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Everything posted by Monochrome

  1. He blushed sheepishly. "Aw, stawp. Go fill out the stuff and we can go home!" he said, nudging Mint towards Mrs. Honeysuckle's open office door.
  2. Alright, super. Now, we need the story of the day he earned that lovely mark. How old was he? How did it happen?
  3. Ah, very nice. But remember, cutie marks pertain to a talent as well as personality traits, although, I suppose leadership counts as a talent.
  4. "Aw, but I can't be TOTAWLLY good if I'm gawna take over Equestria!" Conquest protested. Mrs. Honeysuckle laughed. "Something I forgot to mention. Little Fireball here wants to take over Equestria, and prefers to be called Conquest. Isn't he just precious?" she said, ruffling the little colt's mane. "Aw, I've told ya, I ain't cute, I'm dangerous! Witty!" he grumbled.
  5. XD Eh.... I DUNNO WHOSE TURN IT IS! *facedesk*
  6. Ah, okay. And for what talent did he receive this lovely mark?
  7. I do believe it's.... Tommas's turn. Go!
  8. "Oh, my! Well, isn't that something." Mrs. Honeysuckle laughed. "Didn't the little troublemakers just charm you? I'll warn you, they're more than a bit of trouble, but I'm sure they'll be the most loyal little colts and fillies you could ask for." she added to Mint. "Now, let's get that paperwork filled out and send them on their way with you, shall we?"
  9. That sounds awesome. We should all play that over messaging sometime. XD
  10. XD Alright, now that the awkward part is presumably out of the way... Idk. How old are you, Tommas?
  11. XD Oh, I thought you were talking about PONY Krad, not USER Krad. XD Yeah, I am a girl, so, yeah.
  12. Alright, good. That's a great outline for that. Now, what does he do? How did he get his cutie mark? For that matter, what IS his cutie mark?
  13. No, I was talking about my other oc in the rp, Nao's nearly-silent, hot-headed, tough-guy brother. XD
  14. "Ah, very interesting." Nao said. "What talent did you get it for that connects to that?"
  15. XD Well, Necro's there (and a guy) too, he just doesn't do much talking.
  16. "Oh, nice." Nao said with a nod. "Sorry if you're uncomfortable, I just had to ask because cutie marks are so rare here. Only half-breeds get them." Nao looked over at Krad, who was sitting to her right. "And you?" Nao asked quietly.
  17. Alright, well, welcome, Tommas! Care to work your oc into the rp again now? XD I'll warn you now, River and I have terrible patience with rps. We get anxious to see what happens next.
  18. Okay, back down to business.... Alright, this is turning out to be a pretty good character so far. Now, he needs a personality. Give me a few words describing his attitude, his way with others, his general behavior, please.
  19. XD You are awesome. Welcome to the group, Skyshotswift. (What should I call you, by the way? You can me Nom, and Krad is Krad and River is River. XD )
  20. No, as long as you don't use the brightest neon shades of that you possibly can.
  21. Okay. Let's see, anything I'm forgetting before we move on to history, job, and cutie mark? OH WAIT. How old is he? Pony age is not in numbers, but these categories: Foal (baby), colt or filly (teenagers, roughly), and mare or stallion (adults). You can add "older" or "younger" in front of one of these words to better describe his age.
  22. Okay, what kind? It should match where he lives or works, like, he's not going to be wearing an expensive top hat if he lives in the streets of Ponyville, and things like that, get it? XD
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