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Posts posted by BroadwayPony

  1. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Sunbeam

    Sex: female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Turquoise

    Coat: A darker shade of pink, like a magenta colour. She also has freckles on her nose.

    Mane/Tail: She has a long wavy blond mane and tail with streaks of light pink in it. She has quite a bit of hair so it gets in her eyes at times.

    Physique: She is thin, with long stalky legs and a small stomach. Despite her being skinny she is quite muscular because of all the flying she does around Cloudsdale.

    Residence: Cloudsdale

    Occupation: Works in her jewelry shop.

    Cutie Mark: She found her talent much later than the other colts and filly's, but she thinks it was worth the wait. One sunny day in the summertime, she was out playing in the sunshine as usual, it was her favorite thing to do. She had been bouncing along the clouds when a piece of thread caught her eye. She swooped over to it and scooped it up, not sure of what to make of it. She then went to her parents, asking them if she could make anything out of the string. They told her to do whatever she liked with it, they didn't care because they were busy. Sunbeam quickly caught on to the art of bracelet making and was completely enjoying herself. She then made a necklace with her mothers precious jewels(whoops!) and it was a beautiful necklace too. she then felt something on her flank and looked around to see her cutie mark had appeared! Her cutie mark is a bracelet and a necklace with sparkles around it. She was so happy to get it.

    History: Well Sunbeam grew up in Cloudsdale like most pegasi, with her mother and father. She was very creative since the start but her parents were quite dull so they didn't allow such things. Her mother's name was Regal, and her father's name was Hoover. They were dignified ponies, unlike Sunbeam. Despite that she loved her parents, no matter what. They tried to get her to wear fancy dresses and such but she never took to them. She now has a dislike of fancy gowns because her parents always made her wear them. Other than that they were very loving parents and supported her to the fullest. This made her a quite happy pony and her smile was like a ray of sunshine. She often spent her time outside gazing at the birds flying in the sky. She had lots of nice friends through her childhood. Sunbeam loved her friends that she had, since she could be quite socially awkward at times.She was slightly shy, but that didn't stop her from making new friends! Her parents still live not the far from her, the shop that Sunbeam now owns was passed down to her, so she could make a decent living on her talent.

    Character Summary: Sunbeams talent is making jewelry. You can always see her wearing bracelets and other forms of jewelry. She lives in her own cozy home in Cloudsdale, which is also her jewelry shop that she runs almost every day. She hopes to gain a lot of success with her jewelry and other accessories that she made all by herself. She dreams to become a successful jewelry maker and be big all around the world. Her motivation to do so is the happy look on her customers faces, that keeps her going every day. Sunbeam loves to visit the little colts and filly's at the school house, and she always gives them free stuff. She always loves to see there happy little faces. She still hasn't completely gotten over her little bit of shyness, but she has gotten better from seeing her customers every day. When she isn't working she's flying around Cloudsdale enjoying the view of the land from the skies. She has a pet hawk named Igor that is always seen with her, sitting on her flank. She found him hanging from some rope on a tree, she rescued him. Ever since then he never has left her side wherever she may travel. She is a very kind pony and tries her best to make friends, but due to her lacking social skills its quite hard for her sometimes. She doesn't get mad often, but when she does you better watch out! She always seems to have trouble with reading complicated books and is quite embarrassed because of that fact. The reason for her lack of reading ability is when she as in school she never really was focused, she would often daydream. She is obviously very talented at making jewelry, and she has a nack for flying. Sunbeam has an immense fear of spiders, she doesn't know why they just scare her. She is a very reliable pony, she always keeps her word. She likes to do things on her own with no help from others because it makes her feel accomplished. So all around she is a generally good pony, but she has her flaws.

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