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Posts posted by Killjoy

  1. A magic barrier quickly formed around her shielding her from the attack "well that was new at least." she said tauntingly as she teleported in front of Uchia before uppercutting him into the air and teleporting up with him just to punch him in one direction then teleporting again to slam punch Uchia to the ground where Silent was. "It's not too late to back down now..." 

  2. Suddenly a large fireball formed in the sky as the flames shined down from above. The fire ball collided with the earth near the front of the lines sending a massive waves of fire through the ranks, soon after a large beam of light tore through the center of enemy horde, obliterating all in its path. Another fireball slammed down in front of Silent and Uchia, except no wave of fire came out. Instead Radz stepped out of the flames with her axe in hand. "I do believe the both of you have over stayed your welcome." she took a few steps forward "I don't normally meddle in the Empire's affairs, but you two seem to be a great nuisance." she said in her calm tone. "So what's it going to be, leave...or suffer dyer consequences?"  

  3. Radz shook her head "if you send me, it's me alone. My power is far too great, I might hurt others if accompanied. Though I cannot fight the battle myself, I can only thin out the enemy enough for it to be a fair fight. The Crystal Empire's fate is not up to me, in the end...You or they must handle it. I am only here to keep balance in power. Yes I can end the war tomorrow...but again, I can only change fate if it's necessary." she explained in her usual calm tone .

  4. Radz sat in meditation, she could sense Kage's and Uchia's power "it seems I may have to step in after all..." She that as she paid more attention to Silent's power level "he can prove to be quite the nuisance, with an army behind his back, even more so." She thought for a moment and stood up "it seems it will be unavoidable, I must intervene soon."

  5. "Sad indeed, according to Trax, she was never the same after that. She was already a violent one, filled with anger and hate...Luna's death made Killjoy dead inside, colder than the last circle of hell. She was like that until something came that we will get too later on in the story. Right now, the empire had a score to settle." Radz said implying the big battle that turned the tides of war.

  6. "Do not forget the most interesting part, you do forget that only a handful of ponies know about the great secret Killjoy and Luna kept. Of course after their death, the news spread but only a little. It was in between this time that the purest and most passionate romance came between the Captain and the Princess of the night herself. A love so strong that Cadence and Shining's love was dwarfed in comparison." Radz said wishing she could have seen such wonder

  7. "we'll only know when the icy cold hand of death grabs hold of us." Radz said standing behind the group. "Though it brings me great pain that the only one who knew what Luna was truly like had fallen way before her time." she brushed her hoof on Killjoy's tomb. "I don't think I'll ever get used to coming here, it's always sad really...then I try to think of the happy memories which never work, it just makes me miss them more." she went by all the statues "There is one thing that isn't so bad, I never get tired of telling the stories."

  8. "I'll do what I can, but my place is not in this war, I can only aid when it is necessary. My purpose is to keep balance and only intervene if I feel the forces of evil are too great for the Empire to handle alone. I can advise and give council throughout the war but again, I'll only fight if truly necessary." Radz said making it perfectly clear that she wasn't going to be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

  9. "As many as it takes." Radz said walking up besides Kane "and a lot more will have to die before this new enemy is put down. I thought the way you did when Killjoy and Thunder died." Her tone was soft and calm as she spoke "I then realized that it doesn't matter in the end...everyone finds Death's door eventually. Everyone dies, young or old...in war or the slow decay of time, they all die. The best you hope for is they were all at peace with no regrets as the dark claims them."

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