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Posts posted by Saronyx

  1. Denim stopped when Arc stepped in front of her, and nodded, levitating the letter to him, "Right here in fact." She said with a friendly smile.

    The ferret on Denim's head attempted to leap off as she nodded, but was caught by her magic halfway through the air. She waved her legs as if running, seeming to think that it would take her closer to the ground, but was only met with disappointment.

  2. (OOC: Sounds good. And great Scott, it's almost scary how well my mental scenario for Velocity's end could Segway into this... Hmmm)

    Shimmer stopped as they entered Canterlot, shielding her eyes from the light of the blasts of magical energy that erupted from Thunder Swift and Twilight's fury. She landed, along with the ready of squad, and turned to them, "Everypony... This may very well be our end," She glances around the assorted group of Raptors, SERS and otherwise, "I haven't know some of you very long, and some of you not as much as I should like," her gaze lingers on Time for a few seconds before moving on, "But we must not let this deter us. We are here for one simple reason: the safety, and protection of Equestria!"

    She lifts hersed back into the air, her voice raising slightly, amplified by the mask, "We are soldiers! Protectors! The end may very well be upon us, and we will face it without fear, without hesitation! We stand strong! Stand together!"

    Velocity looked up at his sister with what could only be described as utter pride, he smiled and led the Raptors as they charged past her.


    Alkaline nodded, "Understood! Soarin', let's go!"


    Carmus smiled lightly at Spitfire's remark, "Being commended for insubordinate behavior... That's new."

    Shrike hit the ground in a disgraceful heap. It was mildly amusing, to say the least. Spitfire seemed like she was going to ask speak to him, but noticed he was unconscious. Then she heard him whisper to himself, and rounded her gaze towards him, stating it wasn't his fault, but those who attacks the Academy in the firs place. She lifted his head by putting a hoof under his chin, looking him dead in the eyes, calling him a hero. Carmus had been about to refute her statements, but before he could get the words out of his mouth, she kissed him, and thanked him once more before trotting over to Shrike. Carmus was taken aback slightly by the serendipitous occurrence. He smiled, chuckling quietly as he stood, speaking partially to himself and to her, "I don't deserve you, that much is certain. But that just makes it all the more valuable."

    He stepped over to Spitefire and Shrike, his left foreleg felt heavier, and he remembered the melding of the steel to his flesh. Putting his thoughts aside, he fished a syringe of epinephrine from his saddlebag, jabbing it into the turquoise stallion's withers. Shrike came to a few seconds later, coughing slightly as his motor functions and consciousness returned. He shook his head, but regretted it instantly, as he began to retch. He wiped his mouth, hoofing his helmet his head. There was blood inside it, "Well, that's a concussion..." He says.

    He looks over at Spitefire and Carmus as Spitefire asks where Argon is. Shrike narrows his eyes, "He's not out here with you guys...? Last thing I remember was him saying I owed him a drink for Saving my tail before I started burning through the wall..."


    Sagebrush followed Whisper and Breeze, taking another deep breath to herself calm, "Don't worry about a thing Sage... You're just usijg an armor ability you didn't previously know existed... that was invented just a few minutes ago by Carmus. Hay, what are you saying? It was developed by the Captain. His families been in this business 50 generations, it's bound to work.""

    Despite her worries, she still managed to sound collected, "Everypony, step lightly. We don't want to dislodge this place before we get out..."

  3. Denim continued to trot at a brisk pace the home she'd shared with her brother and his disk jockey friend from the Institute of Music. She was a few blocks from the waygate before she stopped, glancing around her, she saw plenty other unicorns, all with varying levels of excitement. She smiled slightly, "I think I was right to choose yellow this morning, happy atmospheres makes for a happy Denim."

    She levitates the letter in front of her and pulls the glasses over her eyes, skimming over the paper, "Would like to extend an invitation, blah blah, affinity in the fields of Destruction and combatant magics... OK that's somewhat of a blanket statement, I don't just use it for combat... Oh, wait, they addressed that."

    Denim sighs slightly, returning the glasses to their place on her forehead, "I'm going to hope they don't require me to supply those myself.. I could always try to conjure them... Hmm."

    She shakes her head and continues on her way. Aquiring a pet hadn't really crossed her mind before. Her home in Manehatten hand't really been the best place for them, and Amicus' friend never seemed much like the type of mare to keep an animal around the house, "Ferrets are pretty cute, and they're small," She thought out loud, "Troublesome, but easy enough to deal with, especially with magic on your side."

    With a new objective, and a smile on her face, Denim trotted on. One stop later, she was back on her way towards the waygate, a few bits shorter. The ferret she'd purchased, a cinnamon accented silvery grey female, poked its head from between Denim's ears, held partially in place by her magic. She had been given a pouch in which to carry the ferret, whom she'd decided to name Nico, but decided not use it just yet. Spying a few more unicorns approaching the waygate, she slowed her pace to a simple walk. There was a black coated stallion standing by the gate, demanding to see the acceptance letters. Denim made sure she had hers before she got much closer.

  4. I have decided to edit Denim slightly:

    She doesn't live in Manehatten with he parents, rather she's lived in Ponyville with her eldest brother, Amicus, for the last year or so.

    Also, her cutie mark has changed slightly: A circle made out of four 'elements' (water turning to frost, leading into electricity, leading into fire, leading back into the water, surrounded by swirling air currents) with something like a purplish-black root system in the center. The circle of elements represents her affinity for any elemental based spells. The root system represents her branching out into other fields of magic.

  5. "Ooooh sister of miiine!" Amicus called out in a melodious tone, trotting through the entrance way to the room containing his sister, who was levitating a book in front of her face, laying on the couch on her back.

    Denim glanced at him out d the corner of her eye, "What?"

    Amicus huffed sarcastically, trotting over to her and pushing the book out of her field of vision with his hoof, instead levitating a letter before her, "Look what came for you today."

    Denim's eyes widened slightly and she sat up, tacking the letter in her own magical aura, "Seriously?! I've been invited to attend Frotrox?!"

    Amicus nodded, smiling, "Yup! A waygate's opened up here in town, and you were among those invited," Amicus gestured towards the door with his horn, "I'd suggest getting yourself ready before the gate closes up."

    Denim hopped off the couch, gathering anything she deemed necessary together, keeping the excitement inside her from bursting forth. She cantered towards the exit of Amicus' home, giving him a quick hug before trotting quickly out of the door.

  6. Carmus smiled in satisfaction as Shrike burned through the wall, nodding in silent agreement with Spitfire's amazement. Everything was going perfectly... And then it didn't. The main hall broke off, going into free fall, the floor slamming into Carmus, causing him lose his grip on Spitfire and sending him into a stunned daze. He saw the cloud rebar nearing him, but was unable to command his wings to move. He closed his eyes, accepting the fate. But instead of the quick pain of impalement, he felt the presence of another body hit him, pulling him along. He opened his eyes as quickly as he could, deducing by the fiery mane and yellow body that it was Spitfire who caught him. He saw Shrike fall past them, followed by Argon flying for the Sergeant through blurred vision. Spitfire rocketed forward, towards the exit created by Shrike, shouting, [colour=#FFD700]"HOLD ON TIGHT CARMUS!"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]By a mix of sheer luck, and the skills of the Wonderbolt Captain, they made it out of the hole. Despite being struck by a bit of rubble, Spitfire flew on to the ground, setting down and laying Carmus down. He coughed slightly as his senses began to return, and he sat up, smiling partially at the mare, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"I suppose we're even on saving each other's lives now."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He winced as he pushed himself into a sitting position, looking at the ground, whispering to himself, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"T[/colour][colour=#b22222]his is my fault..."[/colour]


    Shrike, who was taken by surprise as the last of the Academy began to fall, fell back into the building, unable to stop his fall before he struck his head and rest of his body on debris. He had been rendered unconscious by the repeated blows to his head, his armor keeping him alive. He was unaware of Argon's catching him, and inevitably sacrificing himself to save him. Shrike hit the ground outside of the Academy after Argon threw him, skidding across it slightly before coming to rest, still unaware of the events of the past minute.


    Sagebrush inhaled deeply, and let her breath out slowly to keep herself calm, [colour=#006400]"There is a small chance it has gone up in smoke." [/colour][colour=#000000]she said slowly before explaining to the group what she'd overheard Carmus explaining to Shrike, [/colour][colour=#006400]"I could attempt to do this myself, but I would risk dislodging this section even faster than it would naturally... To be completely honest, I'm at a loss, and I am truly sorry for it."[/colour]

    (OOC: I have a small idea of how to get them out, but I can't come up with a reasonable explanation for it happening, as it involves Velocity's intervention, but he had been on the way to Canterlot before hand.)


    Alkaline gestured with his head towards the sounds of most of the combat, [colour=#cccccc]"I'd assume over there. We will have to be careful though..."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000](OOC: I feel I should comment with Shimmer and them, but I can't come up with anything D:[/colour] [colour=#000000])[/colour]

  7. Carmus gave a slightly amused smile at the sight of Shrike dangling by his tail from Argon's mouth, waving his legs around in an attempt to get the stallion to drop him.

    [colour=#FFD700]"Yes this does but one more charge might doom us....its a 60 40 chance and its quite against us i would say. Like our chances were any good to start with but what the hay." [/colour][colour=#000000]Spitfire responded to Carmus' musings[/colour]

    She continued to aid him in dodging the objects by kicking off the walls, commenting wryly, [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#FFD700]"Carmus, I know this is romantic and all, about to be crushed to death and all, but could we please get out of here?"[/colour]

    Argon added his own input with, [colour=#008000]"We nee to ge out of ere!" [/colour]before finally releasing the frustrated Sergeant and pulling him out of the way of debris, stating he owed him a drink for that, [colour=#40e0d0]"Yeah, sure, you can drink till you drop so long as you don't drag me again!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Shrike shouted, flicking his tail slightly[/colour].

    [colour=#000000]Carmus nodded slightly at their comments, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"Hey, it's how my parents met," [/colour][colour=#000000]He says, somewhat distractedly,[/colour][colour=#b22222] "But they made it out of... Wait a minute, Shrike!! How many Energy charges do you have left?! I think I know how we're getting out of here!"[/colour]

    [colour=#40E0D0]"I have more than I probably need, why?"[/colour]

    [colour=#B22222]"I need you to use all of them at once-"[/colour]

    [colour=#40E0D0]"WHAT?! Carmus, I know you're a little crazy, but that's just ridiculous!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Shrike yelled to him.[/colour]

    [colour=#B22222]"It will work! Trust me on this. If you focus all the power from them into your armor, you can burn a decent sized hole through any wall you touch, that's how I got Spitfire out." [/colour][colour=#000000]Carmus said in a very calm tone.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Shrike nodded slowly, figuring out what he was getting at, [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"Overcharge my armor, fly ahead of the rest of you and bust through the wall at the end of this place?"[/colour]

    [colour=#B22222]"Exactly what I'm saying!"[/colour]

    [colour=#40E0D0]"This'd better work Carmus..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Shrike sighed and began to lead them towards the back wall, charging his armor just as Carmus had, flying directly for the wall.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Carmus followed him, still holding Spitfire against his chest, whispering to himself that this was going to work, it had to work.[/colour]


    Sage assisted Whisper in supporting Lusk, smiling wryly at Rocket and nodding to the other mare[colour=#006400], "Pleasure meeting all of you, but as much as I'd like to talk, I'd prefer to do it outside where we don't have to worry about getting crushed."[/colour]

    She heard Carmus voice come through the comms, explaining something to Shrike, [colour=#B22222]"It will work! Trust me on this. If you focus all the power from them into your armor, you can burn a decent sized hole through any wall you touch, that's how I got Spitfire out.[/colour]"

    [colour=#000000]He was probably unaware that his comm was turned on, but that didn't matter. Sagebrush smiled slightly, [/colour][colour=#006400]"Just might have a new escape route..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said quietly to herself.[/colour]


    Alkaline winced as Shining Armor's message blasted through his comm, [colour=#cccccc]"Yeah... I was supposed to take you to Canterlot. They'[/colour][colour=#CCCCCC]re in a tight spot and they kind of need the Elements. I'd nearly forgotten."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He began to fly for the capitol city, [/colour][colour=#cccccc]"I don't want to leave them any more than you do, but we have to. Lets go!"[/colour]

  8. Carmus blinked hard, his mind actively racing to think of a way out. He felt Spitfire kick off the wall and opened his eyes as the barrel went rolling past. He nodded in agreement, "Yeah..."

    He looked towards the end of the hall, and began formulating a plan once more as he made his way towards it, "Spitfire... The wall at the end of this hall leads directly outside, correct? If we were to stick a breaching charge onto it, or at least let it detonate near it, we should be able to bust through and get out of here..." He sighed slightly, "I'm hesitant on using those again, though I probably won't matter much anymore," He gave a short chuckle, a sadness evident behind it, "I've caused this much damage already."

    Carmus dodged as another offending object went falling past them. They were quickly running out of options.


    Shrike was about to give a snarky reply to Argon when the vent gave way and they fell out, Shrike ending up on top of the Doctor, who promptly shoved him off and stood. Shrike hovered as he was pushed off, glancing around him. He had been about to make a comment about leaving when Argon grabbed him by his tale and dragged him along as he flew towards the exit. Shrike shouted, "Hey, Doc! I can fly myself--! Ah forget it.."


    Sagebrush followed Whisper closely a she led the way towards her trapped friends. She stopped at a door, saying they were just beyond it. Whisper tried the door, but it wouldn't move. Whisper asked Sage for help, and she quickly obliged, pushing her gently aside and turning her hind legs towards the door, giving it two solid bucks, causing it to crack down the center. For a mare of Sage's slim figure, she was deceptively strong. The Trottish mare beckoned towards the door, "There you are, one less door to worry about."


    Alkaline lifted himself into the air and flew towards the Academy slightly. He didn't feel awkward standing around with the romantic implications between the two behind him... Ok, maybe a little, but whatever. He wanted desperately to fly in and try and help the rest of them out, but it was undoable. He couldn't risk distracting them by contacting them, and without doing that he didn't know where they were. He gave a frustrated sigh.

  9. Carmus smiled slightly, but kept facing forward, [colour=#b22222]"Promised you I would... I'm not letting you die here." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said slowly[/colour].

    He stayed airborne as the hallway began tilting. Carmus glanced around him, then at the pouch with the breaching charges, then at the ceiling, before looking where he was going, formulating a plan to himself, [colour=#b22222]"We should be right below the roof of the building... If we can break through it, we'd be free. But is blasting through it worth the risk?" [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He sighed slightly, dodging a piece of rubble as if fell. He wrapped his forelegs around Spitfire a little tighter, making sure she was still secure as he continued to speak with himself, partially unaware that it is out-loud, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"If I can find a window, I could probably break through it without much damage to her if I use my back as the battering ram... Or if I hit the oncoming wall with enough force, should have the same effect."[/colour]

    Carmus began to fly for the back wall of the hallway, keeping his calm and determined expression as his eyes continued to search for an easy escape route.


    [colour=#40e0d0]"I'm wearing armor, I'm already in a can!"[/colour][colour=#000000] Shrike shot as he crawled forward at an increased rate of speed.[/colour]


    Sagebrush took a second to run over their options before nodding with a slightly smile, [colour=#006400]"First thing they teach you in Medical Training: If you have the option to save somepony, never leave it. Lead the way."[/colour]


    Alkaline bit his cheek. It was the Shadowbolts that had sent the Academy to its last legs, but it was his Captain that had sent it into its death throws. He figured Carmus had accepted this, and would take anything Rainbow gave him in stoic silence, [colour=#cccccc]"That's just Sentinel Honor I suppose."[/colour]

    Alkaline thought to himself, watching the Academy.

  10. Carmus sighed, calming himself as he inspected the rubble, calling back to her, [colour=#b22222]"I know... And I'm sorry. This is really all my fault. Just.. stay calm, Spitfire. I promise, I'm going to get you out of here..." [/colour][colour=#000000]He chuckles, quietly and mirthlessly, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"And I never make a girl a promise I can't keep."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He tapped the rubble, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"I could blow it away... but that'd be the final nail in the coffin for this place. Celestia... how am I going to get her out of this...?"[/colour]

    Carmus began charging his armor from the power gems. The energy arced over the steel carapace as he stepped towards the wall of debris, placing a hoof on it and feeling it sink into it slightly. A small smile appeared on his face as he forced his way slowly through the rubble.

    Stepping through the hole he'd made, his armor smoking slightly, Carmus took in the scene with a single glance. Spitfire's leg was impaled on a piece of broken steel, which was lightly coated with liquid sunlight, and was causing her immense pain. He cringed on the inside, and took off his helmet. His armor was shot, having used up all the power from his spare gems to generate enough energy to burn through the wall. Carmus stepped towards her, unaware of a puddle of the burning element directly in front of his left foreleg. It sank through up to the joint, and he cried out in alarm, looking at his limb. It was still there, but the steel had melted and fused itself to his leg. The pain went away as quickly as it had come, his adrenaline kicking in. He bolted over to Spitfire, glancing her leg and then looking her in the eyes, [colour=#b22222]"This is going to hurt, a whole lot more than it does now..." [/colour][colour=#000000]He put his fore legs on either side of the piece of metal, behind her leg, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"I'm going to pull forward quickly, and cleanly, be ready..."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Carmus[/colour][colour=#000000] waited till she braced herself before going through with what he'd said, pulling her injured limb off of the broken steel with one quick movement. Without wasting any time, he wrapped both forelegs tightly around her and bolted out of the room through the hole he'd made, carrying Spitfire with him as he made his way towards the nearest possible exit, his mind working quickly aided by the adrenaline coursing through his system. [/colour]

    (OOC: His armor that is fused to his leg ends just below his elbow, to put it into human terms.)


    Shrike dodged to the side as the makeshift battering ram came crashing through the debris. He swooped down till he was an inch from the floor, [colour=#40e0d0]"Good thinking..."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He glanced down the hallway, [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"And lets get out quickly!"[/colour]


    Sage watched in silence as Whisper bid one last farewell to Gust, before walking back over to her. The Trottish mare nodded, [colour=#006400]"Stick close, and try not to get separated. We'll get out of here."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She turned and began to make her way out of the room, beckoning for Whisper to follow her.[/colour]


    [colour=#cccccc]"I'm Barrager Alkaline, a Sky Raptor! You're being carried by Soarin'. The Academy is coming down all around us, hence the running and such, and you're asking a bunch of questions because you're panicking," [/colour][colour=#000000]He dodged to the side as a bit of the ceiling fell.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Soarin' had explained to her as well, but Alkaline figured he might as well say it himself. Soarin' pointed out the exit, as well as a large piece of rubble about to block it. Soarin' dashed forward, making his way out and wheeling around to face him, shouting for him to come. Alkaline put in a burst of speed, lifting himself into the air and focusing the energy coursing through his armor in the ends of his armored hooves. He rocketed out in a blur of colour, skidding to a stop, the energy in his hooves digging furrows into the cloud beneath him. Alkaline looked back at the Academy as it began continued to crumble, whispering to himself, [/colour][colour=#cccccc]"Come on guys... You can make it out of there. Come on..!"[/colour]

  11. Shimmer looked back at the ponies following her. They were coming up on Canterlot quickly. Velocity flew alongside her, his wounded leg wrapped in a temporary bandage. Torque ha woken up and luckily not tried to kill anypony he followed closely behind them without question, Psyad perched on his back. Gallium, Reginae and Anomaly flew silently near the middle of the group. Then there was Gadget, Swift Blitz and the Unicorn, Time Spinner, "He's an interesting one... I'll have to pay him back for healing me somehow. Maybe a drink or something.... Oh, pfff, listen to yourself Shimmer. Don't think about such things till this is blown over... I hope every pony else is OK..."


    Alkaline nodded slowly, "Yeah..."

    He took off, towards the nearest exit.


    Sagebrush but her lip as the building lurched, causing the pillar to further crush the pony beneath it. Whisper was in near hysterics now, and Gust was no longer living. Sagebrush scooped we supplies back Into her pouch, standing up and wrapping her hooves around Whisper, "Come on, we need to get out of here! There's nothing more we can do for him."


    Shrike sighed, "Yeah, I know. Thing is I haven't necessarily been having the best day of my life either. In case you didn't notice Equestria's kinda at war."

    He cursed as the cracks began to form, "Oh you have got to be kidding..." He activated his comm, "Carmus?! Please tell me you had nothing to do with this!!"


    Carmus had followed Spitefire closely as they fled, keeping pace with her. He had slowed slightly to better dodge a bit of falling debris, and in that moment he heard the sound of a pipe bursting, and Spitfire crying out. He noted towards the sound of her voice, but was met only by rubble. Carmus pounded on it, yelling at the top of his lungs, "Spitfire!! Can you hear me?! Are you alright?! Dangit!!"

    He continued to curse, punctuating each one with hot to the debris. Carmus dropped to his hooves, staring at the wall, tears of frustration rolling down his face. He heard his comm crackle and Shrike's voice come through, "Carmus?! Please tell me you had nothing to do with this!!"

    Carmus responded, sending his reply to his entire team, "Unfortunately, I did. I was stupid, reckless and impatient. And because of that, the building's coming down around us, Spitfire's trapped, and Celestia only knows how many ponies are going to die in this heap because of that!

    I want all of you, to get anypony you can, and get out of here as fast as possible!! ... ... I'm going to stay here and try and get Spitfire out, even if it kills me," he paused again, sighing, "Inthe off chance I survive this, and this crisis blows over, I'll be passing in my resignation from the military," he stands to his full height, looking determinedly forward, "I've proven to myself I am unfit to serve, and unfit to lead."

    Shrike sighed, Alkaline and Sage stayed silent, "Understood sir... Even if you are an idiot sometimes, it was an honor serving with you, and I am proud to call you my friend."

    Shrike said slowly.

    "Same to you... To all of you. Now get out."

    Carmus replied before cutting off the communication. He heaved a heavy sigh as the building continued to announce its demise, "You've managed to cause the deaths of who knows how many innocents, and trap the mare you found yourself in love with inside a room, with no way to communicate with her," he said slowly to himself, "You really are a gem Carmus."

    He took a deep breath, "Sentinels guide me, and lead me home."

    He said, and set about finding a way to get to Spitfire in a stoic silence.

  12. Alkaline merely watched as Soarin' healed Rainbow, his mouth partially open as the words he was about to say froze in his throat. His go to reaction was to aim his rifle at the Changeling, but that was far as it went. After the healing was for he merely said, "Well... Huh. That happened."

    He looked from Rainbow, then back, realization dawning across his face, "Ooooh, you're that Changeling that Sentinel Shimmer mentioned, aren't you? Honestly, I don't really care what you are. So long as you don't try hurting anypony, I won't blow you full of holes," the silvery stallion shrugged, "Simple enough really."

  13. (OOC: I can't think of anything to comment with Shim and them D: )

    Alkaline set himself down lightly next to Rainbow after he shove the pillar aside, wincing slightly, "I would ask if you were OK, but I can plainly see that'd be a stupid question," he pokes her gently, "Miss Dash, can you hear me?"


    Carmus grinned as he replied, "Maah, just gives you another excuse to renovate. Again."

    The Captain looked warily at Soarin' as he showed up, remembering what Velocity had said about the Changeling. He decided not to mention that, yet, "Rainbow is in the mess hall. One of my soldiers is retrieving her as we speak-" he stopped midspeech at the rumbling, he winced, "I knew that using breach charges in an unstable building was a bad idea," then the crack came, "Yeah. Leaving this area sounds like a good idea. Let's go!"


    "Doctor Argon! This is Sergeant Shrike of Flight 04, Raptor Squadron Ensis! I'm here to help you get out of here!" Shrike called out for the umpteenth time. He sighed as all he heard was the Doctor ranting on in a thick accent. Shrike flapped closer to the voice, "Serioisly, Doc, shut up an lets go!"

    (OOC: Ever heard Church from Red Vs Blue? Imagine that's how Shrike sounds.)


    Sagebrush flapped her way quickly over to Whisper, setting herself down and taking in the seen with one swift glance. She winced slightly, but quickly hid it as she began to take supplies from her kit, "Can you tell me your name?"

    She asked Gust. After he replied, she nodded, "And you?"

    She asked Whisper, without looking at her. She gnawed her lip. She's death with ponies slashed, bit, shot and a plethora of other situations, but he had usually been there right away. She had no idea how long this stallion had been this way, and he certainly didn't look good. Sagebrush was unsure she could save him, but she'd be cursed if she didn't do her best, "How long ago did this happen?"

    She asked Whisper.

  14. [colour=silver]"I'm doing the best I can Captain Shining Armor!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Alkaline responded. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He lifted himself higher and scanned the room. Spying a patch of rainbow colouring among the rubble, he swooped down, [/colour][colour=silver]"Well, that explains her lack of answering." [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Alkaline set about clearing the rubble from around Rainbow.[/colour]


    [colour=#000000]Jet-Stream stumbled over to the busted out window, still slightly dazed. He was thinking clearer now, if only a little. He growled beneath his breath as he observed the fighting. In his mind he was going to help Shining, but his body refused to listen to him.[/colour]


    [colour=#000000]Carmus planted two charges on the ceiling, and dashed down the hallway. They glistened once and blew a decent sized hole through it, and the floor above. Carmus flew back and up through the dust y opening into the room above, speaking quietly to himself, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"That went a little better than expected."[/colour]

  15. [colour=#800080]"And lets try not to get ourselves killed."[/colour][colour=#000000] Reginae says, before flying off.[/colour]


    [colour=#000000]Carmus flies up and taps the ceiling with a hoof, speaking to himself, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"These should be able to bust through easily enough, without causing unnecessary damages to the rest of the structure..."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He takes a few charges out of the pouch, tossing them in his hoof a few times, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"Spitfire, I'd suggest getting airborne. I don't know where these'll break through."[/colour]


    Sagebrush stepped into the room she'd opened. She'd half expected to get doused by liquid thunder, but luckily there was none to be seen. She lifted herself into the air, scanning the interior of the space and calling, [colour=#006400]"Hello? Anypony in here? This is Medical Officer Sagebrush of Raptor Squadron Ensis, Flight 04. I'm here to help."[/colour]


    Alkaline flew through the entrance to the mess hall slowly after clearing some debris, raising his voice slightly as he spoke, [colour=silver]"Miss Rainbow Dash, I believe I heard you were in need of some assistance? This is Barrager Alkaline, Raptor Squadron Ensis. If you are able, please respond."[/colour]

  16. Hey, I don't see why not!

    Name: Denim

    Gender: Female.

    Cutie mark: something resembling a recycle symbol, only made out of four 'elements' (water turning to frost, leading into electricity, leading into fire, leading back into the water, surrounded by swirling air currents).

    Description of Magical history (brief): She was born and raised in Manehatten, the second child and only girl in a family of three. Her father is the head of Manehatten's police force, while her mother is a journalist. Denim has been studying magic for nearly as long as she could speak. She was homeschooled by her mother for most of her fillyhood and adolescence, discovering she had an affinity for elemental magic - control of water, fire, electricity and air. Despite these spells being originally created for militant use, she uses them for practical, everyday uses, such as providing power with electricity. She enrolled in the Manehatten Academy's Institute of Magic for one year, where she learned her to better control her elemental magic, and began to branch out into new forms of magic, such as alteration and conjuration, teleportation becoming a goal of hers. While she is able to transport herself, he cannot pinpoint a location, and always was up someplace random. This is how she discovered Fotrox, and got herself transferred to it.

    (I think I missed the meaning of the word 'brief'. I am really bad with brief back stories sometimes.)

    Favorite Spell: Elemental based spells in general, she has a hard time choosing just one.

    Appearance of Character: Her coat is a dark denim shade of blue, thus her name. Her eye colour seemingly varies depending on what she's wearing, usually blue or green, but they are technically hazel, and they almost always seem inquisitive. Her mane and tale are a mixture of silver and pale-ish blonde, with a bit of black undertones. Her tale slightly resembles Lyra's in style. she keeps her mane, which is fairly long and wavy near the ends, tucked behind one ear and the reading glasses she keeps on her forehead behind her horn half the time. While she doesn't need really need them, they still help her read. She wears a scarf nearly constantly (no, she is NOT a hipster or whatever, she merely likes them), the colour of which changes depending on how she felt when she woke up, and generally has to do with the elements. She has been described as a 'nerdy kind of cute' by her family and friends in Manehatten.

    I really can't make small apps it seems. If anything needs changed about her, let me know.

  17. "Wait, broken?"

    Carmus cursed slightly, calling back through the intercom, "Hey! Are you alright?! Dangit, that was a stupid suggestion. Sorry about that Spitfire."

    He looked up, then down to the pouch tucked under his wing, then back to the intercom, "I should be below you pretty soon, right? I think I might have one more stupid suggestion that should work a little better than that last one..."


    "Alkaline? Sagebrush? You guys getting this?"

    Shrike said through his helmet's communications array. Alkaline and Sagebrush responded in the positive, "What do you need Sergeant?"

    Sagebrush asked.

    Shrike chuckled slightly, "I think the Captain's a bit distracted. Shining Armor said to send one of us back with Rainbow Dash. Alkaline, since you're on your way to get her, you'll be accompanying her back to Canterlot. Sage, I have things over here handled, get back to the Captain."

    "Understood." They both chimed in unison.

    Shrike cut communications and continued to work his way to the infirmary, occasionally calling out to the Doctor.


    Alkaline continued down the way to the mess hall, keeping himself in the air lest there be something unfriendly on the floor. He came to the entrance to the mess hall, looking it over.


    Sagebrush tapped on a door as she made her way back to Carmus, before pulling on the handle to open it, speaking to herself, "Really wish Cap hasn't sent Shimmer away with the others. Could really use we mask right about now... Wonder when we'll get those things?"

    She gave the door one last tug and looked inside.

  18. CloudDasher Growled. "[colour=#00ffff]CUD![/colour]" She yelled. "[colour=#00ffff]Well there's nothing more we can do.[/colour]" She said in a angry tone. She got up and picked up her helmet. Two crimson hoofprints still on it. She put it on and trotted away a bit looking back at FlashBomb "[colour=#00ffff]Ill see you again Flashy, I promise[/colour]" She told him. She glanced over at [colour=#282828]Reginae "[/colour][colour=#00ffff]We have our Orders, Come on.. Were missing all the fun.[/colour]​" She said glumly. It was all up to the Unicorn and his Magic at this point. The two had done all they could to help FlashBomb. CloudDasher spread her wings and took off blazing towards Canterlot to support Shining Armor and the Royal Guard.

    Reginae sighed, then followed Cloud Dasher.


    [colour=#000000]Gadget and Swift came approached Time. [/colour][colour=#800080]"So what's going on?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She asked. [/colour]

    [colour=#696969]"We will be accompanying Shimmer on her mission. After all it can't hurt to have a medium level Magi-Unicorn who knows a bit of healing spells." [/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Time even if that wasn't a terrible idea that I only understood half of, how are you going to keep up? Your magic is weak as is, you don't have wings, and I assume we're going to fly."[/colour]

    [colour=#0000CD]"She's got you there Time." [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Time looked on the ground, he found an old set of what looked like SER armor. The mask was the main thing of importance there. He was unsure of who it belonged to but it looked like a colt so he ripped the mask off.[/colour]

    [colour=#696969]"Gadget, could you take a look at the mask?"[/colour]

    [colour=#0000CD]"If by that you mean see if I can make it for a Unicorn, then sorry, I'm not that kind of tinker. You would need to see Dawn about that."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Time cursed under his breath and put the mask on. It conformed to his head, though his horn looked awkward as the helmet did not have a place for it so there was a rather odd lump above the Visor. The mask, did what was wanted though. It only covered his face but it managed to give him extra energy and the ability to jump higher to compensate for no wings. [/colour][colour=#696969]"Hopefully this will be fine."[/colour]

    Shimmer smiled at the three of them, spreading her wings and flapping them a few times to get the blood circulating through them, then lifted herself into the air, [colour=#696969]"Let's get going!"[/colour]


    Shining armor had fallen to the floor, he spat out blood and Lay there Incapitated for a couple moments. His head spun rapidly, nonetheless he got up and coughed. This confined space was Limiting their Defensive possablillities. He looked around for an exit only to find none. He Charged his Spell and Shot the wall, it gave way and left a gaping hole in the wall. He shook his head in exhaustion. He saw the large corruption spell As it lashed out at Ponies around the room, Many were falling ti its onslaught. He cursed under his breath. [colour=#008080]"Oh for the love of.... Jump everypony! We need to fall to a more stratiegic point!" [/colour]He shouted. He Ran and grabbed Twilight, she Squeaked in alarm, the spell holding luna pulled her out as well. they fell to the courtyard below. Shining armor activated a Spell to ease the fall. they hit the ground and rolled. Twilight groaned [colour=#800080]"I have wings you know!" [/colour]She complained. The guards followed soon after down to the courtyard. They landed and began defending once more. A raptor team had finnaly arrived and Began to jump into the fray. Shining armor Activated his comms [colour=#008080]"We are on our last legs here? Where are the elements?" [/colour]He demanded. [colour=#EE82EE]"We have Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie. Raimbow dash is missing." [/colour]The female officer voice responded. Shining armor sighed and Knocked a shadowbolt back, [colour=#008080]"Well Where the Tarterus is She!?" [/colour]He asked. The female voice responded again, [colour=#EE82EE]"Last known location was at the Wonderbolt Academy, Camus and his squad are currently there searching for Survivors."[/colour] Shining armor felt his blood boil, Carmus had Disobeyed an order? He was about to comm them in and chew them out but held his Temper. He clicked on the comms to Carmus's squad [colour=#008080]"Carmus! What are you and your Squad doing there!? I ordered a full scale retreat!"[/colour] He barked. He took a breath, [colour=#008080]"But that doesnt matter now.... We need you to find The Element of Loyalty and bring her here! You must hurry![/colour] He said. He thought for just a moment [colour=#008080]" you know what just send her here with one of you, the rest of your squad search for survivors, I may have been just a little rash on the Abandon all Wounded order, I should have thought that through more."[/colour]He said. He kicked a few shadowbolts back and Defended Twilight and Luna, he would do so even if it meant his own death.

    Spitfire sat back in her chair and Watched the cameras, She Flipped back and forth between them befor a rainbow colour caught her Attention. She flipped back to the mess hall camera to see Rainbow Dash Trapped by rubble from every which way. She turned on the Intercom [colour=#FFD700]"Ive found Rainbow dash.... She is In the mess hall, that is just down the hall and to the right of the medical clinic."[/colour]She announced.

    Jet growled as he was kicked back. He hit his head on a shattered pillar, the jagged rocks smacking the back of his head through his helmet. He shook his head, dazed. Jet-Stream watched the retreat through blurred vision. He shook his head again, trying to clear his thoughts.


    Carmus sighed as Shining Armor's transmission came through, [colour=#b22222]"Yes, yes I did. I'm a descendant of the Sentinels, Shining Armor, my sense of honor is to strong to leave comrades behind!"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Spitfire came over the coms, announcing that she just located Rainbow Dash. Carmus turned to Alkaline, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"Akaline! Get to the mess hall! Check any doorways along the way, see if you can find the staff or recruits, but whatever you do, make sure you get Rainbow out of there! She is critical to our victory here."[/colour]

    Alkaline nodded and took off down the way.

    [colour=#000000]Shining Armor came over the coms once more, stating he may have been brash in the heat of the moment, and that he was to send one of his Squad back to Canterlot while the rest remained, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"Understood. Oh, and I have good news. We've located Rainbow Dash. One of the Raptors is on his way to retrieve her. I'm working my way towards Spitfire, while Sergeant Shrike is retrieving another survivor, Doctor Argon. I'll be sending Shrike to you."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He tapped into Shrike's comm, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"New plan. You're going to Canterlot. Sagebrush will take over retrieval of Argon."[/colour]

    [colour=#40E0D0]"Make up your mind already Captain! *sigh* Understood. I'll head out straight away."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Carmus turned to Sagebrush, who nodded and backtracked. He then turned to the intercom, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"Spitfire, see if you can't tap into my helmet's comm, it'll be more efficient. I'm going to continue working my way towards you."[/colour]

  19. [colour=#000000]Time looked around. [/colour][colour=#696969]"Did I just hear what I think I hear? Are you supposed to abandon the injured?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Time was furious, this was a direct violation to the order of the royal guard which included the SERS, and sentinels, I will not leave a fallen comrade behind. Time was no soldier but he had tons of more honor than this commander of Shimmer's. [/colour][colour=#696969]"Is it by chance or by fate...I can never decide." [/colour][colour=#000000]Time mumbled trying to decide and as if on cue, his horn lit up with green light. [/colour][colour=#696969]"It seems fortune favors the soldiers. I think Me and my 'siblings' will accompany you." [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Gadget was taken aback. [/colour][colour=#0000CD]"Time?" [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Time Spinner turned and gave an eerie, glass eyed stare. [/colour][colour=#696969]"We stand upon the precipice of Change. The world fears the inevitable plummet into the abyss. Watch for that Moment...and when it comes, do not hesitate to leap. It's only when you fall that you learn whether you can fly. A wise yet evil Unicorn told me that, and I think I understand him now." [/colour][colour=#000000]Time turned back to Shimmer. [/colour][colour=#696969]"Gadget go find Blitz." [/colour][colour=#000000]Gadget scurried off to find his 'sister'. [/colour][colour=#696969]"Anyways it looks like we will accompany you, Ms.Shimmer."[/colour]

    Shimmer smiled, strapping the last of her damaged armor on, [colour=#696969]"Glad to hear it. And you can just call me Shimmer, if you don't mind."[/colour]


    Psyad had been watching the entire exchange in silence, perched on Torque's side. She felt him stir underneath her and she took off, looking down at him [colour=#a52a2a]"You better be friendly when you come completely to..."[/colour]


    CloudDasher Grunted in frustration. She turned to the unicorn "[colour=#00FFFF]Im leaving it up to you. Please help him."[/colour] CloudDasher tunred to Reginae "[colour=#00FFFF]What now?[/colour]"

    Reginae shrugged, standing up, [colour=#800080]"I don't know... I really don't know and it's ticking me off."[/colour]


    Spitfire looked at the camera console after listening to The squad quarrel with itself. She smiled and flicked the console image over. she saw the Squad yet again. [colour=#FFD700]"Your 5 hallways and 2 flights of stairs away, guess this serves me right for Adding on eh? The doctor is just down that corridor, you should be hearing Him complaining about the condition he is in. Just follow his voice."[/colour]She said. She also clicked through a few more Cameras, [colour=#FFD700]"There are alot of Obsticales along the way, Broken pillars, rubble and .....oh no....... The container of Liquid thunder has spilled All over the 2nd floor hallway, dont touch it or it will fry your Nervous system beyond repair. There are a few containers still sitting around so beware of them..."[/colour] She said. She Flicked through the cameras again. [colour=#FFD700]"Keep an eye out for the recruits and any staff as you go. They may be trapped in other rooms so icant see what obsticles you will face." [/colour]She said into the intercom. She continued to look, [colour=#FFD700]"Rainbow Dash is somewhere in this jumbled mess as well i will try to find her if i can."[/colour]She said.

    [colour=#b22222]"Understood."[/colour][colour=#000000] Carmus said, then began to walk down the hall, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"Shrike, you go take care of the Doctor. I'd send Sagebrush, but I'll need her if we find anypony else."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Shrike sighed, [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"I'm going to regret this in the long run, I am sure of it," [/colour][colour=#000000]He reaches back into his saddlebag, taking a few pouches from it and passing it between the rest of the team, [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"These are breaching charges. One or two should be enough to blow through most debris with little effect on the rest of the building. Be careful blowing through doors though. Never know what they're holding back.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He glided forward, towards where Spitfire had said the Doctor would be. Carmus, Alkaline and Sagebrush continued forward, gliding slightly above the floor.[/colour]

    Alkaline tapped a door way, [colour=#c0c0c0]"Hey Cap, Shimmer, or your brother, would come in really handy with their life detecting masks right now. We've only got ID Tags for fellow Raptors, not Wonderbolts."[/colour]

    [colour=#b22222]"I know," [/colour][colour=#000000] Carmus sighs, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"I wonder if they're heeding Shining Armor's orders..."[/colour]


    Twilight Sparkle saw Lyria's trick and Shot a High level defence spell on Luna, when She tried to corrupt her it knocked her back and away from Luna. Shining armor Hit 4 Shadowbolts away with his Spell sword that he had summoned, the loss of Magical power to the shield Caused it to Faulter. He saw Lyria attacking in a mist form [colour=#008080]"Its not that easy you SNAKE!" [/colour]He shouted. He fired a spell at the mist, It knocked the mist away and into a wall. He spun around and Shot more spells, whenever a Enemy got to close Twilight delt with them with a shiled bash, She kept her ward spell on luna. The guards Were at war with the forces in the room, they dispatched the Foes with releative ease, except the shadow warriors.

    Jet-Stream launched himself into the air and made a diving motion towards Shining Armor, energy arcing over his outstretched forlegs.

  20. Carmus sighed in frustration at the order, turning to the intercom and pressing the button, [colour=#b22222]"Unfortunately you did. But don't worry, we're not leaving you guys behind here.[/colour]"

    [colour=#40E0D0]"You can't be serious Captain!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Shrike's surprised shouting could be heard over the intercom.[/colour]

    [colour=#B22222]"I am serious Shrike! For all Shining Armor knows, we're dead or our comms were out. We've lost to many today, and I'm not losing anymore! We don't even know if going back to Canterlot is worth it. It might have already fallen by the time we get there, no matter what time we leave. You can go back if you want, but I'm staying here, and I am getting these ponies out!"[/colour]

    [colour=#40E0D0]".... You're probably going to be court marshaled for this, Carmus."[/colour]

    [colour=#B22222]"And that's a risk I'm willing to take."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Carmus looked back at the intercom, unaware that he'd kept the button pushed down. He sighed and said, [/colour][colour=#b22222]"How far away from you are we?"[/colour]


    [colour=#696969]"Well...it's kind of complicated. I'm not exactly how to phrase it...Ah! Let's say I'm from somewhere else, when I came here I took the identity of a young Pegasus named Circuit Breaker and threw it away. Because of this he changed to fit my look but forgot his name and life before hand. When we met I knew it was my fault so I kind of took him into my home. Since his talent is inventing he took the name Gadget Spinner." [/colour][colour=#000000]Time looked down. [/colour][colour=#696969]"The name of the game is who I am."[/colour]

    [colour=#696969]"Oh... Well that explains a few things."[/colour][colour=#000000] Shimmer's ice blue eyes were slightly wide. She'd expected a much shorter explanation than that.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She'd been about to continue when the comms went off. Even though she wasn't wearing her armor she could still hear Shining Armor's command clearly. She growled slightly and trotted over to where her armor was. It was battered and bent, but she slipped it back on anyway, finished with the helmet and pulling her mask down.[/colour]


    [colour=#000000]Reginae gave a frustrated shout, [/colour][colour=#800080]"Really?! Shining Armor just ordered us to leave wounded?! That goes against every oath I swore when I joined up!"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She bit her lip, looking at Flashbomb as he spoke to Cloud. He was really the only badly wounded pony there. The rest's wounds weren't life threatening. Velocity's might make fighting a little harder for him, but that was about it. She looked at Arc, [/colour][colour=#800080]"You got anything in that horn of yours to speed up this guy's healing process?! We're sort of in a rush here...!"[/colour]


    Commander Jet-Stream inclined his head slightly, staring dead into Shining Armor from behind the visor. He crouched, the armor along his back crackling with energy, his muscles tensing as he prepared to launch himself forward.

  21. [colour=#696969]"Time Spinner, huh?"[/colour][colour=#000000] She 'asked' wincing slightly as he coughed more blood. [/colour]

    [colour=#696969]"That's...going to be difficult to recover from." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said and looked back up to her. [/colour][colour=#696969]"It's okay though, I'll be fine."[/colour]

    [colour=#696969]"Well I should hope so!"[/colour][colour=#000000] Shimmer said, smiling, [/colour][colour=#696969]"I owe you something for healing me!"[/colour]

    [colour=#696969]"Gadget mentioned that you two fought. You are that guard yes?"[/colour][colour=#000000] Time asked.[/colour]

    Shimmer nodded slowly, [colour=#696969]"Yeah. He fought my brother Velocity, and myself while under the Corruption... How exactly do you know him?"[/colour]


    Carmus nodded slightly, despite the fact that he was speaking to Spitfire over intercom.

    [colour=#B22222]"We're on our way."[/colour]

    Alkaline arrived with Shrike and Sagebrush, who had heard the exchange through Carmus' comm. [colour=#b22222]"Oh, don't worry about that. We have ways of getting into places."[/colour]

    Carmus backed up as Shrike set a few small gems in the rubble, and then backed up himself, shouting [colour=#40E0D0]"Breaching!"[/colour]

    The gems glistened then gave a small explosion. The rubble was cleared. Carmus stepped forward, tapping the door. He nodded as he caught Spitfire's request to look for the recruits, [colour=#b22222]"I'll see what I can do, Spitfire." [/colour]

    (OOC: That is all of course assuming the rubble was on the outside of the door. If not, well then :???: )

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