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Posts posted by LordMorrowind

  1. •Twilight Sparkle, within the New Citadel of Equinia; Halls»Courtyard•

    The soft sound of hoofsteps were the only noise that echoed through the Citadel's gigantic stone halls, for many had gone silent after the events in the Celestial Quarter only a few days gone. A tragedy, it was...several hundred wounded from all factions, and dozens more dead. Such violence had never been seen by the citizens of Equinia...the unnecessary carnage those acts of terrorism had caused, and for nothing more but to frighten and demoralize the city's inhabitants. Worst of all, Rainbow Dash and Chronarch had been injured during the bombings. Rainbow, Chancellor of Equinia and beloved by many here, had been labeled 'the Savior of Equinia' for her actions on the day of the Equinian Apocalypse, and was respected by mares and stallions of all factions. When she was harmed, it was as if a knife had been plunged into the heart of the city's citizens...slowly drawing the life-blood out of them. As for the Archmage Chronarch, he had fallen into a coma shortly after dragging Rainbow's unconscious form out of the danger-zone and to safety; many called him a hero, a martyr. If only they knew how truthful they were.

    Twilight had to push down the sudden tears that were trying to escape, nudging aside her emotions and her sorrow; she had to remain strong, now more than ever. It wouldn't do for her subjects if they saw their leader bawl like a foal. First, the Princesses had died, then Azure was taken from her, and now...now this? All she could do was shove down the brewing despair deep within her...today, she had an important duty to enact. The half-dozen Moon Guard that acted as her protection force today marched at her sides in two rows, their white uniforms well-pressed and unwrinkled, their specially-crafted assault rifles hanging at their sides but always ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. She herself wore a similar uniform, but coloured red and bearing the many symbols of her office; the former hammer and pickaxe of the N.E.O., the G.E.F.'s golden hoof and blood-spots, and a medal with a pair of wings that was labeled: "Never Forget". Only veterans of the Revolution bore the last medal. She had several others, arranged in order of achievement and authority. Despite her formal military attire, the clothing did not detract from her otherworldly beauty...some would say she appeared to be more beautiful every day; she knew that was only an illusion. She had to grow old some time.

    After several moments of walking down the hallways unhindered by liveried servents or lower-ranking soldiers, she and her Moon Guard detachment arrived at the doors that led out to the Northern Courtyard. Taking a deep breath, she gestured for the two closest Moon Guard to open the door, keeping her eyes locked straight ahead as they rushed to do as commanded. With the opening of the heavy stone doors came an onrush of flowery scents and sunlight, blinding Twilight for a moment as her eyes adjusted. Sitting right in the middle of the courtyard was the Freelancer Gunship, Sky Talon. A semi-legendary craft if there ever was one; flown by a Freelancer Agent named 4-6-9er, A.K.A Harmony. Twilight smiled in spite of herself; Shade Corps intelligence gathering had dramatically increased since the organization's...reduction...in numbers. The Director would not possess all the cards in this game of chess they were about to play. Stepping out into the light, her crimson cloak billowed in the wind as she steadily advanced toward the gunship and the Freelancer Agents stationed right outside of it. They did not frighten her...nothing much did, anymore. Several precautions had been taken to ensure the safety of both herself and their...guests. While the Federation, or anypony else for that matter, might not have the technological strength of Freelancer, she knew her magicians easily made up for it.

    Her Moon Guard appeared as relaxed as they would at a normal social gathering...they were quite proficient at setting appearances. Stopping only a few meters from the agents in front of her, Twilight put on a disarming smile as her eyes studied them. Any little detail might help. She quickly identified two of the agents from intelligence briefs on some of Freelancer's more well-known agents; Agents Carolina and Washington. Both of them were known to be amazing fighters, both at a range and up close, as well as being excellent strategists. She would definitely have to watch them. Clearing her throat, she addressed them with a determined but otherwise friendly voice. "Good Morning, Agents of Freelancer. I trust your flight was amenable? Also, I was informed that I would be speaking with the Director in person. Is he...here?"

  2. Ah, yes! Kitirina, all those suggestions are amazing. I'm a big FMA and .Hack fan, so I would definitely hop into something like that. Also, if I should put in a suggestion...

    ...what about a ponified version of Bleach? Might be interesting. Changeling-like creatures could be Hollows, and ponies could be Soul Reapers/Shinigami :P just a thought.

    OR we could do some Blood+ :P if not, then...

    ...how about Demon King Daimao? (Without the perviness, of course.)

  3. Ah...a tragic tale of a lost romance between two hearts, torn apart by war and conflict. That makes for a wonderfully intricate element in the story...but a few things, though;

    I like how you have Lyra's story so far, but perhaps you can add a few details:

    • What was it like for her when Pierrot took over the Crystal Empire? How did it effect her everyday life and career?

    • Other than the destruction of old Ponyville during the Revolution, what else might have effected her during the past six years? Does she harbor any resentment to the Principality for it's once-harsh rule, or maybe against the Federation for rising up against the Princesses in the first place?

    • What exactly has kept her from getting directly immersed in the war going on? Is she for Pierrot, the Equestrians, or simply neutral?

    If you could develop a bit on those points, I would greatly appreciate it. Other than that, it looks good so far :)

  4. •Within Sel'tharid, the Realm of Dreams•

    A summer wind blew through the land below, warm and gentle to the touch, all the while bearing the sweet scent of nectar and flora as it scattered the fallen leaves on the ground below. All that could be seen for miles was the red-topped forest that stretched in every direction, their leaves the colour of blood and the soil a dull ash-gray. The trees themselves had trunks as black as the night sky in the real world, a contrast to the always-white sky that existed here in Sel'tharid. Everythingg was peaceful...quiet. Such things were impossible to find these days, especially in the waking world. The wildlife that existed here weren't truly there at all; instead, they were simply creatures whose dreams touched this realm at different times. Everything was as it should be here; a transcendant paradise...but it wasn't that way at all.

    Once, long ago, every civilized creature had been able to tap into Sel'tharid when they slept, for they were more connected to magic than most beings today. The Realm of Dreams had been a crossroads, a place for those who slept to continue to rest and enjoy their time with those they knew in the real world...a beautiful purpose for a beautiful place. However, the ability to enter this forgotten realm slowly diminished from the common populations of Equestria and other lands from beyond, leaving only truly powerful magicians and magical beasts to enter this peaceful world. Despite the long absense of civilized life, Sel'tharid still displayed evidence of such a time; ranging from paved roads to abandoned towns and cities, all of which were unchanged even though they suffered from lack of use. Even now, a lone unicorn walked down the empty streets of one of those forgotten townships, who seemed to be searching for something lost. This unicorn was a reknowned figure in the waking world; one of the great leaders of Equestria. However, tonight she secluded herself to the Realm of Dreams for some purpose...a purpose she herself did not understand. Her name, is Twilight Sparkle.

    Twilight looked within a dome-like building made from white alabaster, but after a moment she shook her head and slowly continued onward past the house, not looking back. Tonight, she had been dragged in here by some unknown magic...which meant that somepony, or something, was summoning her. Who or what exactly, she could not say, but only that they possessed incredible power to pull a unicorn like her into this realm. Stopping at a crossroads, she paused and dug at the gray ground beneath her. For a few moments, she looked down each direction several times, before she was confronted by what appeared to be a gigantic bear made out of clouds, whose eyes were like electric orbs and whose maw looked like an alley of tornados. Staring at her, it lowered it's head and smiled a toothy grin. Twilight felt no fear; she had dealt with it's kind before, and will again if she needed to.

    After a long, awkward moment, the creature bellowed a deep chuckle, one that sounded like peals of thunder against her ears. When it finally settled down, it's stomach expanded like it was taking a deep breath, before the roar that was it's voice emerged from it's cavernous mouth. "SO, MAGUS. WHAT GIVES ME THE PLEASURE TO ENTERTAIN THE NOTORIOUS GOD-SLAYER, HMM? HAVE YOU FINALLY COME TO THROW ME INTO AN OCEAN, OR A FIERY CHASM, AS YOU HAVE MY BROTHERS?" The mare locked her violet eyes with the creature's, but made no change in her expression. "...you tell me, Sloth. You are the one who summoned me here, correct?" Her answer drew yet another sound-shattering cackle from the magical beast, it's cloudy chest heaving up and down. "NOT I, EON-JA. SOMEONE ELSE HAS BROUGHT YOU HERE. SOMEONE YOU KNOW VERY WELL...SOMEONE WHO KNOWS YOU AS MUCH AS YOU DO YOURSELF." This time, Twilight's expression did change at that remark; into puzzlement. Stepping forward, she tipped her head in question of the Old God's statement. "...who do you mean? No one living can know me as much as you suggest, and as far as I'm aware, the dead cannot enter here." The creature shook it's head wistfully as it began to fade. "SO YOUNG...I WISH YOU HAD ENOUGH TIME TO SEE THE ERRORS YOU HAVE MADE..." With those last words, it burst into fog and dissipated under the temperate yellow sun above. Disturbed by the Old God's words, she continued past the spot where it had once stood.

    After several minutes of trotting, she would notice dark clouds beginning to form in the sky; an abnormality in Sel'tharid. As a precaution, she created magical wards against lightning and rain to protect herself. In this place, any injury you incur can appear in the waking world...if you die, you never wake up again. As soon as the magic left her horn, the land was enveloped under a great shadow; the buildings and streets covered in an ominous gloom that sent chills down her spine. As rain began to fall and splash again her barrier, she noticed a dark figure further down the road, one that seemed to get closer and closer. Taking a defensive stance, she squinted so she could see the pony-like form approaching her through the shadowy veil that had fallen over the area. When the creature was within a few meters, lightning flashed across the sky, lighting up a unicorn wearing blood-red robes that covered it's entire body, and a mask in the shape of a fox's face. Twilight froze, her eyes widening in stark terror. The Red Fox...Herald...cackled as it was within dashing distance of her. "You are mine, Twilight...you will always be mine. You can never escape me, and I cannot be without you. You are my instrument, I your wielder...you can run, but you will never escape me. YOU ARE MINE!" With the mask contorting into a snarl, Herald leapt at Twilight with a burst of speed. Twilight screamed before everything went black, her consciousness fading.

    •Twilight Sparkle, within her chambers in the New Citadel, Equinia•

    Her screams followed her into the waking world, as she sat up from her bed in stark terror, her eyes wide and her breath ragged. The muttering of a pair of Moon Guard came from the otherside of the rosewood door to her chambers, which began to open to admit a white-clad mare with three red ranking knots on her shoulders. "...Grand Chancellor, are you well? Grand Chancellor?" Regaining control of her breathing, Twilight gulped as she responded with as much dignity as she could muster. "Yes...yes, I'm fine. Please, return to your post. It was only a dream." The concerned look didn't fade from the Moon Guard's face, but she nodded and exited the room just as swiftly as she came. Twilight sighed and looked out the window, seeing the first soft-blue light of pre-dawn on the horizon. Another long day...especially after the recent terrorist attacks in the Celestial Quarter. Today, she had a meeting with Freelancer to discuss protection for her second-in-command and dearest friend; Rainbow Dash. Well...she might as well get started. Sitting up and making her way toward her wardrobe, she snatched her military-styled red uniform with the Federation crests and lace ranking knots. If she was going to meet this mysterious Director...she might as well look her best. Once she was dressed in her formal attire, she trotted back to the door and turned the knob, meeting the salutes of her Moon Guard as they made their way down one of the Citadel's many hallways. Today was a new beginning...for good or bad, it was at least that.

  5. Hello. I'm fairly new to this website, and thus do not understand all of it's rules on the World of Equestria RP. However, I've also noticed that it has a lack of legitimate villains for other RPers to contest against. Seeing this, a question appeared in my mind; if we were to make villains that followed the WoE's environment and rules, would we be allowed to play them? As we all know, villains do exist in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, such as Chrysalis, Sombra, Nightmare Moon and Discord (Although the last two were later turned good). It only stands to reason that if they exist, why can't other villains be played as well? Oh, sure, maybe not with roles or powers as substantial as the villains on the show, but why not have people make a list of RP-able villains which can be recruited by the basic RPers for their RPs or stories? I think it would add a level of depth to WoE that it would otherwise lack. Sure, 'slice of life' is great, but surely everyone wants a little bit of action every once in awhile, right?

    All I'm saying is, why not take this into consideration? I myself have a potential villain already thought out that follows WoE Rules. This is an open topic, so if anyone would like to put their input about this, feel free! I for one think it would be a great opportunity for the WoE RPs, and would also give RPers a wider range of options.

  6. Greetings, Recruits! My name is Lord Morrowind, but feel free to call me Cyrus. I know that some of you may have questions as to the current condition of Equestria and it's populace in this RP, the Factions, the Sub-Factions, and other important information. Hopefully, I'll be able to answer some of your questions before you feel the need to ask.

    First, I will address the main Factions in the Revolution Saga. Each have their own characteristics, independant military forces, and leaders. I will list them and give their basic, need-to-know information.

    The Grand Equestrian Federation (GEF): Formed six years ago after the fall of the Principality, the Federation is the official government of Equestria. Born from the revolutionary faction known as the New Equestrian Order (NEO), they are a pony-prioritized organization, similar to Freelancer. Being the faction with the largest military power amongst the Allied factions, they maintained a strong control over Equestria. Under their rule, Equestria has seen a golden age of science and industry. The GEF's current rulers are:

    Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn) - Grand Chancellor of the Federation; formerly the Red Fox.

    Rainbow Dash (Pegasus) - Chancellor of Equinia, High General of the Federation's Forces.

    Chronarch (Unicorn) - Archmage of the Federation; Twilight's right-hand stallion.

    Federation Sub-Factions include;

    - The Moon Guard (Twilight Sparkle's Elite Guard)

    - The Shade Corps (The GEF's secret police/special ops force)

    The Royal Liberation Front (RLF): Formed from remnants of the Royal Equestrian Army (REA) and Principality Loyalists, the RLF is known for it's guerilla-fighting tactics and their fanaticism in combat. They once operated in cells and fought against GEF-held territories, but now have their own quarter in Equinia to fight alongside their former enemies to combat the greater threat that is the fallen Alicorn, Pierrot, and his looming armies. The leaders of the RLF include:

    Applejack (Earth Pony) - Commander of the RLF.

    Col. Striker (Earth Pony) - Second-in-command of the RLF, member of the 'SPARTAN' division.

    Free Quickhoof (Earth Pony, Deceased) - former Commander of the RLF and ex-Guard of Canterlot.

    RLF Sub-Factions include;

    - The Eternium Brigade (Aggressive guerilla fighters and special ops force)

    - 'SPARTAN' Agents (Biologically-enhanced soldiers; "stronger than the average dragon")

    The Last Equestrian Hope (LEH): Formerly a collection of renegades and bandits, they have since been turned into a formally-neutral organization that focuses on the improvement of Equestria as a whole. Mostly formed by dragons or draconically-enhanced ponies, they are small in number but fierce in battle. They have their own quarter in the city of Equinia, and are giving aid to the combined forces of Equestria to repel Pierrot and his armies. The LEH leaders are:

    Kaarthus (Hellkite Dragon) - Leader of the LEH and dragon-trainer.

    Kaalia (Draconic Pegasus) - Mate of Kaarthus and co-leader of the LEH.

    LEH Sub-Factions include;

    - The Dragon Knights (Draconic ponies trained to ride their dragon compatriots into battle.)

    - The Swiftscales (Skillful rangers that are used as special ops forces.)

    The Freelancers: A mysterious and dangerous organization of pony-supremacists, they are the most technologically-advanced faction in Equestria. Originally a small scientific group whose existence was hidden by the Principality, they have since become a powerful force to be reckoned with. Not only are their agents skilled in both infiltration and combat, but they supply the Allied forces with the best aircraft pilots available. The Freelancer's leader goes by the title 'The Director', a figure shrouded in mystery.

    The Crystal Army (Pierrot's Forces): The armies of the Alicorn Pierrot, they hail mostly from the Crystal Empire and the regions surrounding it. To the Crystal Ponies, Pierrot is the rightful ruler of not just their Empire, but the world as well. Using a mixed contigent of dragons, ponies, and other...darker...creatures, they possess incredible technology and magical ability. The leaders of the Crystal Army include;

    Pierrot (Alicorn) - King of the Crystal Empire and relative of the Princesses.

    Misery (Alicorn) - Daughter of Pierrot and the 'Mother' of the Chevaliers.

    Despair (Alicorn Chevalier) - Twin brother of Misery and Chevalier Commander.

    Luna (Alicorn Chevalier) - Former Princess of Equestria and Chevalier Commander.

    The Crystal Army Sub-Factions include:

    - The Chevaliers (Supernatural beings revived from Tartarus who possess incredible powers in service to Misery, the one who brought their souls from Tartarus using the Tartarus Gate)

    - The Magus Consortium (The Crystal Army's greatest magicians and sorcerers, they provide all of the Crystal Army's magical needs)

    Salus Umbra: A secretive organization created thousands of years ago to protect the legendary GOLIATH from evil beings. Seperated into eight different branches, each branch watches over their given domains and their inhabitants. Considering themselves the guardians of not just Equestria, but the world itself, they consist of some of the strongest creatures in the world. They currently have a Bund (a small piece of land) outside of Equinia and are building a massive fortress there. Some of this organization's leaders include;

    The Oracle (Unicorn) - Millenia-old mage who can see the future, and is the unofficial head of the organization. He serves as the Grandmaster of the Day.

    Shining Armor (Unicorn) - Former Captain of the Guard and husband to Princess Cadence, he serves as the Grandmaster of the Underworld.

    Salmhofer (Changeling) - Speaker for the Oracle, she serves as the Grandmistress of the Night.

    Azriel (Griffon) - General of Salus Umbra's armed forces and its' most skilled combatant, he serves as the Grandmaster of the Skies.

    The Sub-Factions of Salus Umbra include;

    - The Grand Guard (Segregated into eight distinct groups, they serve as the captains of Salus Umbra's forces and oversee their chosen domains)

    - The Jian'dal (the assassins and special forces of Salus Umbra, they enforce the organization's rules and also conduct missions that serve the organization's purposes...including infiltrating allied factions)

    Well, that's pretty much all there is to it! If there are any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

  7. Hello, everyone! Part One of the 'Revolution Trilogy' has finally ended. In this new chapter of the story, there will be all kinds of new struggles, drama, romance, and violence...mmm...yummy violence. Anyway, there will be some special new additions to the second chapter, Invasion:

    1. Brand new Character Bios which will be displayed on this OOC. This way, character information can be organized easily and available to the current RPers. Plus, this would leave space for more to be added later!

    2. New Faction details and Sub-Factions will also be added, so that there is a wider variety of positions and subtypes for new players to join.

    3. Special Story Arcs will be created for players to sign-up for and participate in, some of which can be hosted by fellow RPers! Each Story Arc will significantly impact the progress of 'Invasion', and can influence the main plot as well. Anything can happen.

    4. With the new Sub-Faction system, players can now form their own 'squads' for use during the 'Invasion' conflict. Since this is a full-scale war, there are bound to be many missions and battles that will occur, each with their own endings. This is linked to the Story Arcs, and there can be exclusive Story Arcs for certain 'squads' who ask for it.

    5. Pierrot, the main villain, also has need of a few allies...would you care to be one of them? The hunt for the Goliath is dangerous indeed, and the ignorant Equestrians stand in your King's way. Aid the Heir to the World in his quest to conquer Equestria...and obtain the power and wealth of your dreams.

    Next come Applications, and here is what I am looking for:







    Place of Birth/Starting Location:

    Physical Appearance:

    Cutie Mark (If available):

    History (Back Story):

    That is pretty much it so far. If you'd like to add an illustration to it, please do :)

  8. "This has been a difficult few years for myself...indeed, a distressing time for all of Equestria. Six years ago, the land we once knew was ravaged, forever warped by the swaying tides of revolution and change. The Principality is gone, replaced by newer ideals and greater technology. Many of Equestria's old cities and towns are either gone or rebuilt, and even more new settlements are made every day. Equestria is no longer the wild, untamed wilderness it once was...but is now under control, touched by the hoof of civilization. The legacies left behind by the Revolution shall remain for centuries, if not millenia, to come. While many know what had transpired during that unfortunate period, you may not...so I shall inform you, so that you may understand.

    It was shortly after the Canterlot Royal Wedding when questions began to be spoken amongst the Equestrian populace. Inquiries as to how the current government could defend the entire nation, if it cannot protect its own capital; or why the Principality holds back the advancement of technology and magic, demanding control over many aspects of civilian life. I, myself, had similar thoughts, but I never voiced them. It was during this time that a mysterious, age-old society emerged from the shadows of the criminal underworld...the New Equestrian Order. Born from loyalists of a kingdom long forgotten, they sought vengeance against the Princesses for their brutal take-over of Equestria thousands of years ago, and thus waited for a long time for the right moment to strike...the instability caused by the Changeling attacks offered an opportunity they couldn't ignore.

    For several months the N.E.O. (New Equestrian Order) gathered followers, preaching a peaceful march toward Canterlot in the hopes of changing the old laws and make government reforms. The N.E.O. knew that the Principality would never submit to such actions...and were glad when the Princesses ignored the protestors and dispersed their crowds with R.E.A. (Royal Equestrian Army) soldiers. With this open intoleration of peaceful assembly, Equestrian dissent towards the Principality grew...until finally Manehatten and Stalliongrad, centers for the growing political movements, seceded from the ruling government. The act of rebellion immediately spurred the Princesses to action...and after a few failed negotiations, the Principality committed its worst atrocity; the Great Purge. When the R.E.A. soldiers abandoned Manehatten and Stalliongrad...all that was left behind was ruined buildings and bloodied streets, corpses piled into bonfires...the sight of such cruelty made my choice for me: I would fight against the Principality.

    After searching out and eventually finding the N.E.O., I took the reins of leadership and began preparations for war. The only way the Princesses would see the error of their ways now, would be through greater bloodshed. Thus began the Revolution of Equestria...and a string of terrible battles that would later lead to the destruction of several cities, the Everfree Forest, and Canterlot itself. The war did not end until the Princesses were executed in the ruins of Canterlot, and my thirst for blood quenched. With their deaths came about a new era for Equestria, one that would rise from the ashes of the past and bring about a stronger, greater Equestria. The Grand Equestrian Federation (G.E.F.) was born, and every pony under our jurisdiction was equal, free to do as they wish under the law. A senate was created, and a court system established...it was a glorious rebirth, but was it worth the bloodshed spilt for it? As the chosen leader of the new Federation, I rebuilt Equestria from the new capital of Equinia, squashing all former resistance by royalist fanatics. You may wonder who exactly I am...the mystery is over. My name is Twilight Sparkle, Commander in Chief of the G.E.F., and mistress of Equestria. My word is law, and my strength unrivaled.

    On the fifth anniversary of the G.E.F., several events transpired. A purge against the rebel faction known as the Royal Liberation Front (R.L.F.), numerous raids by the mysterious Freelancers, and treason by the Changelings who had allied themselves with the Federation. It wasn't long before I revealed myself to Equestria, and called for a peace conference to put an end to the needless bloodshed. Granted, it ended in the destruction of Equinia at the hands of the rogue Alicorn, Pierrot, but it brought the many factions together to fight against a growing, greater evil.

    With Equinia's destruction came the loss of my foal, Azure...even today, my dreams taunt me for what had happened. I will never forgive myself for leaving my foal at the Citadel, even if he was theoretically safer there. For two weeks Equinia was rapidly rebuilt, improved from its original design, along with the forging of the current, fragile alliance between the many factions that exist in Equestria. During this period of stasis and reconstruction came the mysterious pegasus by the name of 'The Prophet of Redemption', spreading propaganda against the Federation and the other factions in Equinia. Eventually, the Prophet had such a hold on the civilians that he practically summoned the leaders of every faction, including myself, to him. Once we had arrived, he revealed himself to be Lunar Cross, former Captain of Princess Luna's guard and a leader amongst the N.E.O. ... of course, I had known that already, for he aided me in founding the Federation, but had disappeared. He spoke of the Alicorn named Pierrot, and a growing army to the far North, which had conquered the Crystal Empire and was expanding its' influence. Shortly after his revelation, Cross disappeared once more...to where, I cannot say. Alarmed at the possibility of Equestria's destruction, we all increased our efforts in preparing for the worst...a week later, news of the most horrifying nature reached us.

    The Changeling Royal Hive, along with Chrysalis, was destroyed without issue by the mighty armies of Pierrot, led by a pair of twins who are said to be his foals. Rumors and reports suggest little as to their reasons of attacking the Royal Hive first...but surely it must be something sinister. With the Changeling race nearly extinct, many of the remaining Changelings have withdrawn themselves into Equinia's walls or delved into the far wilderness. I had never seen such a despairing sight. Now, the war with Pierrot is beginning. A clash of magic and science, good and evil, has begun...but who can say which way it will go? I do not know whether you will join our side or Pierrot's own...but hopefully, you now understand what has happened to Equestria...and what you must now do."

    - Twilight Sparkle, Commander in Chief of the Federation, Grand Magus of the Citadel, Caretaker of Equestria.

    (Exposition by Valencetiger, Creator of the Revolution Saga.)

  9. •King Sombra and Lypris, in the streets of the Crystal Empire•

    As the wicked army pursued and chased the populace back toward the castle, Sombra trotted calmly with Lypris, along with eight other red and white armored guards, two of each race that accompanied his forces. These fully-plated soldiers went by a special name amongst the ranks of the Children; the Crimson Blades. Each member was exceptionally trained in both combat and subterfuge, the perfect elite force to match a skillful leader. Not even a single centimeter of coat, feathers, carapace, or scale could be seen through their armor, the only parts of their bodies revealed were their glowing eyes. Standing beside him in a column, they marched in step with both him and Lypris. Oh, yes...the perfect toy soldiers. By the time his contigent of guards reached the train station, Sombra spotted the first of many of his prisoner collections. One of them, in particular, appeared to be begging for a spear through his ribs due to his attempts to escape. As he approached, Lypris followed along unhurriedly, her violet eyes locked on the same particular pony.

    As Sombra and Lypris reached the line of soldiers holding back Promontory, Lypris narrowed her eyes and addressed the rebellious pony, as well as everypony else who were their prisoners. "Attention! You find yourselves in the presence of the great King Sombra, Master of the World, and Conquerer of Death! Show respect to your new ruler, or be punished severely for your-" The dark alicorn silenced her with a wave of his wings, and she fell silent, gazing down submissively. Sombra's gaze fell across each pony there, and he put on a warm smile. "...greetings. I am sorry for whatever distress this unfortunate invasion is causing for you all, but it simply must be done. I have no intention of harming you, and neither will any of my Children, so long as you do not resist and remain meek. Wipe those tears and be happy...your true King has come home. I've learned my mistakes; I will not try to cow you into submission. This time...you all will be granted the freedom and rights you deserve. I was a fool to have treated you wrongly in the past...and for that I am sorry. Until I return from defeating the usurpers, you will be released to go on with your daily lives." Sombra turned his back on the silent crowd and stared at the Crystal Castle in the distance. Many frightened and suspicious murmurs traveled through the Crystal Ponies, their fear-or-hate-filled gazes boring into the newly revived Sombra.

    •Guard-Lieutenant Regal, at the Town Center within the Crystal Empire•

    The elder guardspony traveled across the Castle courtyard at breakneck speed, shouting out orders to passing soldiers and civilians. Urging them toward the Castle itself, he sent out detachments of guards to find and bring any Crystal Pony who had been unable to catch up with the majority of the populace. After looking about the town square for a moment, he noticed the young mare Ember Flare. New to the guards, she was quite the skilled young soul...she'll definitely be needed in the days to come. Rushing over to her, he pulled the bandage kit out of his bag and attempted to dress the wound she had on her rear leg. Regal muttered through the needle as he did his work. "You young...fool. Getting yourself...wounded like this! I ought to...send you back...to the Acadamy once this...is all over. Quit squirming! It makes...my job more...difficult!" With a grunt, he bit off the end of the string that stitched together her wound and applied a bandage to it.

  10. •Just outside of the Crystal Empire in the Frozen Wastes. Present Day•

    "Behold, he who is our Shepherd in the Shadows."

    "For we are his Children, the Children of Darkness."

    "Long live the King, the King beyond Death."

    "Whose grip he evaded, his soul supreme."

    "The strength of his will, forever will it grow."

    "Our wills are united, for our Father is here."

    "His Wisdom is grand, his power unwanning."

    "Once we enter, you too will see the truth."

    The song-like chant carried on the freezing winter wind, coming from the throats of the army beyond the Crystal Empire's magical barrier, whose numbers consisted of many races. Changelings, griffons, ponies and dragons; all gathered with a feverish fanaticism for the one whom they called their master; the one all knew as the fallen King Sombra. Standing side-by-side, the twisted zealots held spears and wing-blades, protected by reflective shields and armor, and supported at a range with great Everwood bows. The chant continued, their voices overpowering even the fierce tundra gales that swept through their numbers. It was an example; an example of power. The power of the one who had captured their hearts.

    "...that one, is I." Sombra muttered darkly from atop of his bone-built chariot, his violet-flame rimmed, green-and-red eyes peering deep into the bubble-like shield that prevented he and his army from entering. Once, this was all his...once, the whole Empire served him...once, he had made a mistake. He had demoralized his former subjects, had taken away their wills to fight. This time, he would not make the same mistake. He could convince the Crystal Ponies to serve him willingly and devotedly...or he could simply get rid of them all. By the end of the day, one of those options would be chosen. Turning his head to look at the first of his Children, Lypris, he whispered something in her ear. Nodding reverently, Lypris's changeling horn glowed a dark red, as her voice was magically amplified to carry to even the farthest Child out there. "Brothers and sisters! Sons and daughters of our glorious Father! Be silent, and take heed of the words of your Eldest...!" The chanting army fell into complete quiet, and all turned their fervent eyes upon her and Sombra. "Today...will be the first of many victories, my younger kin. Today, marks the beginning of our Father's supremacy over Equestria...and the world. Today, you fight for the sake of our Father's goals and willingly die for the chance to make his dream become reality! With the fall of the Crystal Empire, we will have an even greater family! By the steel of our blades, and the sharpness of our spears, we...WILL NOT BE DENIED OF OUR DESTINY!" An earth-shattering roar filled the air, the slight rumble of stomping hooves, talons, and feet shaking the ground below. The few dragons unleashed horrid, violent shrieks that pierced the howl of their fellows. In their minds; they had already won the war.

    Sombra smiled slightly at the display. The Alicorn Amulet hung at his neck, glowing a deep, blood-crimson light. It was a powerful tool, known for it's ability to corrupt. But he...he was too pure for the instrument; too strong in both will and heart for it to conquer him. Raising his new, rebirth-given wings, a black flame expanded from the tips of his feathers, as the image of his midnight-dark wings grew to two, three, four times his size, taking up the sky above like a massive idol. To everyone who could see, the fires were not devouring the oxygen in the air; they were absorbing the light from the sun's rays that passed through the overcast sky above. The grand display brought the overzealous screams to new heights, and the heralds sounded their trumpets above the roars of the masses. The light...it filled him with power; so much power! As the flames receded, he leapt into the air and took flight, the cheers of his Children below following him as he approached the magical boundary of the Crystal Empire. Setting down right in front of it, he lifted up his upper right hoof which shined with bizarre red markings, and let out a wicked snarl. "Let the nightmare...BEGIN!" With that final shout, he slammed his foot against the barrier with incredible force, the sound of a hundred bellows of thunder meeting his attack.

    At the point of impact, a few small, glimmering crimson cracks appeared around his hoof. Then, all of a sudden, they spreaded and expanded outward from the source with incredible swiftness; alarming those inside. The magical barrier began to look like a glass dome, apart to shatter and break apart at the slight touch. Once all the cracks met the top of the massive enchanted shield...it dissipated into millions upon millions of small sparkles; a beautiful display...if it didn't herald the end. Sombra's smile became a wicked grin as his army swarmed past his standing form, their bellows letting loose all the bloodlust that they possessed inside themselves. Their numbers swarmed over the initial guard positions; disabling and taking the inhabitants hostage. They had orders not to kill unless they had to. Sombra couldn't help but laugh as his Children began their march into the Crystal Empire; after all, if he could defeat the magic of the Crystal Heart, who could stand against him? His villainous cackles followed the horde as they advanced further and further across the grassy fields toward the city. Today marked the beginning...the beginning of the end.

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