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Bronies For Life

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Posts posted by Bronies For Life

  1. So... Vulpes. Fox, in greek. This does seem like a nice character; Much potential. A spot of advice? If he's a jack of all trades, then whats stopping him from simply finding one of his 'trades' he likes the most and sticking with it? It may be best if he were impatient, to stop this.

  2. "See ya at the race, slowpoke!" Fly By flew off towards the center of the town.

    "I have no idea who that mare was. But now, apparently, im in a race. And I appreciate your concern, but she's nothing compared to some customers ive had." Aqua motioned towards a street, with a few stray ponies walking about. "Comeon, I know a delightful little seafood place where we can eat. They got fish for anyone who wants to cast there lot in there, and then they have tones of delectable variants of Sea Weed and other under-sea vegetation mished and mashed together into great meals."

    "'m' parents are out for there anniversary. Somewhere in the Painted Pinto. All I know is they decide, I fund."

  3. "Hey! may I remind you that SHE brought it up?"

    "I wouldn't have brought it up if you wouldn't have bragged about your unreliable job!"

    "HEY! My job is far from unreliable! Its just not always available..."

    "Oh really? At least I don't need pure luck to get paid!"

    "It takes a LOT of skill to win a race!"

    "Yeah, I bet! It also takes 3 days of being lazy to 'save your strength'!"

    "How are you supposed to fly tired, huh?"

    "Maybe have some real energy!"

    "Oh yeah? Maybe ya should get some skill, ya slow excuse for a pony!"

    "Hey! Maybe you should get that pole out of your..." Aqua pinched her temples again. "Calm..."

    "Oh, I knew it! Ya can't even stomach one insult!"

    "Weak-winged no good ruffian!"

    "Small horned strict as hell street-mare..."



  4. "Hey! Hey. Hey Water."

    "Its Aqua. And yeah?"

    "Why are you such a killjoy?"

    "Maybe if your joy didn't come from antagonizing other people, I would be less of one?"

    "Yeah, yeah. You're no fun."

    Aqua's ears perked up at the mention of the Running of the Leaves. "Im afraid I missed it... Have to keep my parents fed!"

    "Stupid no prize races... Whats the point in the Running of the Leaves if you don't even get bits for winning?!"

    "Bragging rights. Honor. Some new friends. Exercise. Making the leaves fall from the tree's."

    "And no bits! How am I supposed to eat when I don't earn anything?"

    "Maybe don't rely on an unreliable income?"

    "Nah. Racing's fun."

    "Well if its so, then maybe i'll try to do the ground course?"

    "Maybe i'll do the Pegasus course second round?"

    The two butted heads eagerly; Both loved arguements. One was more orderly, one was more chaotic. A perfect combination for fun.

    "I'll see ya at the race, then."

    "I'll see ya at the finish line, then."

    They both quieted down after that.

    "What did I just agree to?"

  5. "Small, local one. Its there ya can meet just about everyone."

    "Prize for first place, too!"

    "Nothing too special. Just a trophy worth a few hundred bits. Compared to what you can get in Manehattan, we're cheapskates."

    "Keeps the food on the plates... Hey, I heard this rumor about people from Hoofington. Is it true that they're all half donkey half zebra?"

    "Most certainly not! Now wherever you heard that lie, you can take it to its make and tell them to..." Aqua pinched her forehead with her front hooves. "Calm down... Calm down."

    "Hey! I was just asking!"

    "Rudeness aside, anyone's allowed to compete. Pegasus have a little cloud ring course, earth pony's and unicorns have a regular track. If so inclined, pegasi can run the regular track, though their wings have to be tied to prevent cheating."

    "Well that takes out half the fun!"

    Aqua pointed a hoof at the green mare. "You. Be quiet. You've insulted me and my home, and have hit me. I don't see where you've earned enough respect from me and my town to argue with our rules."

    "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. But don't expect any bits when I win!"

    "I don't want any."

  6. A train traveled through the hills about 4 miles away from Hoofington. Inside of it sat Aqua Marine, her friends, and a rather irritable green pegasus. Constantly, she complained about everything. The bumpyness, how fast they were going, anything. Eventually, this broke Aqua's nerve.

    "Oi! Mind doing me a favor and BEING QUIET?"

    "Well excuuuuuse me for complaining about the ride I spent my hard earned bits on!"

    This arguement went on for quite the while, some insults were thrown, and even some hooves.

    Fly By felt the side of her face. This blue mare hit hard.

    "Okay, okay. You win."

    "Dang right I do..."

    "Why ya heading to Hoofington, anyways? Barely even a town from what I've heard."

    "Um, lets see... I was born there, my parents are there, and its just as big as a regular town, thank you very much."

    "We'll see about that. I'm here competing in its race thats happening soon. ...Ya know, it might be nice having a few friends there to watch. You guys wanna come?" Fly motioned to the group.

  7. "turn turn turn turn TURN" A green pegasi with light red hair smashed into the wall of the muffin shop.

    "Oh Celestia, my head." She put her front hooves on both sides of her head to stop the ringing.

    "Well, while im here, might as well order something. Hey, Waiter!"

    "Yes, miss?"

    "Get me your finest... Ah, whatever you serve here!"

    "Okay then, miss."

    The waiter trotted off, as Fly By looked around for a seat. Spotting one with only two ponies in it, she decided to go and sit there.

    "Hello! My names Fly By. This seat taken? Well, to late if it was." She sat down.

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