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Bronies For Life

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Everything posted by Bronies For Life

  1. My avatar is not changed. Therefore I am a hipster. I had an old avatar before it was cool.
  2. You cannot hurt my laser! *zaps Microchip and Appliance* I WILL BE THE ONLY ADULT!
  3. Angie, the roles have reversed. *zzzzzzzzzzap* *Angie is now a foal. it is canon*
  4. Silence? You mistake me. I am not a silent person.
  5. What PEGASUS WATCH OUT *zzzzzzzzzap* Damnit Fawkes! Now you've gone and turned Pegasus into a foal.
  6. Hey Fawkes! I found a ray that turns people into kids in Hammerspace! I need to test it, though. And on who else but YOU? *peeeeeeeeew*
  7. You forget this, Fawkes. I never said I would kill anyone. I simply said that the city would be ours. Anybody who protests simply is removed from the city until the coupe is over. I never mean to kill, Fawkes. *snaps his fingers* *The two suits of armors on the walls grab their weapons and begin approaching Fawkes* It'd be wise to not struggle. Those suits are magicproof. *walks backwards out the doorway*
  8. Don't call me brother. You don't deserve it. I am no madman. I have had spies, assassins, sleeping soldiers, waiting for this very moment. On one call, they awake, and the city is ours. You could give in and save your people. Or you could continue to be a stubborn madman and burn the place. Which do you choose, mongrel?
  9. Fawkes. You say you will drive me mad? I say you will fail. You say you run this thread? I say you're barely a puppet. You say madness is rule? No good thing has come from madness. Look around you, Fawkes. The entire place is crumbling. Open your eyes, damnit.
  10. You make me sound like a brute. The pistols were not for a duel, brother. If you do not know the history of our family's symbolism, then how dare you call yourself the Heir? The dueling pistols are a direct insult to your honor. Did you not retain anything from our schooling? You would be too busy with your mad fancies to do anything good as a ruler. You're insane. Mad. Gone. I, on the other hand, have managed to keep my head. I would be a fair and just ruler, my dearest brother.
  11. You are wrong there, Brother. A god cannot die. It is against their very nature. We can stand and fight eachother for the rest of eternity and nothing will change. We have fallen from great heights, Fawkes. Not long ago, we were simply foals, climbing atop Candy Mountain and swimming in pools of used needles. Much has changed. We are not what we used to be. If we are to fight, we are to fight like gentlemen. *horn glows* *two dueling pistols appear inbetween the two* When you're ready, brother.
  12. Your avatar is from that one Scootaloo tumblr I can't remember the name of. It died off with the pinkamena blog, iirc Either way you are awesome for that avatar.
  13. Tsk tsk tsk, Dear Fawksey... Perusing Dear Mothers journal without permission... You see, I created that document with all of my prior knowledge of our glorious heritage. We are gods, Fawkes. We are never wrong. Whats to say you are not an illegitimate son? Or that I am not one? We are not very different, Fawkes. However, if you refuse to fold, justice shall be done, with little more then a Steel Sabre.
  14. Oh, but it is true. Simply take a look. You will note that this is in Appliance's own handwriting; a style I could never hope to capture. /slides App's journal over to Fawkes, the pages flipping. Turn it to your own birth; take a look, as I have. Honestly, I didn't expect it either.
  15. Oh, no, brother. Much much different. It involves you and an orphanage.
  16. Oh, Fawkes. You silly, silly foal... You have yet to find out Mommies Little Secret, have you?
  17. ... ... ...Ha. Hahaha... Hahahahaha. Hahahahahahahah! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ME? DEAR BROTHER, ME? OF ALL PEOPLE, YOU PICK YOUR BROTHER? Hand the job to Frosty. I've got important things to do that do not involve continuing this thread. They do, however, involve buying App a new car.
  18. Well I'm not going to continue the thread! Get to it, Frosty, or get to it, Fawkesy.
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