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Posts posted by Killjoy

  1. Rads implanted her axe into an attackers head before looking at Silent. "I think the answer is quite obvious Silent Night." She pulled her axe out "you are simply not wanted here." She said lighting up her horn and encasing Silent in a prison of magic before teleporting back to Canterlot.

    ((At retry much Radz just keeps the balance, as in she will not fight unless she feels that the empire cannot take on a problem alone.))

  2. Radz nodded "it shall be done." she said teleporting off, her magic was so strong, just teleporting left burnt marks on where she once stood. She appeared at the port which was now on fire. "right...he's definitely here." she said to herself walking through the place taking out anyone who tried to stop her. They were but mere flies compared her skill and power.

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