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Posts posted by MrClinicalTrials

  1. I noticed something I found odd in the opening theme song. Nearer to the end the song goes, "Sharing Kindness! It's an easy feat, but magic makes it all complete!" The part I found odd was, "It's an easy feat." Are they saying that sharing kindness is easy? I'm a bit new to the series, is it referencing an earlier episode? I would of thought they would say that sharing kindness is sometimes hard, but is worth the effort (to try to teach the audience it's aimed at to be kind to others). I'm sorry if I'm breaking some, unspoken rule about questioning the meaning of the theme song, as I said earlier I'm new to this, (this is actually my first post entirely) just being curious. :)

    [colour=#282828]Sorry accidentally made two of these [/colour] :razz:

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