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Blog Entries posted by Slazer

  1. Slazer
    Yeah, Slazer here.
    By now, I believe most of the people here understand why I don't like doing blogs that much: I have problems finding things to talk about, and I'm not one of the sort who enjoys blabbing about every little detail in my life, so I can't use a blog for that, either. This leads to infrequent updates, but it also means most of the things I talk about will be things that have a lot of meaning to me. This is one of them.
    I've been a citizen of Canterlot.com for right around eight months or so, and I've had loads of fun here. The reason I'm blogging for the first time in half a year is because I'd like to hear from the people I've been roleplaying with for such a long time: how have I been doing? What have I done right, what have I messed up, am I putting too much or too little in my posts, what are your opinions on my characters as they've been portrayed, et cetera. I genuinely want to know what you have to think. This kind of stuff- writing, developing characters and personalities, creating worlds through words- is what I want to do for a living, and I roleplay here as much to practice my creativity and diction as I do to have fun.
    So, all of that said, what do you think of how I roleplay? Be honest, and don't mince words if you feel you have a lot to say: you don't improve without knowing exactly what you're doing wrong.
  2. Slazer
    Recently, I've received numerous Skype contact requests from people I have not spoken with on there before. I'm not certain who they are and because of the wonky way Skype works, I'm having trouble speaking to them without accepting these requests.
    I'm inclined to think most of the requests I've gotten are from people on Canterlot, but I'm not certain. Regardless, as this is the most popular site I've put my Skype details on, I thought I'd put this here: if you want me to add you as a contact on Skype, please send me a PM or get in touch with me somehow beforehand. I really do not mind adding people on there; I just want to know who you are first.
  3. Slazer
    So, I started this blog for the fun of it, since I really enjoy the Canterlot community. This will be, oddly enough, my first foray into blogging in my life- weird, given the age we live in, but I digress.
    I'll probably use this blog more for my general thoughts on things pony-related, things otaku, things that occasionally tick me off, or any combination thereof. I'll keep it PG-rated, don't worry; I don't want to tread on anyponies' hooves.
    Also, to all you other night owls who stay up late to give our very own Princess Luna a hug : Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everypony set aside a few bits for new pants/saddles/misc. clothing.
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