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Posts posted by Angelwing

  1. Angel sighs of relif,"That some good food..."

    Shadow facehoofs,"By Celestia...how do i put up with you..."

    Angel smiles,"Ha ha ha!" he stands and then trips on a cupcake, he falls next to the table of Harmony, "Ow...oh...hi!" he smiles as he rubs his head.

    Shadow sighs and walks over to help him...

  2. Angel & his brother sat near by.

    Angel started eating the buffet of food,"That was a hard training...The Roaly Guards captins are really pushing us!" he said with his mouth full.

    Shadow sighed,"Please my brother...eat politie...we are guards...not barabarins..."

    Angel smiles and nods,"Ya ya ya! "

  3. Angel Wing flies in the building his face desprate,"Ill have all your cupcakes!" said the white stallion with blue and black mane...his blue eyes looking at the cupcakes

    His brother Shadow Marteria walks in and sighs,"Angel...just one is fine..." he said as he took of his helm showing the black stallions red and black mane, his red eyes in embarrassment.

  4. Shadow bowed, "I will make sure to keep an eye on him....and Jack..."

    Angel stood outside the royal court, "...Recon..."

    Shadow nodded,"Make sure to keep a distance...We have to figure out where Jack came from...and what is his plan..."

    Angel nods,"Okay..."

  5. Sun stood up, "Good thing I had worser crashes then that huh sis! ha ha ha. its part of being a extreme racer, but ow...it has its moments..."

    Moon looked at Jack from a distance, "...Sun..that guy was talking to a wierd creature..."

    Sun nodded,"Maybe its was the creature that made the tagert appear...lets follow."

  6. Sun Flare smiled,"Cool! A obstcle to break!" suddenly he glowed white a wave of energy spread theough the sky...like the Soinc Rainboom...this was Sun's Supernova. he broke the target but he couldnt control himself abd he crashed.

    Moon gapsed, "Sun!"

    Sun groned, "Ow...."

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