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Everything posted by Kasurion

  1. The colt looked up at the light Khaki pony, wiping a bead of sweat off his forehead. [colour=#000080]"Hopefully, I fixed this cart, and it should roll now." [/colour]He replied.
  2. In about five minutes, the colt had got the wheel back on the cart. He wiped his face as he scooted out from under the cart, hoping it was fixed properly. ((Sure!))
  3. [colour=#000080]"Thanks."[/colour]He said. He lied down on his back, and scooted under the cart. Using the screwdriver, the colt tried his best to push the broken wheel back onto the cart. He struggled for a moment, but managed to push the wheel back onto the cart. [colour=#000080]"Now comes the hard part" [/colour]The teenager started to sweat, as he hoped not to break anything on he cart.
  4. The teenage pony trotted over to the cart. He immediately noticed the left wheel had broken off. Having dealt with this situation before, he knew exactly what to do [colour=#000080]"Do you happen to have a wrench or a screwdriver with you?" [/colour]The pony inspected the broken cart even more.
  5. The colt's ears perked up at the phrase "My cart here just broke down." [colour=#000080]"M-May I please take a look at your cart? I might be able to help." [/colour]He managed to crack a smile, hoping to make himself useful to a pony who could use some help.
  6. The pony looked up quickly, taken by surprise. [colour=#000080]"Oh, um, yeah, i'm fine. Thanks." [/colour]He replied. [colour=#000080]"How are you?" [/colour]He added.
  7. A teenage Navy Blue colt sits by a bush. He uses his hoof to brush his Brown, messy mane out of his left eye. He watches as all the different ponies pass by, too shy to approach any of them. He sighs as he looks down at the ground.
  8. I wish for all the Nutella in the world! Then no one else can any Nutella. All you can buy is that Jif fudgey peanut butter stuff. And can I get a hot tub?!
  9. I have a pair of Bose. I forget what kind they are, because I threw the box away. I got them last Christmas, and they are really good!
  10. I completely agree. Super Collider was a bit disappointing, but Megadeth is still better. To a mainstream audience they are a bit underground. Yeah, it's pretty cool.
  11. Ah, okay. Symphonic Black Metal is my favorite Black Metal sub genre. I should also mention that I like Megadeth and Metallica. Those bands are necessities for a Metal thread. I'm not sure if I label them as 'underground' or not. I've met a few people who like them, and a lot of people don't know who they are. Recently, i've started reading online Metal magazines, and searching up new bands by genre. I have an account on MetalStorm, which is where I do all that stuff. If you go there, and search up a genre of Metal (in the top right hand corner), it lists a whole bunch of bands in that genre. It's a good way to find new bands to listen to, and see what other kinds of bands there are.
  12. [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#282828]Brain Drill is Technical Death Metal, Wormrot is Grindcore, Emperor are Symphonic-ish Black Metal, Brutal Truth are Grindcore, and Fleshgod Apocalypse are Symphonic Death Metal. SYL are hard to put into one genre. They're like Extreme Industrial Thrashy Deathy Metal or something like that. [/colour] [colour=#282828]Aside from the Death Metal and stuff, I also like System Of A Down, Nightwish, Tyr, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Stormwarrior (super awesome Power Metal band).[/colour]
  13. [colour=#282828]Thrash has always been my favorite sub genre. I also like Black, Power, Death, Prog, and Grindcore. I also like Punk and Hardcore.[/colour] [colour=#282828]I got into Metal when I first heard Anthrax's "Caught In A Mosh". It grew from there when I started listening to other stuff. Metal helps me when i'm angry or feeling down.[/colour] [colour=#282828]I guess a few 'unknown' bands I like would be Brain Drill, Strapping Young Lad, Wormrot, Emperor, Brutal Truth, and Fleshgod Apocalypse.[/colour] Like This Quote
  14. Kasurion


    Hello! This place looks nice, so I decided to join! I look forward to making friends on here!
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