards the hole she'd burned through the wall.


    [colour=#282828]Flashbomb Flew at high speeds, His mask beeped at him that His reserves were gone and that it needed to recharge. He didnt care and continued on, he felt a small twinge of pain in his body that started to grow as he pushed on. He Flew passed ponyville and flew faster and faster. He Neared Canterlot, smoke rose from the once proud City, He didnt see anypony. He Shot forward more and now His mouth dripped some Crimson. He Saw 2 ponies and a slight explosion. They were in battle and he identified them as Alkaline and Jet-Stream, His mask flashed and scanned them both. Jet was Corrupted, that would explain the fight. He Growled and Shot forward to join in the battle. He activated his Arm and blasted a couple shots at Jet stream. He then Readied his blade to slash at him.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Alkaline kept himself aloft, bleeding from multiple wounds from Jet-Stream's blades. The Commander dashed forward, blades poised to take Alkaline's head off when Flashbomb's blaster shots struck him, knocking him off course. The blades scored shallow cuts across Alkaline's neck as Jet tumbled past him. Luckily, his energy gems didn't protect him from Flash's shots. He twisted as he fell, righting himself and rocketing towards Flashbomb as he slashed at him. He brought his blades up to block the strike, and readied himself to kick Flash in the gut when Alkaline kicked him forcibly in the ribs, utilizing the momentum he had built up to add extra force behind it. Jet-Stream was knocked to the side, back into a nearby building. Alkaline panted, bleeding heavily from the stab wounds in his stomach and from multiple others. He saluted Flashbomb partially, [/colour][colour=#cccccc]"Good to see you up and running. I could really use a hoof here, as much as I hate to admit it." [/colour][colour=#000000]He winces and coughs, wiping his mouth partially off before continuing, [/colour][colour=#cccccc] "My rifle does nothing to him, his power source is the same as mine, so I can't hurt him with my weapon. While Jet's blades are charged with the same energy as every mine, he has plenty of force behind them, add to that his knowledge of the Raptor armor's weak spots, considering he and his brother designed the blasted stuff, and he can wreck just about any of us."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Jet-Stream pulled himself up, shaking off the rubble and dust from the wall, ignoring the pain of his wounds inflicted by his opponents, and rocketing back out, straight for Flashbomb.[/colour]

  10. "It's alright," she smiles, "Pleasure meeting you two."

    She raises an eyebrow when she sees him looking beyond her head, then realizes he's looking at her cutie mark, and asks what kind of magic she is good at. Denim perks up slightly, "Oh! Primarily Elemental based magic, that's what the circle of elements represents. The root system thingy I think means I can branch out into other schools of magic, but I'm not entirely sure..."

    Her eyes widen in astonishment, "Tearing holes into the fabric of reality and stepping into another universe? I just might need a demonstration of that sometime! I've never heard of anypony being able to do that before!"

  11. Denim squeaked slightly in surprise at the sound of a stallion's voice, wheeling around to face the source. She smiled somewhat uncomfortably, blushing somewhat in embarrassment, "Sorry about that," she clears her throat and gets her face under control, and gave him an actual smile, "Yes, I'm brand new here. My name's Denim! And this," she gestures to the ferret floating beside her, "Is is Nico."

    She sets Nico back on her neck, which the ferret wraps herself halfway around and looks about the room. Denim tilts her head slightly, "I'm assuming you're new to? What's your name?"

  12. Velocity grunted as he crouched, charging the magical power remaining in his mask to generate a massive force field around Thunder Swift, keeping the blasts of dark magic at bay. Velocity's mask read that the power reserves were depleted, and the shield began to crack. He gritted his teeth, [colour=#DAA520]"No.. Keep the shield running."[/colour]

    He said. The HUD blinked at him a few times, as if considering this, before a message popped up, "Are you sure? Maintaining the unique magical properties of this mask after reserves are depleted will cause it to seek out additional power."

    [colour=#DAA520]"I understand... Just.. Do it."[/colour]

    "... ... Acknowledged. Seeking additional power source... ... Additional power source detected."

    Velocity coughed, stumbling slightly as the mask began to drain his life force to power the shield. His vision blurred, and he could feel his insides screaming at him to stop. Even the corruption was silenced by the pain, for a while.

    [colour=#800000]"What are you doing you fool?! You'll die if you keep this up!!"[/colour]

    [colour=#DAA520]"I know... What was it you said to me... About being the stronger side of me? This is something that you could never do... Lay down you're life *cough* for you friends...[/colour]"

    [colour=#000000]Velocity maintained the force field around Thunder Swift, despite the warnings the HUD was flashing before him, warnings about internal bleeding, lung failure and damage to other organs.[/colour]

    (OOC: Dabom, feel free to dictate Velocity's shield falling whenever Thunder's onslaught passes, I can continue his actions from there..)


    [colour=#B22222]"It was the least we could do."[/colour]

    [colour=#40E0D0]"Same here...[/colour]"

    [colour=#000000]Carmus and Shrike turned their gaze towards Canterlot as well, Carmus whispering a blessing towards those caught in the city and he stepped over himself. He could faintly see the glow from a a goldenrod orb within, which he recognized as his brother's shield, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"Aut Vincere mori Conature..."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Shrike turned around and peered over the edge once more for any sign of Sage.[/colour]


    Sage cursed as the building lurched, kicking the wall even harder, shouting with frustration. She looked at Whisper with a distressed look, speaking partially to herself, [colour=#006400]"I am terribly sorry for suggesting this... but if this starts to fall, I may have to amputate the wing to get you out of here."[/colour]


    Alkaline flew over to a large display case that had fallen on it's front. He gave it a solid thump with his forehoof, shattering the oak wood backing, and peered inside. Sure enough, there were the Elements, the necklaces arranged in a circle around the tiara. He scooped all of them into his saddle bag and trotted for the door, stepping out onto the balcony and lifting himself into the air. As Alkaline made his way down towards the ponies below him, he was t-boned by another pony, knocking him out of the air and into the adjacent building with a crash. He kicked his assailant off of him and stood, aiming his rifle at them. Just before he fired, he recognized the pony. It was Jet-Stream, once more fully under full control of darkness.

    The Commander charged for him once more, and Alkaline dashed into the air, breaking through a skylight and suffering a few deep lacerations on his now exposed face, his helmet having been knocked off when Jet struck him. He twisted in the air, firing a volley down into the building. Despite most of the bolts striking true, they didn't effect the Raptor Commander, his armor still being powered by the very same energy. Before Alkaline was able to dodge, Jet-Stream struck him again, driving blades identical to Shimmer's through the underbelly of Alkaline's armor. The Barrager coughed crimson and cried out in pain, kicking his commander square in the face, causing the blades to dislodge and the Pegasus to fall, slightly dazed.

    Alkaline took the opportunity to descend, landing somewhat heavily before Rainbow and the others, grunting in pain as he did. He tore his saddlebag holding the Elements off, tossing them to Rainbow, [colour=#cccccc]"Take them! Get to Twilight! End this!" [/colour]

    He winced, coughing once more and looking up. Jet-Stream was peering down at them, poised for a dive bomb, his armor crackling slightly as he charged a stun-wave. Alkaline grunted, spreading his wings and crouching, [colour=#cccccc]"Go! I'll keep him occupied!"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He lifted off at the same time the Commander dropped, the two of them colliding mid air with a shockwave of magical energy spreading out above the Element bearers. [/colour]

  13. "Oooh, well this is fancy!" Denim says as she steps through, taking the interior in with a single panoramic sweep, "Very rustic."

    She glanced around at the groups of socializing unicorns, noticing the stallion who'd been taking the invitation letters stepping over to the two who'd come in before her. Denim shrugged, floating the ferret around to face her, "Well, Nico, we've got a half an hour before everything really starts up, what do you say we meet our classmates?"

    Nico simply stared blankly back at her for a few seconds before yawning widely, revealing rows of sharp teeth, before just looking at her again. Denim made a small squeeing noise, nuzzling the tube shaped creature, "You are just so cute! I knew getting a ferret was a good idea!"

    She glanced around again, before making her way over to the others, but not quite standing with them, or joining in the conversation. She was the type of pony who was friendly, but really unless you approached her and initiated conversation, chances of her talking to you were slim.

    (OOC: Denim's ferret, Nico, is actually based off my own ferret of the same name, so the behaviors will be partially based off her to. Expect many things to go missing.)

  14. Seems like this could be interesting :D

    I have no idea what OC I'd use, considering my plethora of them, but I'll think of something! At some point. Probably...

    But yeah. If I was to have a foal I'd probably have Rune, considering he's the only foal character I have so far.

  15. Velocity grunts as Twilight's shot missed him, dodging pieces of the broken structure as they came raining down. He wheeled about to face the combat zone once more, only to be struck head on by the charging Twilight, who began to beat him. His mask read the physical damages being inflicted upon him as the screen distorted with every hit, [colour=#800000]"SEE?!" [/colour][colour=#000000]the corruption shouted at him, [/colour][colour=#800000]"She's trying to kill you! Even after you devoted your life to protecting hers! Is this the sort of pony you wish to serve?!"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]If Velocity could, he would have bucked the corruption in the face before it was finished speaking. He watched through blood tinted vision as Shining pulled Twilight off of him, her attempting to kill him again, and subsequently her coming to her sense.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]What was once Thunder Swift berated her, then began to proposition Luna once more. Velocity forced himself to stand, despite the pain lancing throughout his body. He crouched, erecting a small force field around Luna before she could respond, and sent a wall of the energy directly at the dark being before her, [/colour][colour=#daa520]"Leave.Her.Alone! Leave all of them ALONE!!"[/colour][colour=#000000] He shouted.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000](And in my next post, mortem! Hopefully.) [/colour]


    Carmus and Shrike exchanged looks, before Shrike nodded slightly, [colour=#40E0D0]"Yeah... I suppose you're right," [/colour][colour=#000000]he gives a slight huff[/colour][colour=#40E0D0], "'Greater love has no other than this, than he who would lay down his life for his friends.'" [/colour][colour=#000000]He says silently to himself.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Carmus looks back down over the edge, [/colour][colour=#B22222]"Just wish there was more we could have done. Sage hasn't made it out yet, so for all we know she's dead to."[/colour]

    [colour=#40E0D0]"No she's not," [/colour][colour=#000000]Shrike says, smiling slightly, [/colour][colour=#40E0D0]"That mare's stronger than she looks. Just you wait, she'll be outta there soon."[/colour]


    Sage looks down as Rocket goes to Whisper, [colour=#006400]"Oh thank Celestia..."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She looks to Breeze, passing the pony she was carrying to her, [/colour][colour=#006400]"Can you take him? Get him to the top of the mountain!"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Giving Breeze a pleading look, Sage dashes back into the building and down to Rocket and Whisper. She inspects Whisper's trapped wing briefly before try to force the rubble trapping it up, with little success. She grunts,, [/colour][colour=#006400]"I don't have any more charge left... I can't burn this,"[/colour][colour=#000000] she looks at the blade attached to her foreleg armor, [/colour][colour=#006400]"I could amputate the wing... but I can't do that to her. Not after all she's been through."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Sagebrush steps away from the rubble for a bit, before kicking in solidly, attempting to crack it enough to free Whisper's wing.[/colour]

    (You are far kinder to your characters than me :razz: )


    Alkaline saluted, [colour=#CCCCCC]"Got it! " [/colour][colour=#000000]He took off for the tower, landing on the balcony and nudging the door open. He steps inside, glancing around, and begins his search.[/colour]

  16. Carmus held her close, kissing her forehead gently and letting her cry into him, "You shouldn't blame yourself, Spitfire."

    "If anything, blame me." Carmus looked over at Shrike, who had walked silently over to them and laid down, looking out at the horizon, still slightly dazed from his concussion, "I was the one he chose to save. If I hadn't gotten myself knocked out, he wouldn't've had to."

    Shrike looked behind him, "After this has all blown over, I say we leave this place barren, build a memorial to those we've lost."


    "PINKIE PIE!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Alkaline shouted above the uproar of the battle. He growled in frustration, dodging yet another chunk of what was once a building as it came crashing down from above, "The fate of Equestria rests on you and the Elements! This is no time for games!"


    Sage finished burning through the wall, letting out the breath she hasn't realized she was holding slowly. She turned back to the remaining Pegasi, gesturing with her head, "Come on... Let's get out of here!" She felt the hallway lurch again and she grasped the pony nearest to her, "Come on! Quickly!"


    Velocity's eyes widened as he saw Twilight begin to attack her allies. He would have brought up a shield had the corruption not kept him from doing so. Twilight blasted him with her magic, and flung him aside like nothing. He hit a wall with a metallic clang and a sickening crunch. Velocity bounced off the ground, struggling to push himself up. His armor took the main brunt of the trauma from both attacks, but his left wing was shattered beyond use. Velocity watched Twilight's onslaught through blurred vision as the corruption began to speak again, laughing slightly, "Well, well, look at that! You stayed loyal to her and what does she do? She tries to kill you, and her brother and Everypony else she called 'friend'! Joining us doesn't sound half bad now, does it?"

    "I thought I told you to shut up!" Velocity shouted at it, grunting as pain from his shattered wing lances through his body.

  17. Shimmer cursed as Sundial barreled into Time. She flew over to them, placing a hoof on Sundial, [colour=#808080]"What's the meaning of this?! I thought you were on our side, Sundial!"[/colour]


    Velocity and the Raptors came onto the scene as Thunder Swift began to barrage Luna and Chrysalis. Despite some confusion on who the new Alicorn(Chrysalis) was, the Raptors made their way slowly towards the conflict. Velocity stayed where he was, the corruption that had nested inside him vying for control once again, [colour=#800000]"Come now Velocity... We both know how all this is going to end. You'll want to be on the winning side of all this, just give me control, and we'll get out of here..."[/colour]

    [colour=#DAA520]"Would you just shut up?! I would die before I gave you control!"[/colour]

    [colour=#800000]"We will see about that, Sentinel."[/colour]



    Shrike watched the realization spread across Spitfire's face before she turned towards the edge, [colour=#40e0d0]"But.. he.." [/colour][colour=#000000]He fell silent for a few seconds, [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Should've gotten himself out."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He looked to Carmus, who placed his good hoof on Shrike's shoulder for a second before walking over to stand by Spitfire, extending one wing over her shoulders, but saying nothing.[/colour]

    Shrike pushed himself up, staring off at Canterlot and sighing, [colour=#40e0d0]"I'll drink a few for you Doc. It's the most I can do now.."[/colour]


    Sage watched in silent horror as the wall came crashing down on Whisper, and continued its path. She stared at where the mare had once stood silently for a few seconds before charging her armor and stepping towards the wall, speaking to herself, [colour=#006400]"There'll be time for tears later... We've lost far to many today, and I'm not going to lose anymore."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She began to force her way through.[/colour]

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