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Posts posted by GeekyBones

  1. You're welcome! The rest of his music is equally amazing!

    So I've been gathering. Tonight I've made it my mission to go through his personas and listen to a bit of each of their music. So far the only one I truly love is Renard and I'm planning on downloading just about everything he has. But, long way to go. :3

  2. Lapis's ears drooped in disappointment as Mint informed her of the out of stock cupcake situation. "Oh well... I guess that means fresh cupcakes?" She said to herself, tapping one hoof on her chin and the other on the countertop. "Cherry creme danish? Apple turnovers? Strawberry shortbread muffins?! Oh boy!" Lapis drummed her hooves lightly on the counter, grinning cheerfully. "I'll take one of whatever you have left over! I'm starving!" As Mint placed the menu in front of her, she levitated it into her grasp with a quick nod of her horn.

    "See, I work at the museum, in collections. I'm training to become a curator and I just worked an absurdly long shift! Sweetwing, one of my superiors, had me sorting texts on the city of Talonopolis for HOURS." Lapis began to describe her past 24 hours, when the rag fell from the rafters and planted itself on Mint's face.

    Lapis jumped in surprise, juggling the menu in her hooves. "Oh my- Mint are you okay?" She asked quickly. "That was the fiendish creature that tried to behead me earlier! AND NOW IT'S GONE AFTER HIM!" Lapis regained her composure (or at least what she could in her current state) and leaned over the counter to check on the boy. "O-oh. It's... a rag. Hehe... Oh man I HAVE been overworking..." Lapis blushed a lavender sort of tone and her ears sank in embarrassment. She quickly shook it off as Mint began to get to his hooves.

    Once he rose up, Lapis returned to her seat, placing her hooves on the closed menu. "Oh that's quite alright. I know magic can be quite troublesome. I don't want to even mention how many antique pieces I've nearly destroyed in my youth..." Memories flashed through Lapis's mind of her younger self attempting to repair antique pottery and textiles using her magic, only to end up ripping bigger holes in them or splashing even more paint across them. She giggled a bit to herself as she remembered that one time she not only ended up covering an antique Tobiano scroll painting with an enormous amount of paint, but turned the paint from dull sepia to a vibrant shade of chartreuse. Lapis looked back at the colt and gave a smile. "It's all about practice. Lots and lots of practice."

    She cleared her throat. "Now," With a flick of her horn the menu opened up and floated a few inches off the counter, "I'd like to try... Hmm. Well I heard your fruit tarts are top notch, so I'll take one of those.... Oh and a cream cheese and cinnamon popover, GOTTA have one of those... Caramel coffee cream puffs, oh my gracious... Everything here looks... amazing!" Lapis could feel her mouth watering and she knew she had to wrap up her order quickly. Suddenly, she caught a whiff of something baking... Vanilla... Almonds... "Ohh... Some fresh cupcakes- chef's choice- and... Whatever it is that is baking right now... It smells simply... heavenly~!" She then magicked the menu closed and placed it before Mint. "And a carafe of milk, can't forget that."

  3. Lapis dropped to her knees as the rag shot through the air, her eyes darting around in an attempt to find where it had gone. Her sleep deprived brain barely registered the mint colt, still focused on the mysterious flying object that had-in her mind- nearly decapitated her. However, Lapis's ears immediately shot up when the word 'pastries' was uttered.

    "O-Oh! Um," She struggled for words, her mind sluggish, "No, no room. I live in town." Lapis rose up and began walking towards the counter, "I'll take both- er, some day olds and an order, of pastries that is." She jerked her horn up and levitated her saddlebags onto the counter, the weight of the contents straining the band that held them together. Lapis flexed her back, happy to have the weight off it. "Ahhh... Much better." Her eyes sank shut in relaxation, but she jerked them back open to prevent herself from drifting into sleep.

    "Ah- I'm Lapis Lazuli. Nice to meet you, Mint Zest." Lapis smiled as the colt bowed dramatically before her and she lowered her head in return. "Thank you. May I please have a menu? Oh! And for day olds.. um... Cupcakes. And any cherry or strawberry cheese danishes you might have... Oh yeah.. Mmm.." She licked her lips a bit in anticipation. Lapis was going to enjoy this.

  4. I USED to love winter. I detest the humid summers of the South, so the chill of winter was a relief. But now my RA makes winter evil so blaaaah.

    I only have one weather story that really comares to yours. One year, Atlanta got caught a really bad ice storm. Huge amounts of ice, lots of power outages, the usual. However, what made it so bad for my family were the following:

    1) On the night of the storm our hot water heater EXPLODED, leaving us with no hot water for the entirety of the ice storm

    2) My town got power back about 4 or 5 days after the storm hit. The power company FORGOT my neighborhood though and left us without power for TWO WEEKS.

    3) My grumpy, *****y grandparents were with us the entire time and made us all miserable.

    It was NOT fun, but hardly catastrophic. I had a few incidents of near miss tornadoes, which resulted in my phobia of tornadoes but thankfully never been hit by one. OH! Almost forgot about this one.

    I don't know if anybody remembers this, but in May 2010, Nashville, TN was hit by a disastrous flood. I had been up in Nashville that weekend for an anime convention and the day we were supposed to leave was the day the flood began. The only reason we managed to avoid having to stay in Nashvhille an extra week was through my Dad's extensive knowledge of the back roads of Nashville. (I was born in Nashville and we lived there for many years) The next 6 hours were my brother, my best friend, and me out driving the storm.

  5. Oh god yes, they're so cute! And they grow up SO FAST! It's like, week one, little pink jelly beans. Week two, black and white jelly beans. Week three, black and white jelly beans with leeto blue eyes. Week four, baby rats, EVERYWHERE! >w< EEEE

    Unfortunately, Groovy was hardly bred with such dedication and proper technique. All of her children that we owned ended up dying of tumors/cancer after 3 or so years, so I'm thinking there was probably some rough inbreeding in there. She was a pet store buy afterall. *shrug* But I'm glad to hear you took such care in breeding your animals. If only half as many breeders were as educated as you were, petnpopulations would be so much better off.

  6. Lapis Lazuli trudged down the streets of Canterlot, her navy saddlebags stuffed to the brim with papers, books, and other assorted items. Dark bags sagged under her sulfury yellow eyes and her drooped ears were barely visible beneath her wild, frizzy mane. She had just finished a 23 hour shift at the museum.

    "Rest... Food... No more envelopes. No more shelf sorting. No more sweeping. No more thinking. Just. Sleep." Her stomach gave a rumble, "And food. Ugghh..." Lapis thought wearily. "I can't believe they had me working for that long... Of course Pearly and all them get off as soon as the clock hits closing, but nooo not Lapis... Well, I did offer to work overtime. I guess it's my fau- WHOA!"

    At that moment, Lapis's inattentiveness to where she was placing her hooves caught up to her. The tip of her hoof caught an uneven cobblestone and- WHAM!- she faceplanted on the pavement. Her saddlebags flew open, books, scrolls, and archaeological tools flying across the street, papers raining gently from the sky. Lapis whimpered as a piece of paper landed on her face.

    "Whhhhy me...?" Lapis whispered pathetically as she pushed herself to her hooves. Shaking the dust and paper off her body, she then swiftly magicked her belongings back into her saddlebags. "For the love of the Great Rainbow, can't I catch a break?"

    Then, as Lapis lifted her head to slide her saddlebag on, she saw it. Her eyes became misty with tears of joy as she scanned the sign. "Avalon Inn..." It was the inn that housed the fantastic bakery she'd heard one of the curators talking about yesterday. If there was one thing that could make Lapis Lazuli happy no matter how stressed she was, it was digging up a previously unknown artifact. But when that wasn't an options, baked goods substituted quite nicely. Her absolute exhaustion left her mind instantly and only her raging hunger remained to trouble her. She cantered down the street and nearly burst through the doors of the inn.

    "H-Hello? Are you open at this moment?" Lapis Lazuli questioned excitedly, slightly winded from her dash inside.

  7. Oh my goodness! Spooky DOES look a lot like Kabuki! I showed him to my sister and she was like "WHO BLEACHED KABUKI?!" LOL And just the image of him gently placing his paw against your head makes me melt! >w< SO ADORABLE! Your puppies are also precious, of course.

    And ALL HAIL RATS!! I used to own 13. See, I bought a black and white hooded female rat that I named Groovy from PetCo when I was about 13. She was my first rat and I loved her dearly. Suddenly... She started getting sick. Sneezing, coughing, odd colored discharge, lethargy... We feared it was myco after doing some internet research. So we took her to the vet. And what is the first thing the vet says when she pulls her out of the cage?

    "Oh my! Are we pregnant?"

    I remember the color just draining out of my mom's face. Turns out it was just pregnancy allergies. A few weeks later, Groovy popped out 12 little precious jelly beans. <3<3<3 We kept three- Cherry and her brothers Ringo and Noel- and gave away a few more. Unfortunately, we couldn't find homes for the rest, but we did find a no kill shelter where they wouldn't end up as snake food. :> All of them have passed on, but we always say that our rats were "The best dogs we've ever owned." LOL

  8. She really steals every scene she's in. She's the Joan Rivers of the troupe. Funny, yes, but often the center of attention.

    She's also bright pink, squealy, and talking a lot is part of her character.

    She's one of my faves, but I can see why she would annoy people.

    klsdhdskalhg Can't stop laughing at the Joan Rivers thing oh god that's perfect

  9. I think Rarity had every right to freak out about her CAREER and DREAM being potentially ruined in "Suited for Success"! Her dream is to become a famous fashion designer and her friends embarrassed her in front of one of the key figures in the industry! In an industry like fashion, that sort of thing can mean the end of your career. For all she knew, her dream was now ruined due to her friends being stupid and selfish.

    Also, Rarity's LIVELIHOOD is her dress shop and designing. If other ponies heard she made trashy clothing like that, they'd stop coming to her shop. She'd lose customers and lose money. Imagine if the ponies accidentally burned down Applejack's orchard. Think how devastated she'd be. Imagine if you were up for a promotion to your dream career and your friends came in and ruined your interview/presentation/whatever? Think how upset you would be. Not only would your dream be taken away from you, but you potentially lost a massive salary upgrade.

    Frankly, I think she took it pretty well. I would've been flat out ENRAGED at my friends and far more upset. =/

    I can definitely understand not liking Rarity for her snobbery, her vanity, her occasional self centeredness, her ridiculous fear of messiness, and whatnot though. I agree with Brian though that Rarity is one of the more developed characters, especially out of the main 6. She has flaws and merits, an established business, clear likes and dislikes, and in future episodes, we'll learn more about her backstory. Rarity = <3 <3 <3

  10. Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12709598

    The Red Cross in Geneva warned that the waves could be higher than some Pacific islands, Reuters news agency said.

    A passenger train with an unknown number of people aboard was missing in one coastal area, police told Kyodo.

    And a ship carrying 100 people was swept away, Japanese media reported, quoting police in Miyagi. It is not clear what happened to the vessel.

    The earthquake also triggered a massive blaze at an oil refinery in Ichihara city in Chiba prefecture near Tokyo, engulfing storage tanks.

    Here's a map with approximate times of the arrival of tsunami waves. Apparently, large waves are already starting to show up in Hawaii.


  11. Jesus Christ... 8.9? I can't think of any earthquake that strong hitting a major populated city like Tokyo in recent memory... AND tsunami's are coming afterwords? *shakes head*

    I have a number of friend's who have family and friends in Japan, but luckily so far no reports of deaths or injuries from them. According to some of a friend's family who live in Osaka, the aftershocks of the Tokyo earthquake alone sent all the items flying off their shelves in their house.

    Time to head to BBC and Al-Jazeera to get the full story. (Also good to hear some other ponies here ue Al-Jazeera. One of the best news sources.)


    Oh no.. Tsunami's heading for New Zealand? Oh for the love of all that is holy, please miss Christchurch. They've already had enough tragedy and death there in the past month. ._.

  12. Of the main six? Pinkie Pie. Definitely. Without a doubt. I love them all, but Pinkie Pie is annoying and has minimal depth compared to the other members of the main cast. I think she's rather over used too. :/

    Pinkie Pie has been shown in fewer episodes than any of the other Six, according to IMDB.com

    Huh. Interesting. I guess in the episodes she IS in she's used too much...? I dunno. Maybe 'cuz she's kinda annoying to me it makes it feel like she's used more than she really is. XD;

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