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Posts posted by Jaq

  1. I'm a sucker for these type of things and I thought I would share one with you all.

    It's quite simple.

    The setting of this is that you take the role of a canterlot Earth guardspony. You've dreamed of being this close to Celestia since you saw her at a parade when you were younger. You may finally get that chance, or will destiny point you elsewhere?

    quick rules

    1. The MC represents all of you, hence this for the most part will be in the 2nd person.

    2. Answers on how to respond to certain things will come in multiple choice. You the readers will vote through a pm to me to ensure that nopony will have to explain why or what they picked.

    3.Three Special quirks must be chosen before we can start. These quirks will yield special actions and responses. Keep in mind even positive traits also have negative reactions sometimes.

    Quirks to pick:

    Tough pony- This pony is tough as nails. He won't back down and will not hesistate to serve and protect. Careful you don't come off as a gung-ho meathead!

    Total Bro- This pony goes with the flow. He/She will look the other way if asked, and is usually down for anything.

    Timid- You don't do well with conflict, which makes you wonder why you're a guard. While the obvious about about a timid is true, it also makes you Empathetic, which helps with certain ponies.

    Easy to anger- A hot-head, sometimes moody. You get annoyed easily. Though sometimes, Ponies need an angry voice and a kick to the Plot to get moving.

    Intelligent- A well-read pony, that knows a lot about a lot. You brim with logic and insight. Some ponies of lesser intelligence may not appreciate it.

    Jokester-You excel at making ponies giggle at your expense, or just when they're unhappy. Yet you can't resist poking fun at other ponies also.

    Cocky-You're sexy and you know it. You got the skills to pay the bills! What Mare/Stallion does'nt like confidence? Just....watch the ego there champ.

    If you choose to be part of this choose 3 quirks the most popular three will be the personality traits in this text adventure. it's 10:51 a.m now. voting stops at 10:00 a.m tomorrow

  2. Hello all you beautiful ponyfolk! I'm Jaq, which is short for "Jaqo Valtrades". I'm an aspiring writer,artist and RPer. I also like to make CYOA (choose your own adventure) fics that range in different genre, so don't be surprised if I ask you to play in one with your char. Also only 18+ can do them as they can get a tad "mature". I hope we can be friends everypony!

    on a seperate note if you are interested in being a tester/reviewer for a CYOA msg me and let me know.

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