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Bronies For Life

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Everything posted by Bronies For Life

  1. Hmmm... I may just have to get a new avatar. Off to requests, then!
  2. Oh, I haven't done anything outside of this thread for so long here. It almost makes me wish that I had a better memory to remember to come back here... And you're welcome, mon ami rose. Edit; Sulvuss is second best.
  3. My overnight dissapearance is now over. Now Pinkie. You mentioned working at a bank, yes? You're a bit... hyper for that sort of work, no? (EoL you are best Pinkie Pie)
  4. Oh, Penby. There are certain things we do not lie about, it is common decency! Now, how do I know you are not calling a false bluff, while bluffing yourself? And so n, and so forth.
  5. Peasant, Oh how I wonder why you keep suck a dainty little lie stuck in your head? You are simply not skilled enough to lie like a politician, A prince, or even a king.
  6. Oh, Penby. Oh silly, silly Penby. Lying is an art reserved for those more... tact then the common grovel. Only a few people have the spark required to do it. You are one of them. So am I. So is Fawkes. And, though I doubt she needs it, so is that bubbly pink lass over there.
  7. Eh, forget it. Mrs. Pinkie, on what clause do you know my brother?
  8. Now, Fawksey, I must ask; Why are you upset? I simply wish to talk to your friend here; a brother is entitled to know his brothers friends, no?
  9. Pourquoi pensez-vous pas d'accord, mon frère? Now, Pinkie, I must ask; Où travaillez-vous?
  10. Et puis-je demander, où avez-vous apprendre le français?
  11. Hmm... I shall attempt, as you say, to listen, mon ami. Now, before this conversation escalates much more, quel est exactement votre nom?
  12. Oatmeal cannot be crazy, it has no feeling. How do you come to this conclusion, mon ami rose?
  13. Bien au contraire, Mon ami. You seem... Peppy. That is a strange sight here. Though your words are... Jumbled. Speak oatmeal? Silly, Oatmeal is a food.
  14. According to Thread Canon, I'm Fawkesy's brother...
  15. Me? Flee? Quit your rhyming, Fawkes. Remember when we were just boys, riding on Appy's back to Candy Mountain, while she was in denial of us being brothers? That is irrelevant. What happens now is YOU GIVE ME TEA.
  16. Oh hey guys thought I'd reappear for just a moment.
  17. Hey gaiz, review my nation. http://www.nationstates.net/nation=armoks_feast
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