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Posts posted by Monochrome

  1. Okay. :P Let's see, anything I'm forgetting before we move on to history, job, and cutie mark? OH WAIT. How old is he? Pony age is not in numbers, but these categories: Foal (baby), colt or filly (teenagers, roughly), and mare or stallion (adults). You can add "older" or "younger" in front of one of these words to better describe his age. :P

  2. "Hey, Stawwind. You're coming with us too, eh?" Conquest greeted the unicorn filly. The door at the front was heard shutting, and all of the soon to be adopted colts and fillies scrambled towards it, eagerly dragging Mint behind them. By the door was an elderly, honey-coloured mare with wire glasses and her silvery grey mane in a bun. "Oh, hello, dear. Little ones, who's this?" she said softly. The young ponies gushed joyfully about the older mare. "This is Mint!" said Streak. "And she's gonna adawpt us!" added Conquest. "Right now!" put in Crystal.

  3. Nao fell in beside Krad as the group walked on, headed for a narrow side street rather than a building this time. Once they had all sat down, they began to talk again. "Alright, everypony, before we start the story of how our kind came to be, why not tell us a bit about yourselves? You know, what those cutie marks stand for, and things like that?" Nao said.

  4. The three young ponies grinned and crowded their future adoptor. "What's your name?" Conquest said joyously. "Are you going to help us get our cutie marks now, too? We got nothin' so far..." Streak added. Other colts and fillies began poking their heads out of their rooms, hearing the happy uproar.

  5. ooc: I have to leave to go fishing and watch Canadian fireworks soon.... Happy Canadian Independence Day, and goodbye for now! :D We'll continue when I can get back on.

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  6. Okay... There are a few different usuable combinations, as you actually picked some colours that all go pretty well together if used correctly. Here are the combos I like best.... Well, all of them. *shrug* Okay.... Black and red, black and blue, red and blue. Different shades of each (well, except black) can be used to make it look even better. I'm thinking I like the look of red and blue.... What do you think?

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