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Posts posted by Monochrome

  1. Nao gathered all that remained of her strength and staggered over to the hole. She immediately noticed what the others apparently hadn't- Krad's breaths were short and kept getting shallower and shallower. Suddenly, three wispy figures like smoke blown in on a breeze were visible above Krad. Nao looked up at them with, surprisingly, no fear for these spirits in her soft yellow eyes. She started talking to them in a nearly inaudible voice. However, one sentence was just loud enough for the other ponies to catch- "Let him live, friends, and you will be repaid." The spirits looked at each other, then turned back to Nao and nodded, seeming to know her well. Then they disappeared, and Krad's breathing became deep and regular again. Nao bent down to the hole. "Krad, are you alright?" she called, straining to reach out a hoof just close enough for him to grab.

  2. Nao, after giving a weak nod of greeting to the newcomer, turned to River. "Well, it's a few things. First, it's a matter of protection. If we're cornered and have little to no option, sometimes just showing off our teeth can scare a pony off. Second... Well, we're nightmares. Think of every monster you've ever seen in your nightmares. Most have sharp teeth like ours, don't they?" she said softly.

  3. Roleplay type: World of Equestria

    Name: Monochrome

    Gender: female

    Age: young Mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Forest green with flecks of brown

    Coat: Silvery grey with splashes of rainbow paint on her hooves. She wears a blue and white striped scarf.

    Mane/Tail: Long, wavy, black. Kind of messy. Tends to wear a wide range of different hats. Physique: Long-legged, slender, slightly taller than most ponies (but only slightly)

    Residence: The outskirts of Cloudsdale

    Occupation: Artist, although she is not very well known. It is more of a hobby than a profession because, although she loves doing it, it earns only minimal amounts of bits- not quite enough to make a living on. As a second job to help with getting money, she works as a part-time waitress at a coffee shop.

    Cutie mark: Monochrome's cutie mark is a black quill drawing a spiral, to represent her talent for both art and storywriting. She was one of the last in her class to earn a cutie mark simply because, although she loved art, she thought that she wasn't all that good and that a lot of other ponies her age were a lot better than her, and thus denied that it could be her unique talent. However, after working all night on a painting and earning a win at a school art show, she realized that even if plenty of ponies were a lot better than her at art, it was what she loved to do, and she could improve on what she already knew. And that was the moment she earned her cutie mark.

    History: Monochrome was born and raised in Cloudsdale. Her parents held good jobs, and so her family was in a good state- as a foal, Monochrome had all the toys and whatnot she could want. As a filly, Monochrome could easily pick out the kind of ponies she wanted to be around, and made quite a few friends, despite her tendency to sit near the back of the classroom and doodle rather than talking with most of her classmates in school. Her parents are Ink Splash and Data Blitz, who get along well with Monochrome. Monochrome has a very large family, including 5 aunts (and 5 uncles, of course), all with children. Oddly, there are only a few artists in the family. Now, Monochrome lives a nice life, devoting her spare time to her art, which she occasionally sells in Cloudsdale's market. She lives on the far edge of Cloudsdale, but will gladly go out with friends and is no stranger to having fun. She hopes to become better known as an artist, and to travel all of Equestria.

    Character Summary: Monochrome is a young mare who is very talented with many mediums of art. She aims to travel all of Equestria with her art, and thus become better known. She loves art, a good story, birds (especially her pet raven, Ivan, who she has trained to talk, although it's only a few simple phrases.), reptiles, and sweets. She, however, dislikes public speaking, deep water, and boredom. She spends her spare time drawing and painting, and sometimes reading or writing. She tends to keep to herself, although, if you appeal to her and her inner randomness, she can be a bit loud. She could be considered smart, as she has an extensive vocabulary and knows quite a few strange facts, which she will blurt out at random should an awkward silence happen. She is usually quiet and thoughtful, except when around friends, and then she can be a lot of fun and quite loud. Her faults include how easily distracted she is and her discomfort with awkward silences in conversation. She has little coordination and is quite clumsy, and thus is not good at all at sports, but she doesn't really like sports anyways and has learned that laughing at yourself every now and then is good for a pony.

  4. Necro looked at Elphaba and nodded briskly. "Seems you already heard the explanation, now you need the disguise if you want to survive here for long." he huffed, performing the ritual on Elphaba, and thus changing her into a nightmare as well. "Now, I suppose you do want to hear that story while Nao recovers?" Necro said once he was finished with Elphaba.

  5. "Not unless you want to know how our species began. Kind of a long story." Necro said. Suddenly, his attention snapped to something barely visible through the window. Another outsider. He stood up and stomped a hoof. Nao held out a leg to stop him. "Let me handle it." she murmured. She shakily got to her hooves and tried to go towards the new pony, but one of her legs buckled and she toppled over. "You rest. I'll handle this one." Necro said after making sure Nao was alright. "You. Eh, Krad, was it? Keep an eye on Nao. I'll be right back." he added before dashing out of the building and approaching the pony.

  6. Nao and Necro looked at each other. "Alright, we'll explain, but first, let's find a private place to do so." Nao said, following behind Necro into an old abandoned building. Once everyone was inside, they all sat down, eyes on Nao and Necro. Nao seemed weak, and Necro gave a brisk nod in her direction. "That spell is quite difficult. Nao needs some rest, so I will be explaining. First of all, you're all in the world of what you commonly refer to as 'nightmares'. The dark counterpart of the dream world. We can't help causing bad dreams, really... It's sort of like a kind of toxin our body releases while we feed on your dreams. Any questions so far, outsiders?" Necro said, gruffly and bluntly.

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