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Posts posted by Angelwing

  1. Sun nodded, "[colour=#ff8c00]Of corues, have to be if I'm to show off my Supernova ha ha ha!" [/colour]Angel chcukled,[colour=#0000ff] "You know your pride wil be broken if you keep boasting that way ha ha ha![/colour]" Angel said as they walked insdie.

    Shadow was outside, as always he was the night guard, doing his usally route."[colour=#ff0000]The rain feels good tonight..." [/colour]

  2. Angel looked at Sun Flare,"[colour=#0000cd]Why are you here cousin?[/colour]" Sun chuckled[colour=#ff8c00]," To enter the extreme racing competition...after all If i am to be the best I can to try all races across equestria, so I can show the best, that I am better."[/colour] Angel laughed[colour=#0000cd],"What about your little sister then? Don't you need to take care of her?[/colour]" Sun nodded,"[colour=#ff8c00] Yeah, but I haired a babysitter, a trusted one, I won't let just anyone watch my sis.[/colour]" Angel smiled, [colour=#0000cd]"That's good, huh?[/colour]" he notices Rosemary hiding. "[colour=#0000ff]Sun I think your entrance might of frightened somepony.[/colour]" Sun looked.

  3. Angel was then hit by a blue blur, when he stopped rolling next to him was Sun Flare(Profile pic) [colour=#ff8c00]"Ow...sorry there...that Supernova of mine tends to be too strong ha ha...oh Angel it's you!... Sorry about that, I forgot about the rain was supposed to going on tonight....[/colour]" Angel chuckled ," [colour=#0000cd]That's fine...no! my food....[/colour]" Sun chuckled [colour=#ff8c00]"...wait...[/colour]" Angel smiled,[colour=#0000cd] "That's right you owe me!"[/colour] Sun frowned, [colour=#ff8c00]"Fine...let's get inside first...not really a fan of rain."[/colour] Angel nodded, they followed the tour group.

  4. Wonderbolts, looked upon each of their scrolls, Spitfire smiled, "thank you," as she put it away. Shadow chuckled,"[colour=#ff0000]Well I have to go, can't wait for your show eh[/colour]." Spitrfire quickly said, "So is Sun Flare still not joining us..." Shadow chuckled,[colour=#ff0000]" You know how stubborn he is...no my dear cousin still thinks he will outmatch all you of...so he doesn't want to join you.That's Sun for ya....has the heart for competition.[/colour]" Spitfire frowned," He still wants to...ha ha ha I know he mastered the Supernova, but still he thinks he can beat us all. Well he is stubborn, anyhow thank you Shadow, and I hope you Cloud, and Sapphire can come to our show tomorrow ."

  5. Angel smiled[colour=#0000ff],"It doesn't matter what pie it is! I love anything!"[/colour] he licked his lips,"[colour=#0000ff] I love all types of food!"[/colour] Sun came back, "[colour=#ff8c00]Sorry Angel ,but you have to watch Moon Shine..I can't leave my little sis alone.[/colour]" Moon glared at Sun," [colour=#4b0082]I'm not little ![/colour]" Angel looked at Sun," [colour=#0000cd]Do I have to!...I was going to get pie..[/colour]." Sun rolled his eyes," [colour=#ff8c00]You and your stomach .just keep care of her while I'm gone...[/colour]" Angel just stood there..."[colour=#ff8c00]Fine! I'll take you to your favorite restaurant."[/colour] Angel smiled and nodded. "[colour=#ff8c00]Be good Moon, bye Angel.[/colour]" Angel waved good-bye..."[colour=#0000ff]Now back to the pie situation"[/colour].

  6. Shadow smiled,"[colour=#ff0000]Well I have to go as well...sorry ,but us guards have to do our thing.[/colour]" Angel made a sad face, "[colour=#0000ff]Do you have too!?[/colour]" Shadow chuckled "[colour=#ff0000]Don't you worry little brother, I'll try to get a break and spend sometime with you[/colour]." Angel smiled, and Shadow garbed his things and walked up, "[colour=#ff0000]Goodbye eveypony![/colour]"

  7. Spit Fire smiled, "Well hello Cloud." Shadow then looked at Spitfire, "[colour=#ff0000]Maybe you could give him a front row seat of your new act ..when is it?[/colour]" Spitfire smiled at Shadow, "tomorrow night, and sure we will save you two a seat...that is if you want to come Cloud?" she chuckled Shadow looked at Sapphire who is in the tree, and thought, perhaps we can bring her as well...ha ha ha, he could see her shaking the tree...

  8. Moon Shine walked with her older brother, Sun Flare, she looked at him when he stopped, [colour=#ff8c00]"Are you sure you are going to be okay by yourself?...I can ask Angel to watch you?[/colour]" Moon shake her head, [colour=#4b0082]"I'm...good...I just want to enjoy the nature...[/colour]" thought she liked it better if it was night time, she looked at her brother's flank, on it was a blue fire ball. she looked at her flank, and sighed," [colour=#ff8c00]Hey don't worry little sis![/colour]" he smiles, [colour=#ff8c00]"It will show when it is time...now go along...you know where to find me when you need me...right[/colour]?" she nodded, "[colour=#4b0082]Either in Cloudstale or by the stores i got it...[/colour]" Sun smiled,"[colour=#ff8c00] good...now be good and be careful don't talk to strangers or acc-[/colour]" Moon stopped him,"[colour=#4b0082] I got it!...I'm not little anymore!"[/colour] Sun chuckled and smiled, "[colour=#4b0082]Be safe...have fun![/colour]" he flew off, "[colour=#4b0082]....okay...now let's look around...I guess...[/colour]"

    Sun was hiding in the trees, he didn't want to leave his sister, so he will watch her for a distance.

    Moon saw the other fillies from a distance, she quickly looked down at the ground...trying to be unnoticed.

  9. (That's all i could think of :/ but let me see if I can get it going)

    Shadow saw the Wonderbolts, though they are famous, he doesn't get head over hoof for celebrates. "I see..." he looks up and saw the shaking Sapphire, he looked at the Wonderbolts, he picked up the photographer's camera and give it to him. "So the great Wodnerbolts are here eh, are you here to preform in [colour=#282828]PhillyDelphia?" he asked them [/colour]

    [colour=#282828](all I can think of :P)[/colour]

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