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Posts posted by TenthSpeedWriter

  1. Pro: You have the deadliest headbutts in the world.

    Con: Have you ever tried to comb snakes? Doesn't work. Also, you have to keep feeding them or they bite you.

    Indestructable bones

    Pro: Stubbing your toe has never been so risk-free.

    Con: Just wait 'till arthritis sets in.

    The ability to summon flying monkeys with a snap of your fingers.

  2. I say, go for it.

    Whatever you do though, you have to go in with confidence. No matter where you go in life, there are going to be half-witted people who love to take issue with the things other people enjoy, just so they have something to funnel their pitifully abundant negative thoughts into.

    In short,


  3. You and three of your best friends are fighting your way through the zombie uprising. You find yourself cornered on the roof of a hospital. There is a chopper that could lift you to safety; but, there is only enough room left for three of you. You each draw straws, and yours is the short one.

    The zombies are beating down the door to the rooftop. As you prepare to charge forward toward death or glory against the undead menace, a thought occurs to you.

    You pull out your iPod.

    What song do you put on?

  4. I realize that furry artist drama is a stereotype, but I swear there are some folks that go out of their way to live up to it. >>;

    Anyone who ragequits an online community because the admins jokingly change the banner, probably doesn't have the social and emotional maturity to handle community interaction in the first place. (That, or possibly an air of pretension so concentrated it may actually be flammable.)

  5. I don't usually turn to outbursts on the interwebs to let off steam, but I feel like there some crud I need to get off of my chest.


    I can't stand being compared to my uncle. I look up to and admire him, but I feel like certain people are expecting of all his success from me as well.

    He's a civil engineer -- the same field I'm studying now -- and is the star of the family. It's for good reason, too: he's among the most respected in his field, and on the verge of going from second in charge of his company to owning his own firm. I originally wanted to be a Civ E major just so I could follow in his footsteps, but as encouraging as he himself is, there are certain people in my family who love to remind me that I'm still standing in his shadow.

    I posted on Facebook today, worrying over my score in an engineering class, Mechanics of Materials, that I had to retake last semester. It's not for lack of understanding the material, mind you, but because my problem solving style is still developing; I'm still too sloppy, and truthfully, it's more practice than study now. Regardless, it's something that I'm struggling with, and all the pride and effort that go with it make it more than a little stressful.

    Anyway. My aunt commented on my post: a full page on how her husband passed the same class with an A+, and made the dean's list so many times, and all while working a full time job, and starting a family, and even then still finished with a master's in just five years, and so on, and so on...

    I know it's pointless to let it bother me. Even if by chance I did one day surpass everything he's done in his career, she wouldn't be anything but resentful of me for it; still... being held to the standards of your idol is just... more frustrating than most things I can imagine. I know the rest of the family isn't expecting all of that from me, but I know they feel at least partially the same way. Hearing her talk that way... it almost makes me feel like I'm letting them down as well.


  6. Also I'm not completely sure about him being involved with the Apple clan since technically that would count as a prior relation to cast members and that isn't allowed.

    To what extent and in what context is this generally enforced?

    The way I had envisioned it, the only prior relationships would be with characters specifically from that locale -- bar pre-planned roleplaying plots -- and would be at most casual acquaintanceship.

    Just a little bit of brain candy for you. Also what is a tan green colour? o-O

    No, really, I'm colorblind. Help me out here. .-.

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