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Everything posted by Monochrome

  1. Yay! You are online, Krad! And so, I suppose that's settled? Because that is a cool name.
  2. Oh, nice. Can't wait for Krad to get back online... I'm derping around on the rp boards while I wait for him.
  3. ooc: Would it be alright if I jumped back into this, Mint? I almost forgot that I promised to come back when I last left this.
  4. For example, my ponysona is named Monochrome for her colour scheme of only grey and black, not Skritchy Sketchy for her talent of art.
  5. Okay. Now, he needs a name. Now, when pony names have either two or one words usually pertaining to their colours or unique physical traits. Also, remember, don't name your pony something simply pertaining to only their talent, because their parents didn't know their foal's future talent as soon as he/she was born. So, do you have something in mind, or do you need suggestions?
  6. Pew pew pew! Welcome, Shooting Star! I hope you enjoy a nice long stay here. If you ever want to rp, just shoot me a message and I'd be glad to.
  7. Streak opened his saddlebag and passed their tickets to Mint. Once their tickets had been checked and they had been directed to the correct platform, they sat down on a bench together and waited for their train to arrive.
  8. XD Well, considering I'm asleep when it's daytime and you're awake, I assume, yeah.
  9. ooc: Oops, forgot something. bic: "Aw, quit screamin', Staw." Conquest huffed irritatedly, covering his ears with his hooves.
  10. "Well, alright, if you're sure..." Crystal said as they went off towards the station.
  11. ooc: Well, by little ones, I meants colts and fillies, younger than Mint herself.
  12. Oh... Gah, I never meant for it to seem to focus on that... I based her on myself, so yeah... I have a lazy eye, but it doesn't really impair my vision, it's just kind of odd to look at. XD The wing issue was just a random idea, that can definitely go. Hm... not sure what to add to the cutie mark story, honestly, it took me a while to think of that. Eh, I'll work on it.
  13. I have to go right now. Sorry... Bye~
  14. ooc: Is Starwind afraid of flying or something?
  15. ooc: Uh, stormchaser, what? She just told the little ones to get on her back.
  16. "You sure you can carry this much? With all of our weight combined, we're at lest twice as heavy as you..." Crystal inquired nervously. "If we're flying, you'll crash, even if Streak flies instead of sitting on you."
  17. "So, is that a yes, you're done?" Streak huffed as Mint started to fly off. "No fair! I'm smaller and I've got a lotta bruises, okay?"
  18. Well, welcome! It's very nice to meet you. I'm Monochrome, but you can call me Nom if you'd like. I hope you enjoy your stay here!
  19. Hello, and welcome! I hope you enjoy it here in Canterlot.
  20. Welcome! If you ever have a need to rp, go ahead and send me a message, and I'd be happy to.
  21. "Aw, fine." Streak huffed, landing and trotting along on hoof. They soon reached the station and bought tickets for each pony in their group, then ran as quickly as they could back to the orphanage. "You done yet, Mint? Are ya?" Streak inquired excitedly once they were inside, slamming the door behind him and Starwind.
  22. "Eh, no promises, but we'll see." Streak said, accepting the satchel of bits from Mint and flying off with Starwind behind him.
  23. "I'll go with her." Streak offered.
  24. "Oh, weren't you there when Necro explained?" Nao said, seeming concerned. "Ah, nevermind. We are a species that acts as a darker counterpart to the dream world. We eat dreams, but our bodies leave behind a sort of non-lethal toxin that creates what you from Equestria commonly refer to as 'bad dreams' or 'nightmares'. Oh, yes, Necro was going to tell you the story of how we came to be. Necro?" Necro swept his crimson gaze over everyone and shifted position. He cleared his throat and began: "This is the story of the first nightstallion- our great-great-great grandfather. Now, long ago, far before the time of your two princesses, there was a shadow pony. A simple shadow to ponies' eyes, he slunk along through the world unnoticed by most. Now it came that he fell in love with one of the four princesses that ruled the separated lands of dreams, land, sky, and sea, a wish pony- to you, that's, quite simply, a pony with colourful butterfly wings who grants wishes and creates dreams- of snow white, beautiful beyond compare. He was a terribly bashful pony, rather ashamed of what he was as well, and had no idea how to go about greeting her. But, one night, he gathered up all of his courage and entered the princess's dream. He tried to greet her and declare his love, but she was afraid of him. She screamed and tried to run from the dark figure, and he left, hating what he was more than before. He created his own dimension, fittingly a dark counterpart to the dream world, and would offer those rejected an understanding home and a share of his power if they joined his ranks. And thus, our species came to be." he finished.
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