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Bronies For Life

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Posts posted by Bronies For Life

  1. Who has the sick mind to think up something like that? That's wretched! :eek:


    I do believe that the authors of MLP slashers have a special place in hell waiting for them.


    :mad: You imply... That you write this kind of stuff? Get the hell into that bus to a nice, safe, padded room.

  2. I do believe that the authors of MLP slashers have a special place in hell waiting for them. If I had to take a guess, it would be an eternal rotation between the bottomless pit of burning forever and the has-a-bottom pit of burning forever with flaming spikes at the bottom.

  3. Well, it thrashes my mind that someone could pervert a smiley childrens show into... That. And then theres that one I heard about where fluyttershy snaps and violenty dismembers everypony else... :cry::eek: WHO THE HELL MAKES THESE? In my humble opinion, they deserve a ticket onto the happy bus.

  4. All im here to do is help. :D

    By the way, you have quite the talent in literature, considering that 25% of all MLP stories are gore-filled 'Manifications' , 25% more are porn, 49% more are mediocre, most of the time revolving around somepony gaining alicorn powers/turning into a god/other rediculous nonsense. The 1% remaining is good writing, such as just about every bit of writing ive seen on this website.

    Tl;dr Its rare to find a good fanfic.

  5. Hmmmmmm... A Little clarification, if you will. I dunno about anybody else (Anypony for the true MLP fanatics) but im not one for faceless entities. Was it Nightmare Moon? or Zecora? Or some benevolent being? Otherwise, I find this writing simply divine, in comparison to my own.

  6. Name: Aqua Marine

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Aqua

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: A swirly, slightly darker aqua then the rest of her for her mane, and a simple tail, same color as the mane.

    Eye Color: Light Blue

    Cutie Mark: Waves

    Physique: Rather normal, for ponies.

    Origin: She came from a small fishing village near the ocean. (Hoofington Outskirts)

    Roleplay Type: FIM

    Occupation: Selling sea-styled items.

    Motivation: Making an honest living for her Ma and Pa back near the sea. She does this with shell necklaces, teaching Fillies and Colt's how to swim, as that seems to be an increasingly rare trait farther inland.

    Likes: The Ocean, water, the color blue, swimming, her Parents.

    Dislikes: Meanness, Poverty, and greed.

    Character Summary: Around 20 years ago, a wave splashed, a rip of thunder roared, and a pony Blue as the sky was born. The villages doctor called her a healthy baby foal. and from the looks on her parents eyes that she could see, blurry as it was due to the leaky roof and rain, she knew he was right. as a young foal, she was toddling along when a wave splashed her. it knocked her down, completely soaked her, and left what seemed like an entire beaches worth of sand stuck to her. Needless to say, her parents were not too eager to start combing out the sand from her hair, but she had enjoyed every second of it. The roaring waves, the sandy beaches... It was just what she was made for. It was at this moment that her cutie mark appeared: Waves. She had to get more, she had to swim...! It was now that an entire fillyhood fiasco of trying to keep her out of the ocean started. Somewhere in the middle of that, her horn started to glow when she got near the water, a sign of her power. It turns out, that her power was an inclination towards the nearest shell, or opal, or strange shaped rock, with minor powers involving the telekinetic movement of water.

    It ended when her parents both left the legal age to work; Leaving her to provide for them, as a nice flip. Finding little business in an area where shells and fancy rocks were easily accessible, she set up shop first in Canterlot, then in Manehattan. While there, she noted that many a pony were denied basic necessities by greedy, meaner rich ponies. During her stay there, she gave away more products then she sold; all to poor ponies, just trying to provide for there families. At this time set a deep seated hatred of meanness, poverty, and greed. She could not stand either three, with the middle being the worst. However, it cost her part of her reputation; There are some ponies out there that would fake poverty just for a free bit.

    As her little traveling caravan moved from settlement to settlement, she found herself with a shortage of stock. She started frequent visits to the sea; Always keeping her eyes out for something that could be fashioned into a necklace, or a bracelet, or some such. Most of the time, she found shells. Sometimes, an opal inside a clam. And, if she had a really good spot and a really lucky day, she could find a sapphire, mined out naturally by erosion and washed to shore by the waves. These were her pride and joy; She rarely sold these, and only at high prices. Where others saw just a simple gemstone, a trinket for clothing, a snack for dragons, She saw an embodiment of the ocean itself. She has the largest one she's ever found, and the smoothest one, too, in an extremely safe place.

    Recently, she has been getting rather sick of travelling so far inland. She wants to go back home, see her family. And most of all, she wants to swim in the ocean again. she wants to swim until she turns into a fish. She wants to swim so far into the ocean that her home town in the west would be a distant memory. But first, she must provide for her family.


  7. How did you hear about Canterlot?

    From a few places, such as Bay12games pony thread, some friends in real life praising the RP and nice community, and many links to witty threads on the internet. Only reason I didn't sign up till now was im always nervous that a troll could find my first post.

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