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Willow Whisper

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Posts posted by Willow Whisper

  1. The following is based largely through the treatment of unicorns and their horns in popular media. A unicorns horn is a very precious thing, and the loss of it tends to have severe consequences. An alicorn (unicorn horn ) is treated as a magical focus, or as magical in itself. When it is lost, the unicorns magic ability suffers. Either through severe impairment of magic abilities, or through the entire loss of magic ability. Think of an alicorn as a wizard's staff, or a wand in Harry Potter. Lose your wand, lose your spells. The most extreme penalty of a unicorn losing its horn is death, or sometimes a type of everlasting sleep from which the unicorn can only awaken when its horn is reaffixed to its head.

    Alternatively, damaging a horn can lead to loss of control over a unicorn's spells, leaving the affected unicorn unable to precisely control the effects they conjure. This creates a sort of wild magic, with largely unpredictable effects. Wand analogy applies here too. Casting a spell with a damaged magic item can have tricky and sometimes dangerous results.

    In popular fantasy media, Unicorn horns are almost always highly valued, and in themselves possess magic properties. A very good example of this is the movie Legend, where a severed alicorn can be wielded as a type of magic wand. In many other instances they have healing properties, and the ability to purify water.

  2. I don't mind how much the CMC show up. Since its a show for little girls, actual little girl characters probably have more of a connection in some way with the target audience.

    That being said. I'm beginning to think of MLP more like The Simpsons. Sure there are characters that show up more often, but there is also a wealth of background characters that are recurring in the spotlight. I like it that way. Broadens the universe.

  3. Yahom shook off his dizziness, and slumped comfortably on the ground, content to laze now that his fast flying theatrics were complete. He looked over the assembled Shadowbolt's, and flashed them friendly grins. He didn't really know any of them, but that didn't matter. Each of them looked fast and capable of the same type of madness he enjoyed, and that was worth of some type of brotherhood. He could hardly wait to get started. When Nightshade asked for identification, he flared his wings and was among the first to speak. "I'm Yahom, or Cyclone Frenzy. Reserve."

  4. "Harsh..." Willow Whisper shook her head, and tossed her dreadlocked mane to try and clear her vision so she could get a better look at the grid. "Don't worry, I'll try and heal you, yeah? It's my last spell of the day though." The unicorn searched around for her twelve sided dice and levitated it over in front of her quickly. She breathed on it for good luck with a sheepish little smile, and rolled it with a will. "10! Add my level and you get... 11 hit points back! Better than nothing, eh?"

    Leafdancer cringed at the strike that the Cerberus landed on Thunderhoof, and without thinking abandoned the spell she had been casting. The stones that had hovered glittering around her turned lifeless, and fell to the forest floor in a small rattle of rock and rustle of leaves. The slender unicorn raced over toward the wounded warrior, dashing dangerously close to the three headed beast. Their monstrous foe snapped at the druid with one head as she galloped by, but the druid jumped and danced nimbly out of the way with a determined look. She skidded to a halt at Thunderhooves side, and began chanting under her breath furiously. Behind her the Cerberus had recovered from his failed attack on the druid. The beast ignored Gold Rush's force magic, and rushed forward after the two clustered ponies, seeing an easy end to the wounded warrior. Leafdancer touched her horn gently to Thunderhoof's wounds, and a neon green glow flowed from her into the larger stronger pony, healing his wounds partially and returning some of his spent strength.

    She had just finished the spell when the three headed canine was upon them. One head snapped shut on the end of Leafdancer's curled tail and flung her as a dog might fling a toy with little effort. She gave a pained shout of surprise and skidded to a halt in the dirt a distance away. The druid scrambled to get to her hooves and glanced back toward their foe and Thunderhoof. Her magic had left her for the day, but she hoped her contribution would be enough to help turn the tide of the fight.

  5. To some ponies Yahom was late, but he considered himself in time enough. His father had once told him the ponies in this land were always rushing to do this on time or that before this deadline, dividing up minutes and hours like seconds were more precious than bits or jewels. His father had shaken his head sadly, missing Unyasi, but Yahom liked the fast-pacedness of it. He liked to hurry and rush, but clocks for whatever reason had never quite made sense to him. He could be on time sure, but on his own time, not some clock's. The striped golden pony soared over fields and trees toward the meeting spot, and grinned when he saw the tell-tale signs of other Shadowbolts in the distance. Somepony was making a cloud heavy with rain, then snow, ending in a giant ice shard that flashed in the moonlight. Another pony he could just barely see against the evening sky, trailing sparks that danced along their flightpath. He gave a yell of delight, and raced forward in a puff of golden feathers, determined to join in the display. He had been cooped up in Trottingham, minding his mother's shop for too long. Tonight it was time to cut loose with his team-mates, get some real practice in, and fly until he couldn't fly anymore.

    As the mixed pegasus neared where the group had settle, he began to fly in large loops that grew into steadily faster and tighter rings. His speed and wings whipped up the evening breeze which traveled with him, lending him further speed as the growing twister coalesced around him. The small cyclone sucked in clouds and ripped dying leaves off trees and plants below, giving itself body. The devil whirled and twisted through the air like a mad dancer, howling like some fierce and hungry animal. The funnel touched down a distance away from the assembled Shadowbolts, churning in place as the pony responsible was a yellowish black blur racing along its circumference. The pegasus raced up along the edge of the miniature cyclone, until he escaped its pull and soared high above it, still flying in tight loops. He cackled like a mad pony and dove down into the eye of the beast he'd created, spinning tightly as he flew straight down and away from view. Moments later the cyclone bulged and broke apart, the winds dispersing with a dying breath of air that sounded almost like a sigh. Yahom stood reared on his hind legs, panting and grinning fiercely as he pawed at the air with his hooves and beat his wings.

    "Hey! How have yo-ogh..." He lunged forward to canter toward them but teetered, and staggered around in a dizzy circle instead, wings flapping out of sync as he struggled for balance. The lanky striped pegasus saved himself from an ungraceful fall by sitting down heavily, though he still rocked in slow circles. Yahom laughed as he caught his breath, causing the many earrings in his hears to jingle and clink. "How have my team-mates been?"

  6. Name: Yahom

    Stage Name: Cyclone Frenzy

    Position: Reserve

    Specialty: Wind-based wind manipulation, and stunts

    Motivation: Adrenaline rush, money, fame, and acceptance.

    Character: Wild and daring sort of pegasus, enjoys competition but is a sore loser. Extremely sociable and likes to have fun, but tiring to be around. Very dependable, but has a temper.


  7. Willow Whisper winced in sympathy, and looked at Bumble Buns with a sympathetic little smile on her muzzle. "Good thing you have a lot of hit points, huh? You can totally do it though. If you make it I'll see if Leafdancer can nail him with another one of those magic rocks." The podgy unicorn reached for her dice, wanting to keep them handy for when she had her turn. "If you don't roll a 6, like, don't worry, huh? I have a spell that can heal you for a little bit if I can get to you next turn."

  8. Thank you for the input, Pony_Sage. I actually didn't know that about his name. I just looking up African words having to do with wind and that was the most appealing one. I clarified a little more on his fragmented childhood due to the traveling his father did, though I made it so his mother was from the sea-going trade tribes to explain his name a little bit better. I also updated the Zebra lore terminology.

  9. "That's one nasty monster." Willow Whisper shook her head, and shuffled through her own papers with one hoof. The unicorn reread the spell she had been considering. "My turn, huh? I cast Magic Pebble." She rolled a D12 once more. "11! Wow, uh... 10 damage."

    Leafdancer winced in the heat of the flame that had threatened to consume Gold Rush, and felt immense relief when the Cerberus' foul breath faded and the wizard still stood. The wounds looked angry and painful, and would need tending to after the battle. If they survived the battle. The slender unicorn refocused her attention on the deadly dance that was going on between Thunderhoof and the beast. The three headed canine was wounded, but its strength and rage made it continue the fight. She scrunched her eyes shut and focused on the spell, urging the pebbles to fly and strike true. The smooth pebbles floating around her glowed green, and though they were ordinary rocks for the moment they sparkled like jewels. She held up her hoof, and one of the stones disengaged from the rest to hover over it.

    "Fly." She whispered, and opened her eyes to gaze at the Cerberus. The stone zipped towards the beast as though hurled from a sling, and struck the creature on the head that was resistant to magic but not physical attacks. The Cerberus, having had its vengeance on the wizard, had turned its attention to the warrior when it was struck in one of its eyes with the magically propelled stone. The wounded head yelped and whined, lifting one of the body's legs to paw at its face. Wounded and distracted, it lunged again for the most prominent foe: Thunderhoof.

  10. Willow Whisper's green tinted magic lifted the D12 she had been given, and rolled it with a will. The twelve-sided die slowed, and eventually ended up on a 3. The pudgy unicorn made a small hissing sound of disappointment, and looked over at Bumble Buns with a shrug. "Its all you."

    The roots and vines entwined and grabbed at the Cerberus' paws, but the creature was strong and would not be stopped. It ripped its limbs free with barely a thought, and continued its charge toward Thunderhoof. All three heads were so intent on the pony that the beast did not notice Gold Rush's spell until the icy missile struck. The monster's injured head bayed and thrashed alone as the creature bore down on the warrior pony, and tried to bite him with its two uninjured heads.

    "No..." Leafdancer whispered, watching her attempt to slow the monstrous creature fail. The plants had not proven strong enough. The unicorn glanced around, searching for some other means to help. She noticed smooth pebbles littered around the base of a tree, and hastened to collect them with her magic. As the stones hovered about her, she began whispering to them, enchanting them with the subtle magic of the forest. The spell would take some time, and she watched the struggle between the monstrous canine and Thunderhoof with anxious eyes.

  11. Leafdancer froze momentarily in fear at the sight of the beast. Long had she lived in Everfree, and she had only seen the spoor and leavings of these terrible beasts. But been face to face with one? Never. She steeled herself against its burning gaze, and twitched a listening ear toward her companions. Gold Rush had a plan it seemed, and each pony had a part to play. "I'll slow it down as best I can!" Leafdancer called as she jumped lightly away from the group, and dipped her head low to the ground. Her horn's neon green glow pulsed brighter and brighter, and she whispered to the earth beneath her hooves, entreating it to help her and her friends.

    Meanwhile, the Cerberus snarled at Thunderhoof as the warrior pony stood his ground, and decided upon its first target as it lunged toward him with its three maws slavering and snapping. As it ran for the sword-wielding pony however, roots and vines erupted from the loamy soil, seeking to ensnare its paws and legs.

    "I cast a spell of Entangle!" Willow Whisper said decisively with a knock of her hoof against the table. "Hopefully it will work, or we might be lunch."

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