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Posts posted by TrebleBolt

  1. well, I am new here. I wanted to join a few more forum sites and expand my horizons, and was just watching the brony chronicles when this website happened to show. I really want to get into roleplaying, so upon checking this place out, I decided to join.

    I am a complete noob when it comes to roleplaying, but since this community seems to have RPing as a focus, what better way to increase my knowledge and experience....

    Umm...about me. Well I am out there in world wide web under my pony persona, Treble Bolt, or my other internet name Chihirolee3. My favorite hobby is blacksmithing, though I am getting more into steam engines and machining. I'm married to a wonderful man, have a 3 legged cat, a hedgehog, and my favorite animal is a deer. I love books, and have an entire room in my home covered from floor to ceiling with books, mostly history, crafts, and manga. I am an a self proclaimed Otaku, a nerd to a T, but and more than happy to get my hands dirty working at the forge.

    So yeah...Hello :D

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