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Bronies For Life

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Posts posted by Bronies For Life

  1. "I guess I know how to keep you from thieving, huh-" Aqua caught herself. "T-That is if you ARE a thief! Heh..." Aqua had hid an Opal Necklace, each perfectly round, with a circular pendant at the end. Inside of it was the largest sapphire Aqua had ever found. She scanned over the jewelry dropped, hoping that its hiding place was not found... That is, until Dusty put all of it back into his bag.

  2. Aqua remembered Appleoosa fondly, as she had made her best sales there. "Well hello there, Star and Shanna! My names Aqua. Aqua Marine. I do hope you enjoy the display that im about to perform. I do this every 30 minutes, you see, to attract customers." On that note, the top of the wagon erupted. Water spewed out in a high column, soaking anyone who wasn't near the table. After 1 minute, the water collapsed back into the wagon. Aqua, making sure not to waste anything, used her horn to gather up all the water that fell to the ground into a big ball, and then threw it in with the rest. Aqua smirked. "Whaddaya think of that?"

  3. Aqua turned her head from the suspicious other pony to greet the two newcomers. "Welcome, Welcome! All the water comes from the ocean, as do the shells, opals and sapphires!" Aqua took the moment to use her horn, creating a light blue glow around the water. "I just give it a little tug, and its as light as a feather! Oh, and yes, these are all hand-collected, made, and distributed by me!"

  4. Aqua was a bit suspicious. He looked and sounded poor and roughed up, yet he had a bit bag full to bursting. And considering that others only had enough to get through a day on them... She adjusted her seat so she could see all of her stock, took the bits, and gave him a Hermit Shell and a Broken Opal. "Thank yeh." Aqua, on the outside, remained cool and collected. On the inside, she was freaking out. Was this man a thief? would he take her wagon and run? So many questions. From this point forward, she decided, she would keep her eyes on his hooves at all times. "Um sir? could you please make sure I can see your hooves? Store policy, to prevent thiefs."

  5. "Howdy Stranger! Days falling fast, why ya hanging out er all alone?" She saw him look up and gag at the water. "Take half de sea with ya in de's thing? Er, what ya selling?" "Oh, nothin much. just some trinkets. Gotta drum up money for my parents." Whoever this was, he was uncannily like some of the people she met in Manehattan. But she had been taught not to judge by first sight, so she was willing to give him a chance...

    ((Put a comma after fast. Otherwise, nothing that isn't part of the accent.))

  6. You could say its simple. You could say that its elaborate. Either way, it was a wagon. A wagon full of water and trinkets, with the water glowing. This sight was the sight seen by anypony who was walking around Town Square at High Noon.

    Aqua Marine collapsed. She had just dragged this thing, with some help from her horn, All the way from Manehattan. You could say she was tired, but you would be underestimating how much wear and tear it took on the poor pony. She looked absolutely ragged; As if she was ambushed by a pack of Diamond Dogs. All she wanted to do was find an inn, and sleep until Celestia stopped raising the sun. But she had to drum up some business.

    "Aagh... 3 hours and 4 sales... Not my finest day." Aqua Marine mumbled as pony after pony walked by her little stand. A few of them commented on how much it reminded them of somepony named 'Trixie' and her wagon. Aqua herself had never heard of her, and from what she heard about her, she didn't want too. Apparently, she was a big showoff; someone who thinks that she's the center of Equestria. A few hours later, she had sold 3 more Opal Necklaces, 10 Shell Bracelets, and 1 Sapphire. Overall, it was a poor day. But she had to stay until the moon was at its highest, or the sign on her wagon would be a lie. Aqua cheered herself up with a simple thought; "Heh... Maybe ill get a few new friends?"

  7. Oh, I don't hate them all. Fallout: Equestria is one of my favorite stories, acctually. I just hate the ones that go "LOL WE UZE MAINN CHARACTR 2 MRDR OTHR MAINN CHRCTR!" and other pointless excuses to ruin people fun. if the gore fits into the story, I don't mind it. If the gore IS the story, I wont touch it with a 10 foot pole.

  8. My family is the defenition of homophobic, and believe that anything deviating from the Man stereotype makes you a homosexual. As such, if I do not want to disowned, I must keep my brony-hood a secret. Either that, or my parents will sedate me and send me to shock therapy.

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  9. I hate MLP slashers. And the fact that a large amount of the registered users here haven't posted for several months.

    But the shippers, they be okay? :D -_-

    I have no ill will towards shippers. In my opinion, there stories have alot of... Well... Depth. I just don't like shippers that go too far into depth. :D Thats what I rather like. But people who write gorey Murder-fics such as Rarity's New Dress and Cupcakes... I brought this up in a different thread. My exact words were "I do believe that the authors of MLP slashers have a special place in hell waiting for them."

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