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Bronies For Life

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Posts posted by Bronies For Life

  1. Aqua ran towards the train yard, expecting Dusty to be residing there. While she was left with almost no power left from the day and its messing with water, she pushed onward. Past tree's, the river, and houses she ran, all in an expectant glare. She thought the whole time, That thief's gettin whats coming for him! At last she arrived at the train yard, with it being absolutely full of... well... Just about anything train-related. She quickly turned her attention towards the housing area. Most of them were locked and shut tightly, but one was left open, and its door was basically falling off the hinges. A quick inspectation reveals that it smelt just like Dusty; and had hoofmarks leading to a nearby rail. She decided to follow these; and ended up back at her wagon. She decided that since she was here, why not check the damages? Upon opening the wagon, she found everything where it should be; and a bag of 200 bits. Aqua sighed. "And it was startin to get fun, too." Either way, she went and told both of the twins that the items were returned.

  2. Aqua was astonished. Noone had ever made it out of there before. Yet he did so, just like that. She began to ponder. He said he was a train-puller, he has aquaphobia, and he probably has a warrant out for him. If he's a train-puller, He would be accustomed to the hard floors, would run pretty fast, and would probably find it safe there. IF you combine those together, it becomes obvious where he ran off to. As a little explanation; the best place to look would probably be the place he feels safest. Aqua took of in the direction of the train yards. "You coming? We got ourselves a thief to catch!"

    (OOC: At that moment, I couldn't think of anything but pure luck to start the chase. Sorry.)

  3. (OOC: Your not getting away with that.)

    Aqua looked at the now-returning pony. All of a sudden, 3 of her trinkets- still having the price tags attached, fell out of his bag. All of a sudden, a water snake was squeezing him, constricting him. He had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. "Thiefs aint very well accepted in my shops. Now, either you pay for all that, or your going to meet my friends at the bottom of the river."

  4. (OOC: Its the way I learned. Quick and simple, get the point across. ill try to make em longer! ;) )

    Aqua nodded her head, and motioned towards the surfboard. "Now. Im going to fill up that indent again, maybe widen it a little. But believe me, all this water morphing 'n' moving 'n' stuff has me beat. Not saying I couldn't do it more if need be..." Aqua glared at Dusty. "...It just wears on ya. Now then..." Aqua moved more mater, though a bit's worth less spectacularly, into the pit made for Dusty. She also extended it a bit, to fit the surfboard. "Okay now, set the board down into the water then step on it."

  5. Aqua smiled deviously. All of a sudden, the water lifted into a huge snake-like thing, carrying Dusty along for the ride, It slithered around for a while, occasionally rearing its head or twitching fastly, and then it suddenly stopped and dropped harmlessly, drenching the nearby land. "Now then. I do believe you just had your first bath in about, say, 3000 nights?"

    (OOC: Now, who said that Aqua Marine was only generosity? ;) )

  6. Aqua grabbed an Opal Necklace and two Shell Bracelets. "Sapphires a gift from me; Its just not like me to charge for gifts to ones parents." Aqua glared sideways at the strange pony. "That is, if there not already rich as can be, like this fella right here. Oh yes! Surfing lessons! I use the same little stretch of water I use for swimming, but I give ya a surfboard. I teach yeh a paddle, and a way to stay balanced. I then use my powers to create a stationary wave. If you stay balanced, then I see no reason why you couldn't on the real thing, and so I take the buyer to a lake, give em the surfboard, and create another wave there. This one I make move. If there successful, then they just learned how to surf. If not, I give em as many tries until they get it as they like."

  7. Aqua looked at the bag of gold. And back at Dusty. "Its simple; I make a shallow lil pool, small enough that it would be hard to drown in it. Its a long stretch, though. Anyways, while on land, I teach ya a simple paddle. To swim, you have to repeat that paddle, and make it to the end without walking in the water. Once you can do that repeatedly, I give ya a little pond to swim in. The objective there is to make 3 laps. If successful, you have learned how to swim. If unsuccessful, I give you a few more stretches in the line." Aqua smiled.

  8. Aqua looked back, and smiled. So you want to know how the sea is, eh? Salty air, endless looking body of water, and sand. Lots and lots of sand. One of my friends almost starved when he refused to break a promise to count it all! Aqua laughed heartily, even if it was a bit of an inside joke. "And no; I don't understand why he's standing about when he's already bought 2 things. So you can go ahead first." Aqua's face contorted into a confused expression, and then into a exclaimed one. "Oh! I forgot to put up the sign!" Aqua walked into the non-watered part of the wagon, and pulled out a small sign. It read; Swimming/Surfing Lessons. 2 Bits. "THAT explains why ive been getting less sales today."Aqua pulled out a Sapphire Necklace. "You know, I find other jewels on my walks along the beaches, too. I just... Prefer the Sapphires. Either way, there mined naturally by erosion, and are as smooth as a newborn foal's bottom!" Aqua set down the necklace on the table. "What else are ya buyin?"

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