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Posts posted by Killjoy

  1. "It was, everything that has scarred our lives was done by her." Another voice called out before showing Radz walking out of the shadows. "You need to work on your hiding skills, this place and you wasn't hard to find, wondering why you never noticed? Simple." She brought Rose's images of Radz still in the castle. "I made a duplicate of myself and you were looking at my clone the whole time while I was finding you." She smirked as she approached the group. "Don't get mad at Trax Killjoy, I knew he was hiding his secrets the whole time, though I assure you that his arts will not be needed, I guess you can say I have my own way of fighting." She looked at Rose "it's so good that we can finally meet face to face."

  2. "And you risked the world because of a trust issue." Killjoy said now glaring at Trax "Radz was my best students, someone I trusted. I trusted you also and you turned your back on me and my request to keep Equestria safe. You lied to one your closest friends, how can you even talk about trust when it's obvious no one can trust you." she said coldly as she turned around not even facing Trax "you may have just doomed us all because of your hesitation."

  3. Killjoy scoffed "you are highly underestimating, for someone so clever, you should know that your whole plan is folly." She said calmly "you can't be the puppet master forever. Radz's power is beyond me and Trax combined and even more so. If you think you are way higher, you'd be dead wrong. Even when she was just my student, I felt great power inside her, by now she would be at god tier like you. Your narcissism will be the end of you."

  4. "Those demons are like flies compared to those things you encountered in that portal." Radz said entering the room. "The laughter you heard was from a very ancient pony, her name is Rose,and she brought back our three legends from the dead." Her tone and face went grim "Killjoy, Soul, and Trax. They are back and bent on destroying everyone and everything. This Rose mare has the means to bring about doomsday. That is something I do not plan on letting happen."

  5. Radz scoffed "I'm not calling to have a chat with you, scum like you don't deserve my time or anyone's for that matter. I called just to tell you that everything you know and love will be destroyed either by my hoof or everyone elses...who knows, maybe even your own creations will turn on you, they have all their memories, loves...hates. It's not far fetched if you think about it. So little bat...you better be ready for the reckoning that is to come. Again...your days as a puppet master is over." She said before the image went out.

  6. Suddenly Rose's live started to flicker and deform before finally revealing Radz in the live feed "hello, this thing on?" She asked before leaning g back in her chair "ah ok good...well well you know I never would have found you if I didn't sense great power flowing from your champions." She noticed Trax, Killjoy and Soul "it's a pity...you stoop so low to taking these three out of there deserved rest. Through I guess that sort of thing is something you care not about. So I'll get to the point." She leaned forward "it's not my place to fight this war for Equestria, but I might make an exception for you." Though Radz's tone and posture was calm, great anger welled up inside her. "I am a very tolerable Mare but there are three things that I cannot abide...Dumb ponies who think they ate gods, ponies who waste my time, and the use of Shadow magic...Especially necromancy. Your time being the puppet master is over."

  7. "I always love a good threat, but I'm sorry Shadow, I have to watch over everyone, even the ones who don't want it." Radz thought to herself before looking at the two guards and smiled "no need to escort me, I can see myself out." She said as her horn lit up and she teleported away and appeared at Canterlot. She sighed "I want tea..."

  8. "I asked because your little group seemed very reluctant to join an alliance so I want to make sure that you and the Empire will get along. I know you batponies don't really like anyone whose not...well batponies. I'm listening carefully, you are just not answering my question." Radz said "now if your done being an insufferable ass. You need to make sure your forces will be tolerate with their Canterlot neighbors and of course the same needs to be done in the Empire."

  9. "Isn't that how you started? Wake up and poof, you were gifted with Nightmare Moon's blessing of immortality. So please spare me. I never said I was the protector of the world, if it was my job to protect the entire world then this war would have ended within a day and your beloved, who I told you to save, wouldn't have been attacked. My purpose is to merely guide. I choose this path because if I solved everything, pony kind will learn to depend on me...I'm not a super hero, whoever said that I was the world's protector is a fool." Radz said smirking at Shadow "I never said I was above anyone either, in power I am, but I'm just like anyone else, sure this power has its benefits but those benefits lead to temptation. Anyway enough about me. Right back to what you said, you know d@mn well that if I used "common courtesy" the guard at the front gate would've tried to arrest me and blah blah and I'd be standing here anyway under worse conditions. So please...enough lectures. Now back to my first question...will your forces be fighting side by side? Vampireece and the Empire are going to have to combine forces if you two have even have a chance."

  10. Radz just rolled "adorable little bunch, I'm sure the gate is lovely. I didn't want to make a big scene or anything. I already got such a warm welcome from your...minions. So my decision to just teleport here was right. I heard you are going to war but is it going to be side by side with the Empire? It will be the only way to win against such a force. I have no doubt in these brutes' skills it's just they are a little, how you say, eager. So instead of using them for a petty attempt of threatening me, how about you calm their nerves a little. There is a pretty large convoy heading towards the crystal empire where Silent stays at the moment. So to let off some steam, send them there." She said crosses her arms.

  11. ((Just go with it since Shadow has been isolated for so long.))

    Radz scratched the back of her head "I must regret to inform you that Killjoy died some years ago, killed in battle, I understood that you two were friends." She bowed her head for moment before lifting her head. "Anyway I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by. I mean I can see all of you through my magic so I see no reason why I shouldn't introduce myself, but of course you already know me which dampened things a bit. So I might as well get to the point, you are going to want to make an alliance with the Empire. You underestimate the power of Silent's army. Him and his general are very powerful, I could easily crush them...but I swore a vow to no intervene. It will take all of your strength to take on this new threat and even then it won't be enough. You will need to ally with the Empire if you are to stand a chance. They overran the Crystal Empire within a matter of hours...heed my words Shadow. I have witnessed this army first hand."

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