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Posts posted by Ember

  1. Kog'maw is awesome, isn't he? I have his Monarch skin, myself =D

    I want his Sonoran skin, personally. All the red and orange makes him look like a zerg from Starcraft or something. *_* I'm also a big fan of Cho'Gath (for the same reason- cute and zerglike) but I cannot play tanks at. all. Dx

    Speaking of tanks, which pony would be one? It's kind of hard to picture any of them as tanky champions. Rainbow Dash with her iron pony ability maybe? :B Hrm. Twilight Sparkle would definitely be some sort of Ryze-esque annoying mage type. Fluttershy probably wouldn't be very offensive at all... like the pony equivalent of Soraka I guess? I could picture Spike playing similarly to Teemo but maybe that's just because they're both relatively small.


    I'm ArtsyAlraune if anyone wants to add me (and if you do I'll share my Skype too because I love talking to peeps while we play, it makes it so much easier). I'm kind of bad at all the champions except... Soraka sort of but she's just kind of awful anyway on most teams because all she can do is heal. Oh, and KOG'MAW



    seriously he's so cute

  3. Between the ones you actually want, I'd say the Wonder Bolts shoes would raise the least questions from non-bronies and would also look best with everything.

    But if you ask me about the shoes overall, I'd go with... uh, geez! The Animal Team Winter Wrap-Up shoes got pulled or something since I last looked at these shoes. Since those are gone I would personally go with the Gilda ones because I love brown.

  4. Got my first ponies today! I bought the hot air balloon and a small Rarity, and let my sister have everything except for Spike and Rarity themselves. I've started to fix her hair up, but obviously not done...


    I think the first curl looks perfect! May I ask what method you used to get the curl? Did you use the straw method, or an actual curler (and if so, what size)? The next pony I plan to style once I get her is Rarity.

    Also, I like how you have Spike with your Rarity. =) I plan on doing the same. *L* I just wish there was a standing version of him.


    I curled the tight lower curl first around this small pen/stylus combo thing (stylus tip not pictured) I found at a bookstore last year. I curled about halfway up, and then I curled the hair that was left around that red eraser-pen thing on the right to make the lift. I then held it in place with my fingers for a while as I panicked to find a way to hold them together, then I carefully rubber-banded the two pens together, propped them up on something so that they were laying horizontally, then I blow-dried it on low heat for a while, and then blow-dried it on low with cool air. I figured heating it up and cooling it off like that would maybe fix it more permanently that way.

    tl;dr version: I guess you could say I used a really ghetto straw method, plus a hairdryer.



  5. I HAVE ONE (sometimes two) BETTA FISH :3


    This one is Herman Melville (or Herman or Hermy of mommy's freckleface or poogie-poo). He was a secret santa gift to me from someone in my IB art class. He's actually more of a purpley-blue, but his blue scales are metallic so they reflect green when I take his picture. I'm using the Starcraft II guest pass to hide him from...


    Barnaby, who I've been taking care of during spring break. He's the IB art class pet. I always take him home during breaks and whenever we were expecting to get out several days for snow at the end of last year. He had been sick last week but he's doing much better now! I think the classroom is too cold. :/

    I also have three cats:


    Clockwise from the top: Rocky, Bailey, Shasta.

    We've had Rocky the longest. He's really big but he has this really tiny voice you can barely hear most of the time! He likes being petted and rolling around but he's really quick to change his mind while you're petting him...

    Bailey is the youngest and we've had him for maybe two or three years now. We found him out in the yard as a kitten. He doesn't like strangers but he's the snuggliest cat with me and my grandpa. He's really fat but he's the only one who actually likes to play. He catches mice a lot.

    Shasta's the oldest and we got her a couple weeks after we got Rocky. We got her from Petco... Before we took her home she let us hold her and she'd hold her front paws so cute, but once we got her home she wouldn't let us hold her anymore. :I She really likes having her stomach massaged, though!

  6. What is your Steam name? Alraunne

    What game do you play the most via Steam? Uh... mostly I play not-Steam games through steam so I can chat, but as far as actual Steam games go, uhh... I've spent the most time on Swords and Soldiers. But lately I've been playing Magicka.

    What is your favorite game? uhhhhhhh I dunno!

    Do you have a group? The other members of The Cave of Dragonflies forums made a group and invited me to it but we don't really do much.

    Do you play on Mac or Windows? Windows

  7. Well, there's that as well, HOWEVER, in the first episode, one of the three (two?) ponies Twilight Sparkle speaks to in Canterlot has an hour glass Cutie Mark as well. That's what I was referencing. She's in the Wiki, I forget her name though.

    Oh, Romana/Colgate? She had an hourglass too, yeah. There are two ponies with the same bunch of berries as their cutie mark, too (including the one in brianblackberry's avatar), and two with three tornadoes, and there's a baby pegasus with one tornado. Also, the two Nurse Ponies in Applebuck Season... two ponies with a pair of cherries... Van Horse's cutie mark looks very similar to Twilight Sparkle's except it's completely yellow. Blues and Vinyl Scratch both have musical notes which are backwards due to an error. And don't get me started on all the ponies with trios of flowers...

    Candy Mane / Bacon and Eggs seems to be missing a cutie mark also.

  8. When I was about 8 years old, going through my "horsie phase", I really wanted that one G3 pony with the boombox, otherwise I was decidedly uninterested and I preferred the realistic horse toys.

    Nine years later the Cave of Dragonflies forums goes crazy for Friendship is Magic, and I, being someone who isn't afraid to check out new things no matter how pink, also fell in love with it.

    Not really much to my story. :[

  9. I'm a pretty big Starcraft 2 fan (uh, that's not to say I can actually play though, I'm strictly a spectator and share a GOMtv account with a friend, who actually does play, to watch the GSL) and this amused me to no end. Zecora as Zeratul was a perfect fit.

    Oh, and here's how you embed video:


    You know that funny set of numbers and letters at the end of a YouTube URL (JJbAT1wzS8U in this case)? Put that inside tags.

  10. I saw this with a couple of friends last Sunday, mostly because I haven't been to the movies in forever and one of them expressed interest in the trailer a couple months ago so I convinced them to go.

    We all really enjoyed it, though! And my friends have pretty refined standards (unlike myself, who basically finds something to like in everything), so that said a lot to me. Looking at the promotional screenshots and pictures and stuff I was kind of irked by the asymmetry of a lot of the designs (Rango's, for example) but it played out really well once I could see everything moving. Everything looks better when it's actually going than it does in still shots, right? The animation was just beautiful. I want to see it again! I can forgive a lot if the animation is great because I'm such a visually-oriented person, but this movie was clever and dramatic to boot.

    My favorite characters had to have been Rango and Rattlesnake Jake, like you guys. I'm usually a villain fan but very rarely does the actual protagonist take one of my favorite spots- usually I latch onto a side or supporting character or something, but Rango was so well-developed for a main character in a kid's movie, I thought.

    ... and aaaaaaa there's an art book!? I wonder if my local Books-A-Million has it... They didn't have the How to Train Your Dragon or Avatar: The Last Airbender artbooks but they do carry stuff for things nobody cared about (like Prince of Persia) and stuff that everybody seemed to like/was cool to hate (JC's Avatar) so it's kinda hard to tell what they're going to do.

  11. I got White. I only just now got to Mistralton... All my friends are like, at the E4 or afterwards already, I like to stop and smell the roses.

    I have a not-online friend who's pretty jaded with the series and was unhappy that this game is basically just as formulaic as the others, so he was afraid he wouldn't be able to enjoy it like he used to, but he's actually trying to take an active interest in it and wants an all-bug team so that's what I'm doing right now instead of progressing... breeding his buggies. D: My online at-endgame buddies are helping out, I've got a nice Larvesta lined up for him already~

    My roster is currently:

    Pignite 32

    Audino 32

    Lilligant 31

    Tirtouga 31

    Duosion 32

    and the sixth slot is being filled in by a level 31 Scraggy and a level 23 Sawk in-training until I can obtain Axew, which is actually very soon! :D

  12. This is the closest we've gotten to a Spike episode. <3 "An Hero" version of Spike!

    Woah woah woah, an hero? That means he'd have to kill himself! :[

    So uh, this is like my favorite episode so far. I love Spike, Rarity, Spike/Rarity... Macho Spike was hilarious! And all his dramatic "Nooooooo"s, and Rarity's whining... The more I see of Spike the more I want to see!

    Anybody else think the diamond dogs were a dig at that awful-looking Pound Puppies show? At least one of the guys working on FiM has mentioned he and his coworkers agree that the only good thing about that show is the "secret butt fun" joke. And there was a lot of tail-grabbing and a rump-smacking.

  13. Following you guys on tumblr :D~

    Haha! Mine was mostly based on the Dragonshy dragon too (though Ember's crest thingy sweeps backwards a little more than Spike's, I was picturing Spike's crest would sweep forward like this as he got older).I have this thing of trying to make all my characters look as compatible with the canon as possible, so what's safer than an already established color type besides Spike-purple? I really want to make more dragon characters now, though! Maybe like the other two primary colors or something. The little discrepancies between the Dragonshy dragon's design and Spike's hints at a lot of genetic variety there.

    Hnn I think too hard about this stuff, I think. xP Maybe I could make a dragon template or something after I play around some more?

  14. Thanks! :3

    I spent way too long on my avatar in Gimp, considering what it is. >: I might make a new one or something using another picture I've actually drawn of my dragon... I just really love that face Spike made in Winter Wrap Up so I had to do some kind of vector trace-esque thing of it.

  15. Hey there!... um.

    So I'm normally kind of quiet in fandoms but this little forum looks nice and the layout is pretty and yeah. c: I saw you guys on Equestria Daily and lurked for a day or two and... here I am I guess.

    I'm a 17 year old high school senior with a tumblr where I post pony art sometimes, every Pokemon game ever, and a cute betta fish. :D I've been a fan of FiM for a couple of months now and have mostly been... sitting quietly in a small circle of fellow bronies. Um, yeah.

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