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Posts posted by AirForceBrony

  1. "You can drop the sir c.rap. My name's Strong." He said, hopping off of his desk, "your sister there needs to learn herself some manners... Otherwise she won't last long in the academy." He said, "now where was your Meister all day?"

    "I accidentally overslept..." Steel chuckles nervously, twirling the dart in his hand, "s-sorry about that..."

    "Why'd you oversleep?"

    "I was up late last night helping my mother. She's ill and she probably won't make it..."

    "Well in that case, I'll let it ride... Family's a little more important than being on time..." Strong said.

  2. Steel soul came walking by in sort of a carefree manner. He had his headphones on low so he could be aware of his surroundings... Somewhat... He was starting to feel a little hungry... As usual... Though despite his constant eating, he was very athletic, and a very attractive young man. He was a senior in the school and was ready to sign up and proudly serve his country when he graduated

    "Hm... I wonder if the cafeteria's got anything to eat..." He thought out loud. He then passed random scribble and some other people and took his headphones down and slung them across his neck, "hey, somethin' wrong?" He asked.

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