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Posts posted by AtDawnTheySquee

  1. Quite understandable. Sometimes I too dislike some of the power metal songs because they're too happy.

    And Morbid Angel, I know that they are big Death Metal. But again, I can't say that I'm a fan.

    Power metal just isn't my thing. Well I'm not sure what you mean by "big Death Metal" but they are one of the more well known bands.

  2. Personally, I started liking metal when my family got Guitar Hero 2. At that time, I was much younger. A year or so later, my brother introduced me to Kamelot. This introduced me to the other forms of metal, and made me see that metal just wasn't all about death. Although my curiosity in metal died out for sometime, I stumbled upon Rhapsody, one of the greater known power metal bands. From then, I just browsed similar songs in youtube if they were in the suggestions. Overtime, I would find all of the main metal that I like, including Viking, Pagan, Black, Power, etcetera. Most of the music that I like was the music that I was exposed to was during my "journies" in the youtube suggestions. Some music, such as Progressive and Melodic Death, were introduced to me by family and friends.

    My overall music taste is more focused on diversity. I will have a lot of bands playing in a genre of music, lots of metal sub-genres, but all bands will only have an album or two.

    Originally when I first found Black Metal, I didn't like it much. However, it's been several years since, and I'm now a fan of it, albeit not as hardcore as most other fans.

    From what I heard of Norma Jean, I can't say I like them. However, I'm digging the Alcest.

    And for that one Kamelot song that really kicked off my interest in metal:


    Here's the Rhapsody song (it's long) that really kicked off my love for metal:


    Holy crud, the nostalgia of the day that I found this long song...

    I hate to tell ya but, I really dislike power metal. The only exception is Keeper of the Seven Keys pt.1 but I don't even listen to it that much. I'm not a fan of the vocals, the guitar is okay I guess, I dislike the overall "happy" sound of it.

    Anyways, I'll post something that I would normally listen to.

  3. I'm not much of a death metal fan, although I hear that Death is a classic.

    I've also been hearing that Opeth is good too. Maybe I should check them out sometime.

    Death and Opeth are both great death metal bands to start off with, I'd recommend Death's album The Sound of Perseverance and Opeth's Blackwater Park.

    Never been much into Grindcore, in that general direction I more take to Crust Punk. I like Doom Metal, especially the classics and sludge metal has some cool bands like The Melvins (especially when Jello Biafra collabs with them).

    You don't like Grindcore? :( Not even Napalm Death? They're actually a pretty easy band to get into. Well, at least they were for me.

  4. Hi, I'm AtDawnTheySquee, but please call me Dawn for short. I've been a brony since August of 2012, and I've seen every episode. I'd say that my personal favorite is One Bad Apple.

    I'm also a huge audiophile, in other words I like music A LOT. I listen to many different types of music but metal is my specialty. Some my favorite bands are Carcass, Death, Opeth, Electric Wizard and Eyehategod. Some of my favorite non-metal bands are Nirvana, The Smiths and Radiohead. BTW, is there metal thread around here?

    I also have a small CD collection, it's not much but it's something I guess. :/


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