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Posts posted by Chowdah101

  1. Yes. It demonstrates ability to describe, an important aspect of RPing. Anyone can post a picture and say "it looks like this." But it takes a bit of effort and creativity to create a picture with only words.

    Also. Welcome to canterlot!

    Hmm...you do have a point there..

    And thank you.

  2. Roleplay Type: Free RP

    Name: Yu Narupony

    Sex: Male

    Age: 18

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye colour: Black

    Coat: light gray

    Mane/Tail: Silver

    Physique: Well-toned

    ((An image for reference))


    Residence: Ponyville,One story home

    Occupation: Currently unemployed

    Cutie Mark:


    Yu's cutie mark resembles that of a blue bordered blank card. The blue border represents his determination to accomplish, task's he has been given, and the pursuit of putting smiles on his friends faces. The empty space within the borders of the card symbolize not only how distant yet vast his mind can get when daydreaming, but how far he will go to help the ponies he cares about, in this case..as much as he can until Yu feels he's done a good job, but nopony is perfect no matter how "perfect" they may seem, Yu doesn't always get the job done right, nor does he have limitless amounts of energy. He can only do so much.

    His cutie mark was obtained one day during a day of school in Manehatten. Earlier that day he was constantly teased..the ponies often calling him empty, and saying things such as "Your just a shell. Like an old stuffed animal." This..made a bit of sadness develop within him, and Yu decided to avoid them. Walking away, he soon stumbled onto a common acquaintance at school, who was crying. He stood there looking at her at first, unsure what to really do. It was then he gathered what understanding he had, and sat down talking to her, asking her what was wrong. She told him the a few filly's had bullied her, and threw her stuffed rabbit into a tree. He..felt her pain, being bullied and all, and then out of the blue told her that he'd take care of her problem.

    So off he went in search of her stuffed animal, and soon found it after searching around for quite a while. The tree was tall, but Yu refused to go back to his crying friend empty hooved. His bucks barely caused it to shake, so instead he decided to attempt to climb it...which was pretty difficult with hooves, nonetheless, Yu did what he could, clinging his legs to the trunk and scuttling upward a few inches before falling, again, and again. Dirtying his clothing, and giving him a bruise or two, but he didnt quit. His determination egging him on, he made it to the branch where the stuffed rabbit layed, and carefully retrieved it, and made his way down. Heading back to his friend dirt covered, he returned it to her with a smile. She wiped her tears, and smiled back saying, "It's what friends do for each other." His cutie mark appeared then, and there, but due to his clothing Yu only found out when he went home to get cleaned up.


    Manehattan born, and raised Yu lived a peaceful life in Manehatten. Aside from a few bullying problems in the past, but all in all enjoyable.

    At a young age he was always considered "different" from other colts. Not in a bad way of course. He was an awfully quiet colt, that didn't speak too much, and at age 9 he picked up the habit of daydreaming, and often..staring off into space randomly. Which gave birth to many school rumors, and jokes about him. However, this did not change his parents outlook of him, nor did the insults diminish his self-esteem. His family being business ponies, most of the day, Yu was looked after by a nanny.

    At age 11, he obtained his cutie mark.(See cutie mark section.) And after that day his life changed a bit. After successfully getting his friend back her stuffed rabbit, Yu gained a newfound confidence, one that that he now uses to help other's.

    The bulk of his teenage years consisted of an average lifestyle so to speak. Aside from his many endeavours, and "quests" which consisted of Yu trying his best to aid ponies in need, which in turn granted him with many lifelong companions.

    At age 18, he grew tired of the same old, same old scenery of Manehattan, and desired to branch off, and stop being "spoon-fed" by his family. Yu conversed with them about moving to Ponyville, a place that was famous for it's hospitality. Surprisingly, his family didn't object. They felt that him moving, and living on his own would be an excellent experience on independence. A smile shown of his face that day, and a couple of day's later he was at the train station, luggage in tow waving goodbye to the friends he made in Manehattan, as he set off for Ponyville.

    Character Summary:

    If you were to judge by appearance, Yu may appear as.. "weird" to some due to his habit but, he is indeed the exact opposite. When idle or rather..not around other ponies you will often find him gazing off into the distance or daydreaming, which he has an odd habit of doing. Despite this, He's kind, and considerate to everyone he meets, and set's making new friends a goal when he encounters someone he's never met before. Above all else Yu dislikes bullying. The thought of making fun of another for someones amusement, always got on his nerves, for he was picked on in the past. Yu prefers to wear his favorite outfit rather than walk around in the "nude" so to speak, he finds it a bit more comfortable, and prevents his coat from dirtying.

  3. Welcome to Canterlot.com, Chowdah101!

    If you're interested in RPing on this site, here's some things you'll need to know:

    First of all, we have three RP settings, as follows:

    WoE is geared to be completely canon. An approved application is required, and you can find the form and some great guidelines and suggestions for completing it here. Cast characters are available for RP in WoE, and your OCs can only be canon species seen in FiM so far. You can find the cast list & rules here, and the species list here. Since WoE is meant to be just like the show, we suggest that you not app anything for your character that you would not see in the show. This doesn’t mean your character has to be boring, not by any means! But anything too dark is not allowed. We also suggest that you keep an eye on the Codexia, which can be found here.

    CC is similar to WoE in that approved applications are also required, but any WoE-accepted characters, as long as they aren’t be changed, can be played in CC without needing a new application. The application can be found here. In CC, we do allow some things that don’t fit into WoE. Non-canon species that still make sense in the setting are allowed. Changelings and batponies are available, too! Alicorns will be available as soon as we’ve hammered out definite limitations on them. Cast aren’t available yet, but Rosie and Dio are working hard to set up a system for them in CC. The cast and species lists can be found here. As with WoE, we have a CC-exclusive Codexia that can be found here. Finally, for a better look at the guidelines that set CC apart from WoE, the rules can be found here.

    FFA is distinct from WoE and CC in that you don't need an application. You can start a thread right now! It can involve any character, location, or story, as long as ponies are included in some way and the threads don’t surpass PG-13 in rating: no excessive gore, and nothing explicitly sexual can be included. You can, however, cross MLP over with anything you want! Do you have a Doctor Whooves adventure setting you want to play around in? Go for it! Want to play as Twilight Sparkle, but you don’t have her for WoE? Feel free! Itching desire to play in the Equestria Girls universe? FFA is the place for it. Go wild!

    It’s entirely up to you which roleplay setting you decide to jump into, and if you need some help, feel free to ask! The RP Staff is here to ensure that you and everyone else enjoy Canterlot’s roleplaying community. If you want any assistance in creating your first RP character for CC or WoE, I’d be glad to help you, and once your first character is accepted into CC or WoE, I’d be just as glad to help you find a thread to join that will help you play your character to her full potential!

    If you have any further questions feel free to send me or one of the other Roleplay Helpers a PM to ask whatever you need to know. You can find a list of all of us in the WoE Codexia!

    Happy RPing!

    I actually already have a few character sheets of oc's I've made, but the skeleton for them isn't all that similar. One question though, does the coat color, eye color etc, HAVE to be included in the application even if I have an image of my characters?

  4. Hello, the names Chowdah, and if this new thread didn't make things clear enough for ya, im a new member on this forum, but I am by no means a newbie as to how forum's work. Oh, and I like ponies :|

    I roleplay on forum's a lot, you could almost call it an addiction, really, as it's what I do most of the day, posting on forum's, and playing video games.

    Lastly, a few things to note.

    I've been known to be very blunt, even though it's usually not my intentions, so I apologize in advance if I accidentally hurt anyone's feeling, and I WILL apologize again if a situation like that would ever happen.

    I'm a very socially awkward person at times so please bear with me if I start acting a little odd when chatting with more than one person, or even with one person.

    And......im a sucker for cute thing's.. >\\<

    Pleased to meet you all.

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