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Posts posted by Monochrome

  1. Nao laughed with Krad, a noticeable blush covering her cheeks. Necro walked into the middle of the group. "Alright, now that that kind of thing is presumably over... I suggest we find a different place for Nao and I to tell you that story before we move on. We have enough time, I think... The eclipse isn't for a few more hours. Now, everypony follow us. Oh, and I almost forgot... You are going to be assumed to be half-breeds because you have cutie marks. You may get a few dirty looks, but disregard them. Nopony's going to do anything to you, especially so long as you're accompanying royalty. Now, let's get a move on, outsiders!" he said briskly and gruffly, pushing his way out of the crumbly building, followed by Nao and the others.

  2. The young ponies' eyes widened. The other colt, a Pegasus who seemed to get into a lot of fights judging by all the cuts and bruises he sported, dashed over to the broom and quickly, with the filly, a unicorn with a far-away look in her pale silver eyes, holding the dustpan, swept up all the glass and placed the wrapped sweets in the pegasus's saddlebag. Then they all lined up at the counter for their reward after the earth colt had paid for the candy. The earth pony ordered first. "Chawcolate!" he said, licking his lips. "I'd like chawcolate."

  3. A loud crash resounded as three young ponies, two colts and a filly, tumbled into the shop, knocking over a candy jar on a table. They froze for a moment as they noticed the other ponies. "Eh, sorry, toots." one of the colts, a dusty cream-coloured earth pony with a flame-coloured mane, a patched-up newsboy hat, and a band-aid on his nose, said, approaching the counter.

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  4. Nao sighed and a smile crept onto her face. "Thank goodness." she murmured. "Those spirits can be tricksters sometimes... Sometimes they switch it with another pony's personality... I guess they do listen to me." she added in a lower voice to nopony in particular. A slight blush was on her cheeks. Charming stallion. He doesn't look bad in this form either.

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