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Posts posted by AirForceBrony

  1. It was with great force that Brave hit, and then he jumped up towards her and tried to swing vex at whisper to juggle her a little before he tried to slam her back into the ground. He was desperate in not letting her perform the technique as it may result in fatal consequences if she's not careful.

  2. The rest of the students stayed in the class, since they wanted to leave early. Strong watched the group leave, feeling proud of them, seeing as he may have been wrong about them.

    After a while, they managed to get to the training grounds, there was just about anything they could think of that could improve their capabilities.

    "Lets try to get some practical learning in. Learning from books isn't going to tell us how to get used to our weapons, let alone wield them properly..." He said.

  3. "Do you want to add bronze's report on top of yours?" He growled to Vex, hinting that bronze, doing as he was told, didn't have to do his paper now.

    "Today's just a day where you get to meet your weapon, you can get acquainted and so on. Since there are three that I was expecting that didnt show up, the rest of you are permitted to go to the training grounds and practice, or you may stay here and we can get started with introductions and get you out of class early."

  4. "Just like with those two, her life is in your hands! The problem here is that you weapons in here lack discipline. You need to learn a thing or two about it before you and your meisters can be efficient teams." He said, then started pacing.

    "I hate to do this to you all on your first day, but I'm going to give you your first homework assignment today rather than tomorrow... I expect to see each of the weapons in this class with a kishin soul each. And then you two... I want you two to write me a one hundred page report." He growled.

    "You are writing a report on respect..." He growled, pointing to bronze.

    "And you a report on humility!" Pointing to Vex. He then looked to whisper, "yes, what is it?" He asked, the anger immediately leaving his voice.

  5. The teacher, after chewing bronze out, decided to twirl a pencil in his hand, it was very boring with no one to talk to, and the only contact he's had with this bunch of students, is chewing out one of them. He now isn't getting the best impression of this batch and hoped there'd be someone to change his opinion.

  6. The teacher took the dart and grabbed bronze by the shoulder, squeezing down, it hurt.

    "Look, I WILL NOT tolerate any disrespect in my class! From anyone, or TO anyone! if I see any more, you're going to be answering straight to the head of the CWMA. I'd better not get ANY trouble from you. Understand?" He growled, then roughly let go, throwing bronze back a little.

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