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Posts posted by Monochrome

  1. Hello~ Would you mind drawing one of my ocs for me? The only problem is, I don't have/can't upload pictures right now, so I'll have to just describe her... Is that okay?

    I'm Monochrome. My ponysona's name is also Monochrome.

    She's a silver Pegasus with a long, wavy black mane and tail, splashes of rainbow paint on her hooves, green eyes, one lazy eye (so, pretty much derp eyes) Her cutie mark is a black quill drawing a spiral. Clothing: a blue and white striped scarf, and a shiny umbreon cosplay hat (with the umbreon ears on it too).

    Thank you, and good day.

  2. Hello~ Assuming this is still open, would you mind drawing one of my ocs for me? The only problem is, I don't have/can't upload pictures right now, so I'll have to describe her... Is that okay?

    She's a silver Pegasus with a long, wavy black mane and tail, splashes of rainbow paint on her hooves, green eyes, one lazy eye (so, pretty much derp eyes), a blue and white striped scarf, and a shiny umbreon cosplay hat (with the umbreon ears on it too). Her cutie mark is a black quill drawing a spiral. And that's Monochrome, my ponysona. :) I'd prefer colour, but I give you complete choice on what to do with her.

    Thank you, and good day.

  3. Hello~ Would you mind drawing one of my ocs for me? The only problem is, I don't have/can't upload pictures right now, so I'll have to describe her... Is that okay?

    She's a silver Pegasus with a long, wavy black mane and tail, splashes of rainbow paint on her hooves, green eyes, one lazy eye (so, pretty much derp eyes), a blue and white striped scarf, and a shiny umbreon cosplay hat (with the umbreon ears on it too). Her cutie mark is a black quill drawing a spiral. And that's Monochrome, my ponysona. :)

    Thank you, and good day.

  4. Hello~ Would you mind drawing one of my ocs for me? The only problem is, I don't have/can't upload pictures right now, so I'll have to describe her... Is that okay?

    She's a silver Pegasus with a long, wavy black mane and tail, splashes of rainbow paint on her hooves, green eyes, one lazy eye (so, pretty much derp eyes), a blue and white striped scarf, and a shiny umbreon cosplay hat (with the umbreon ears on it too). Her cutie mark is a black quill drawing a spiral. And that's monochrome, my ponysona. :)

    Thank you, and good day.

  5. Nao galloped alongside Krad. "River! Stop! They're going to see you!" she panted, getting closer and closer to the filly. "Listen! Krad's right. Trying to run back through that portal for a normal pony would be like trying to run through a brick wall. I can take you to the other portal, but first you need a disguise! On my honor as the princess of nightmares, I promise that you'll be okay!" Nao said gravely once she was close enough to River.

  6. "Oh, I'm Nao, and this is my twin brother, Necro...." Nao said, just before another pony arrived. Necro flared up again, but stayed silent save for a frustrated grunt. "Oh... Who are you?" Nao asked the newcomer, the question quickly forgotten as Nao suddenly grew very serious. "Your kind aren't supposed to be here. I'll explain more later, but for now, if you want to survive, we're going to have to temporarily change you all into our species." she said, stepping closer to the outsiders and turning to Krad. "You first." Nao said softly, approaching Krad. She touched her muzzle to his forehead, and a powerful wave of dark energy shot through him. Curled horns like that of a ram grew out of his head, and his mane and tail turned to flame of the same colours as before. Tufts of flame also licked out on the backs of his ankles. His teeth grew pointed, and his wings merged into his body. "There. Now, who's next?" Nao said with a slight nod.

  7. Hello~ Would you mind drawing one of my ocs for me? The only problem is, I don't have/can't upload pictures right now, so I'll have to describe her... Is that okay?

    She's a silver Pegasus with a long, wavy black mane and tail, splashes of rainbow paint on her hooves, green eyes, one lazy eye (so, pretty much derp eyes), a blue and white striped scarf, and a shiny umbreon cosplay hat (with the umbreon ears on it too). Her cutie mark is a black quill drawing a spiral. And that's Monochrome, my ponysona. :)

    Thank you, and good day.

  8. Hello~ Would you mind drawing one of my ocs for me? The only problem is, I don't have/can't upload pictures right now, so I'll have to describe her... Is that okay?

    She's a silver Pegasus with a long, wavy black mane and tail, splashes of rainbow paint on her hooves, green eyes, one lazy eye (so, pretty much derp eyes), a blue and white striped scarf, and a shiny umbreon cosplay hat (with the umbreon ears on it too). Her cutie mark is a black quill drawing a spiral. And that's Monochrome, my ponysona. :) I know you said no colour, I just thought that full description would give you a better idea of what she looks like.

    Thank you, and good day.

  9. Hello~ Would you mind drawing one of my ocs for me? The only problem is, I don't have/can't upload pictures right now, so I'll have to describe her... Is that okay?

    She's a silver Pegasus with a long, wavy black mane and tail, splashes of rainbow paint on her hooves, green eyes, one lazy eye (so, pretty much derp eyes), a blue and white striped scarf, and a shiny umbreon cosplay hat (with the umbreon ears on it too). Her cutie mark is a black quill drawing a spiral. And that's monochrome, my ponysona. :)

    Thank you, and good day.

  10. Hello~ Would you mind drawing one of my ocs for me? The only problem is, I don't have/can't upload pictures right now, so I'll have to describe her... Is that okay?

    She's a silver Pegasus with a long, wavy black mane and tail, splashes of rainbow paint on her hooves, green eyes, one lazy eye (so, pretty much derp eyes), a blue and white striped scarf, and a shiny umbreon cosplay hat (with the umbreon ears on it too). Her cutie mark is a black quill drawing a spiral. And that's monochrome, my ponysona. :)

    Thank you, and good day.

  11. Necro huffed and stepped back a bit, eyes narrowed. An almost undetectable flash of shock and surprise went through them for a brief moment. "H... How are you not burned? Her mane did touch you, I saw it! Who are you ponies?!" he snarled, standing in a protective stance in front of Nao. Nao's eyes were full of utter curiosity as she gazed softly at the other ponies, mainly Krad. "He's right.... Aren't you burned? Our manes are made of fire, after all." she said in her usual quiet voice.

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  12. Nao was suddenly squashed beneath a tumbling mass. Another outside pony! This one seemed to be having fun. Necro whipped around to face him, absolutely furious, as he was extremely protective of his sister. "HEY! What do you think you're doing?!" Necro growled, the flames of his mane and tail blazing even hotter as her helped Nao out from under the stranger.

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