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Posts posted by Willowsnare

  1. I have found this website a bit confusing, and if I didn't have my friend here to help me, I would be lost. There should be something that helps guide people along, tips on how to do things. I know there's the forums, but those are a bit hard to navigate, if you're asking me. There should be a whole new tab or button or SOMETHING completely dedicated to telling you what you have to do. Apparently you have to have 3 post before you can submit your rp character, and you have to go all the way to the forums to post! It would be nice to have everything on your profile so it was quick and easy to access. But that's just my opinion. I'm not saying you have to, I'm just saying it would be easier.

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  2. Hey, my name is classified, my age is classified, but I can tell you a few other things about myself. My main MLP FiM OC, and roleplaying character is Scribe, a Pegasus mare with a yellow coat and an orange mane & tail. Her talent is writing, and her cutie mark is a pencil and a piece of paper, because books are just too main stream. I'm a girl who likes colourful ponies, Homestuck, WOTB, animals, and much more,(just look at my profile for more info.) I have a list of animes to watch, and I might be a bit addicted to my iPod and drawing...so yeah...what about you? :razz: Also, my favorite characters in MLP are RD, FS, and DH...GO DERPY!

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