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About Derpytheditzy8000

  • Birthday 07/04/1999

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    Jewel Eye
  • Character 3
    Shooting Star
  • Character 2
    Strawberry Lily
  • Main Character
    Derpy Hooves

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hello, there. Derpytheditzy8000 here :)

    (I apologise about my biography being in my interests, when I pressed "Enter" on my keyboard, it wouldn't create a new paragraph :S )

    Anyway, aside from the apology, I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. Since I don't have much to tell you... Here:

    I like: Drawing, writing fan fictions, digital drawings, sleeping, eating, breathing, eating, being alive, Derpy Hooves and Pinkie Pie! (Y'know, regular EVERDAY stuff :3)

    And I HATE/Despise: Back-stabbers, criticism (Unless asked for), cursing for no reason, people who use "gay" as an insult, racism and people who think that others are inferior to you.. as well as people who bully people... I am Cyberbullied, which is why I joined this forum, to meet new friends.

    I want to let you know that I DO RP, but not publicly. If you ever want to RP with me, send me a PM of some kind. The title being "RP with me - Information", yes, I am very specific, but that doesn't stop me from being a fun gal ;D

    I am very happy to tell you that I DO NOT act like a girl, I act like a boy, I am a tomboy. I do not really like fashion, but I am okay with Make-up (Kind of)... I like video games and I am probably your average gaming brony! ^.^

    ... I don't know what else to put... XD

    Just to let you know, me and Derpy are best friends, so if you ever feeling like stopping by to tell us hi, please, do so with great happiness!

    Just to let you know, I LOVE Tobuscus, Jack, Rachet, Danisnotonfire and Yamimash. I mean, who doesn't like them? You seriously need to see these guys, they are my people and *Cries a little* I have finally found them once and for all!

    ~ Derpytheditzy8000 - Peace Off! (Tobuscus reference :D)
  • Location
    Derpy land ^.^
  • Gender

Role Play Information

  • RP Ready

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Derpytheditzy8000's Achievements

Blank Flank

Blank Flank (2/9)



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  1. I hate it when people say that being bisexual, lesbian or gay is wrong! Those people don't deserve to say those words, especially those who use "gay" as an insult, because it clearly doesn't mean that >.<

    1. IcicleFlash


      This is why I like to watch glee,because glee shows that being gay is ok because your just being yourself!

    2. Derpytheditzy8000


      I love watching Glee, too! Hey, another thing we have in common, aside from the face that I love troll faces XD

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