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Posts posted by AirForceBrony

  1. The bell then released class, some students went to the cafeteria, others went to their next class, others just loitered about the halls. They noticed Steel was walking up with his hands in his pockets, trying to hide in his jacket. He got himself some coca cola (my favorite drink in the whole wide world and what I'm drinking now which is keeping me up four hours past my bedtime. :3) and sat down next to the vending machine and slowly drank some.

  2. Steel turned redder than a cherry when she made her remark.

    "U-um... Sh-she's not my... Girlfriend..." He stuttered with his voice trailing off, "h-her name's F-Fluttershy..." He says in almost a squeak. It was almost funny to see someone as big and tough looking as him to be such a softie.

    "Random scribble, I will not tolerate any more disrespect from you, this is your last warning!" Mr. Discord said.

  3. "Random scribble... I don't know where you've got that... But that isn't taught in this class... Please, just go back to your seat..." Discord said as he resisted laughing. He then looked at steel, "steel... Steel! Pay attention!" He said. Steel made a sudden jolt, accidentally kicking the table and sending it up about half a foot. He was looking at the girl on the other end of the room and must've spaced out.

    (He was looking at Fluttershy. In case you want one of your characters to notice. :3 )

  4. Steel sat on the opposite end of scribble. And she noticed that the notes he's been taking is in his native language, and she can't read them at all.

    "Первое, что нужно знать о физике, в том, что он управляет всем. это основная часть того, почему вещи двигаться, продолжать двигаться, и остановиться. Законы Ньютона являются прекрасным примером того, основные принципы."

  5. Oh, so you two young girls are new?" Mr. Discord chuckled, "in that case, I'll let you two off with a verbal warning, but you, steel, however, should know better!" Steel let out a long sigh to calm back down.

    "I'm sorry Mr. discord. I will not let it happen again." Steel Said with only a slight accent.

    "Very well... You are a rather respectful student, and you've never been tarty until now... I'll let it go, but don't let it happen again." Discord said, dismissing them to their seats.

    "Alright, everyone. Time to learn about the wonderful world of Physics!" he chuckled as he drew it up on the board.

  6. You know, I was just pondering about it... And I just wondered... Do you have anyone RPing as Discord in your WoE? If not, or you could use one, perhaps I could be able to do it. Though I'll need a walk through on how to make a character sheet for him. :/

    Anyway, if you've got any suggestions or answers, please lemme know in my inbox! (I'll forget I made this and not check it... :| )

  7. Steel didn't say a word... He was to angry to... And even if he did, it wouldn't be in English. He felt it was probably better to sit with the two and talk through it with them when he was calmer. He headed off to physics class.

    (Hope you don't mind if I do Discord. I've gotta practice a little anyway. :) )

    "Oh, hello, everyone." Mr. discord smirked as the tarty students came into the class, "I suppose you all have excellent reasons as to why you are late?" He asked, crossing his legs as he sat ontop of his desk, "well, go on... I'm listening."

  8. "Yeah, all three of us are. But I'm not letting that ride." Steel growled as he let go and approached Deus.

    "Deus..." He growled as he approached him, grabbing a hold of his shoulder so he couldn't escape. He was significantly larger than Deus, so he had the upper hand in case something went down. He glared at Deus right in the eye.

    "I seeing you pick on him... What in vorld is for?" He growled, very, very angry. And everyone in school knew when his accent showed when he was angry, he meant business.

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