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Posts posted by Dart

  1. And haha you know, you're right! Anyways I'd prefer that over hony and some of the other names that folks have come up with :blush:

    I like the term 'brony' much better than 'hony' as well, though pegasis isn't too bad.


  2. Hi, all! My name's Tammy Dart and I'm an exchange student brony from Tennessee. I got into ponies about a couple months back. I've watched season one through a couple times, got quite a few of my friends into the show, and now I have basically nothing more to do except twitch and wait for season two. :mad:

    I love FIM and all that it has done for me - namely making me eat more fruit and be healthier, ending nearly all of my stupid fears thanks to Pinkie's song, and renewing my interest in flight. :20: I'm seventeen, female, and a volunteer at my city's zoo. I love biology, film, history, and astronomy. My favorite ponies are Applebloom, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash and my favorite ships are Fluttermac, Twilight Dash (Rainbow Sparkle?) and humanized Twilight / sweater vests.

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