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Posts posted by Otsdarva

  1. @ Starfox, sadly I could so see that as my split too...

    Honestly though, mine would probably become that of a bad driver and have no depth perception. I race go-karts for a hobby for those who wonder why I would become a bad driver. I may not be Senna or Earnhardt but I'm rarely at the back of the pack.

    For my OC, Mr. Trotter would probably become frail, tall, and uncoordinated. A nice contrast to his strong, stocky physique.

  2. *sigh* I really should write a fanfic. I used to write so much, practically several chapters a day. Now-a-days, I rarely write at all. Maybe it's the change of subject, or lack of a muse, I don't know. I would really like to write something fantastic once again.

    Now on the subject of fan fics that I've read, well then lord knows I've read thousands, when you limit it to just MLP it's still in the hundreds. lol

    The Colour You Bleed is a rather nice one! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/1052/The-Colour-You-Bleed

    The Discarded Son is also a fine tale, even if it may seem a little touchy with the subject matter to certain ponies. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/5151/1/The-Discarded-Son/The-Discarded-Son

  3. Douglas nodded to Survey as he spoke, letting him finish through what he assumed was a mix of chattering teeth and slight awkwardness before replying. "Well, I suppose I've been alright. Had to work on the Holiday, just finished running this delivery from Hoofington. The weather has been rather drastic, hasn't it? As much as I enjoy the cold this is a little much!" Douglas laughed, looking over the other ponies Survey had been traveling with.

    There was a Pegasus who seemed to be slightly nurturing a sprain of some sort. She gave Douglas a rather unsavory look at his arrival, he figured it would be better not to pry for the time being. Especially after she offered to hold a small party, Douglas didn't want to be rude by counting himself amongst them when he only just arrived. He thought a good way to at least not feel like a moocher would be to cough up a few bits as well. "If you're all planning a little party then I'd like to chip a few bits in as well. If you don't mind me tagging along? My cart's empty and I got fresh coin in the pocket!" he offered, wondering what the Pegasus had in mind.

    Finally he looked over to the third pony, a young filly with a cloak resembling that of a guardspony or a knight? Douglas wasn't too sure, but she seemed like a sweet little thing. She was even well mannered from the way she had spoke to the Pegasus. This was a nice group of ponies and while he first regretted not spending the holiday relaxing at home, hanging out with this small group would surely be a more entertaining way of spending Hearth's Warming.

  4. Douglas nodded silently as Ginger spoke of the connection between love and sailing, letting her get everything out before replying. Her occasional blush made Douglas chuckle. Still he understood what she meant. "Indeed, it's a Majesty alright." Her sudden change back to opening a cafe allowed him to have a clear mind for the time. "Your father has quite a bit of knowledge. It seems we were all blessed to have family capable of sharing great wisdom with us, even if it doesn't always apply to what we're currently facing."

    Douglas pulled back a small bit when Bramble began talking with a drawl. He sure didn't see that coming. Still, he could feel it was all in jest and let himself laugh at the attempt. When Bramble's tone changed to a more upper-class voice he began to talk about riding on the sky yachts, describing the sights of the event and the grand feeling of it all. It was amusing to see his view on how differed his upbringing was. "Ah, the whole 'foals are meant to seen and not heard', huh? Yeah, I know what that's like."

    Douglas watched the conversation slide back to Ginger as she reflected upon opening a business. "Well, it's not like everypony whose ever had a business was prepared when they first opened. Should it happen I'm sure you'll do fine, shoot you got Bramble here to design the place and I can easily move around whatever you need. So what if it takes awhile to get going, that's just the way things work. Don't worry about it for now and just see where you end up!"

  5. "Aye and you'n take care yerself!" Douglas replied cheerily as he finished his final delivery for the night. Walking from the doorway of the residence of his delivery and back to his cart he began to chuckle. Working on Hearth Warming Eve, never in his foalhood would he had believed anypony who told him he would be working on one of the biggest holidays in Equestria. Still, when you're an independent wagoner running deliveries no one else is willing too these things tend to happen. He could only be happy he had a nice beige vest to warm himself in the cold.

    Being in Trottingham was quite a surprise, Douglas had hoped to just hang around his home of Hoofington until this last minute order came in. He figured he could always use a few extra bits and happily suited up to face the weather. That was all in the past now, though. Here he was, in Trottingham, hooking himself back into his cart when he caught glimpse of a group of ponies moving down an intersecting street. He payed no heed to the group until he spotted the Unicorn at the back. Why he could've sworn to Luna that it was somepony he met some time ago. "Where do I remember him?" Douglas thought. "I know I've seen him somewhere... was it, Ponyville?" That's when it struck him, it had to be. He had to check, even if it wasn't it would be a good way to start a chat.

    Giving a quaint nod, Douglas put his weight against the cart, slowly beginning to pull it. He reached the intersection and turned onto the street he had seen them walk down. Picking up his pace with the momentum of the cart, Douglas started to close up the distance between the group. The clapping of his hooves ran in rhythm with a whirling of the cart's wheels. Feeling himself reaching speaking distance, Douglas called out. "Excuse me, Mr. Unicorn... you wouldn't have ran the Running of the Leaves a few months back, would you? Survey, was it? It's Douglas, how have ya been?"

  6. Any basis on what the idea behind it is? At the moment it seems like you've just introduced a Heropony without any real indication of where you want to take the Rp. Would you be looking for Rp'ers to be D.I.D.s (Damsels in Distress) or would an evil arch-nemesis be expected?

  7. Douglas let out a short laugh at the quote Bramble offered. "I'm startin' to like the guy the more ah hear of 'em!" Letting his laugh die down, Douglas had a strained swallow of his tea. "Also Bramble... Findin' that special somepony is no easy task. Ma' always said to 'Keep your options open.' I'm not goin' to drone on this, but on the matter of love I feel I should say that it is one of the most complicated of emotions. It can make you feel... I'd say on top of the highest mountain one minute and bottom of the deepest pit the next. I can only hope you find that somepony who truly cares about the pony inside your heart." Douglas put his teacup on the table as he gave a faint smile. He had felt the warm touch of another's love as well as the cold despair when he lost it.

    Douglas decided it was best if he moved on with what he was saying before anypony could read too deep into his words and call him on it. "So you've both had some form of sailing experience? I'm right jealous. Still, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who would admire such a thing. I don't see too many of them sky yachts, I can only imagine how much different it must be to be aboard one of them." Douglas allowed his mind to continue to think about riding on an airship and it helped bring a geniune smile back to his face. "I think I'll try the water bound ships first though."

    Giving a glance at the remaining cookies, Douglas fancied taking one more wouldn't hurt as he reached out for one. By now they were mostly cooled and while Douglas enjoyed a nice, warm, soft cookie it didn't matter that they had cooled, they still tasted great. "So then, opening a cafe of your own, huh? Better have these on the menu!" Douglas let out finally, looking over at Ginger. "I'd say that's actually ambitious. Sure it's not scaling a mountain, but you're more or less trying to make something out of nothing. You have to get permits, buy land, hire builders, the whole deal just to have a business to call your own. Then there's the whole marketing, and stocking, and managing... starting your own business is an amazin' feat."

  8. Douglas was happy to see Bramble cheer up as he listened to him list off about finding a way to plan a trip. "Well, just put a little aside and you'd be surprised how fast it builds." Douglas encouraged, as he took another cookie to nibble on. Letting the tastiness hold his attention, Douglas slowly droned out on the conversation for the time being. Washing the cookie down with a sip of tea, he cleared his throat and prepared to speak.

    "Dreams of my own?" Douglas repeated, giving his chin a rub. "Hm, Well I adore traveling, seeing what hasn't been seen and all that. But I suppose to one day serve as a crew member on a boat." Douglas gave a faint nod to the idea, feeling sort of content with his words. He then gave a look over Bramble and Ginger's faces to make sure they understood him and figured some further explanation would be in order.

    "I know it may seem odd to trade work for work, but I remember when I was young and our wagon train stopped in the port city of Hoofington. I had to sit in a wagon while my dad helped some sailors unload their shipment into our wagons. I had nevah seen a boat at that time so it was a fun experience. It might've even been what caused me tah move to Hoofin'ton. Anyway, I watched the boat rock in the waves as the sea air tickled at my snout. It was the...majesty? Yeah the majesty of the ship that appealed to me."

    "To think that they went where even our wagons couldn't go, to go where you can't even walk was scary to me. That vast water seemed to go forever. Of course back then it seemed like a bore to me. I suppose I sees it as an a romantic kind of meanin' now. Some o' them ponies who worked the boats spoke with us. They was tough, they walked tough, they acted tough, shoot they even talked tough! Though they used language I wouldn't be keen 'an repeating around a lady." Douglas finished, giving a kind smile in Ginger's direction.

    "I could easily just ride a boat as a passenger, but...well I just don't feel comfortable unless I'm pulling my weight." Letting out an exhausted sigh, Douglas took a sip of tea with a neutral look, waiting a few seconds after his sip before exhaling and smiling brightly.

  9. Douglas sat still as he listened to Bramble speak, he could feel the air being let out of the poor pony's sails as he spoke. Douglas let out a sigh, mentally scolding himself for putting the Unicorn on the spot. He started to form up a response for Bramble, something to cheer him up. "So you don't know what you want just yet. You want to do something with flowers, but you want to see something other than the same old scenery? There's nothing silly about that." Douglas said, casting his gaze to the cookies. "Traveling is nice. You should really try it, better yet, make a plan. Put a few bits away for safe keeping and don't touch 'em, just let 'em build. Then...go on a trip. Ask for some time off and use the bits to pay for your trip."

    Douglas looked back to Bramble as he sipped from his tea. "Maybe find some work related reason to travel? Shoot, it works for me!" Douglas said, with sly grin and wink. Douglas could only hope he was helping. He could understand Bramble's desire to try something new. And while he didn't specifically say what he didn't want to be seen as, Douglas could feel he knew what the pony meant. To say Douglas didn't see Bramble as feminine or soft wouldn't be entirely true, still he would be more than happy to help how he could. "Anypony can change, you just need the willpower to do so... or the ignorance not to know better."

  10. Douglas finally put in an order for tea and began to nibble on a cookie. He listened quietly to Ginger Mint's words as well as Bramble's counter point. It seemed they were quite enjoying the little discussion, even Douglas found himself interested. The most chatter he got on the plains was akin to the Joker being wild or not in cards. While he himself wasn't too used to the cultured discussion, he could enjoy the talk when he did pick it up and even had a little something to contribute himself.

    Just then Bramble said something that had caused Douglas to look over him, eying him quizzically. "Then, Bramble...who do you want to be?" He started, using Bramble's first name for effect. "When ponies see you, what do you want them to assume about you? Why should you let those faceless noponies who hardly care to know the pony behind the cutie mark direct who you are? Or for that matter, those who only see you as the child of your parents' and not as your own Stallion? I can understand being coddled or raised a certain way as a foal, but if you come of age and realize that it's not what you want then you should have full say to refuse to be that pony!"

    "I never aimed high, but what I found I wouldn't give up. Yes, It's manual labor! I'll probably break mah back day in and day out till ah can't work no more. Still, I feel richer than most despite the amount of bits to my name. The life I live is one I'm proud of, I can look back and say 'Yeah, I did that!' The things I see, I feel have enriched my life in ways most ponies only dream. Think about this, when I pass there will be only those in my family and those of my friends who will care or mourn. That is fine with me."

    Douglas could feel himself getting a little off tangent, but once he started he wasn't likely to stop till he got out what he wanted to say. The waiter, having delivered his tea watched as Douglas knocked back the whole cup without a care before sending the slightly ruffled waiter back for a refill. "How many ponies would take one look at me and assume they're above me? That I'm brawn with no brain. Why should I let that effect who I am? Shouldn't I strive to be who I want to be, darn anypony who don't agree? Pardon my break in manners." Douglas cleared his throat, the tea surely wet his whistle but his non-stop talking was tuckering the usually quiet pony out.

    The waiter returning with another cup of tea was rather eased to see Douglas calmly sip the tea instead of chugging it and left after Douglas offered his thanks. Feeling the gist of what he wanted to say, Douglas leaned back into his seat and let out a short breath. "Oh, the Vagabonds!" He spoke, remembering Ginger's question. "Hardly, I've met many nice ones. In fact, while I have a place in Hoofington it's very rare that I stay for more than a day or so. You could say I'm a Vagabond since I'm always running something around Equestria and I'm quite comfortable on the road."

  11. Douglas decided to return to the Haunted house where it all began! His Nightmare Night extravaganza started in this ridiculously scary and overly detailed place crafted by what could be the most cheerful, peppiest pony he ever met! Oh how it made him shudder to think what went on under that happy exterior. Still, there was no going back now. The Faux Detective adjusted his overcoat one final time, taking out his gentlecolt's pipe to blow a few bubbles. The fedora on his head sat firmly to his head as he began to approach the entrance. Of course he would wind up back here, every criminal returns to the scene of the crime! Now it was simply finding him...Or so Douglas playfully mused in his head as he entered the Haunted House.

    Douglas stepped into the Haunted house and looked about. He saw somepony shyly standing around, as if waiting on something. Her bumblebee costume stood out, it had been the one Pegasus he came across earlier. It seemed that her Poison Joke had worn off finally, but he wondered if she was feeling better than she was before. He slowly started to trot over and see how she was when suddenly someone shouted something very loudly from behind him. The jump in his heart caused him to grab his hat and barrel roll across the floor till he hit the wall.

    Coming out his terror roll, he wasn't sure if he should expect a fight or not. He could feel the hairs of his coat stand on end and his eyes tried to relax. That was surely not a trick the last time he was there. Feeling himself calm down, he saw another pony standing there beside the shy Pegasus. Regaining his thoughts, Douglas burst into laughter. "A Decoy scare?! I haven't been caught like that in years!" He exclaimed, walking back to the two mares. "That was a great one, biggest jump I've had all night!" he spoke to the Unicorn mare who scared him before turning his gaze to the shy Pegasus. "So then, I guess that means you're feeling better?"

    Douglas could feel his heart finally falling back into a regular rhythm as he sat on his haunches. He looked over the two mares as he blew another stream of bubbles from his pipe. "How has your Nightmare Night been?" he asked, trying to make a little idle conversation before moving on. "So ladies, shall we go through as a group?"

  12. Douglas' heart pounded inside his chest as he recovered from the scare. This was the second time Princess Luna had scared him silly! He wasn't sure how many more times he could afford to let himself be scared like this, it was going to start causing heart complications if he kept being frightened in such a way! Still, feeling a little better that she was willing to reward him and the other ponies with two pieces of candy he felt that it softened the scare.

    "Wow, did she git us good or what?!" Douglas exclaimed, with his eyes fully open and his chest gasping for air. "Alright, everypony! The final hour is upon us!" Feeling a surge of courage coming on, Douglas reared up on his hind legs and thrust one of his forelegs into the air as the gleaming light from the luminaries painted a bright yellow background behind him. "Get all the Candy!"

  13. Douglas looked down at the foal sized pony clamoring for someponies attention. He slowly bent down to meet the pony face to face. "Oh my, I must say that's definitely one bad case of Poison Joke and I thought I had it bad." Douglas said, watching the little pony move about the ground. "Listen, it'll wear off over time. Ah suppose you should try to find someone whose aware of their footing." Having finished addressing the shrunken pony, Douglas moved over to the Pegasus mare and watched her just solemnly stroll. "Are you...alright? Come on, the Poison Joke will go away. If'n you can't wait I'm sure you can find someone who might know a cure."

    Douglas watched the mare a little longer before looking to the other ponies trying to help with a gentle shrug. He slowly let out a little sigh as he just walked along the path as well. "Come on, everypony. I'm sure at the end of the path we'll get some kind of candy! That'll cheer everypony up!"

  14. Douglas had decided to return to the Discord Adventure path. After his little Poison Joke incident had worn off he felt his embarrassment over the situation fade away. It was a good thing too. Just ahead with a group of ponies was somepony he knew, Ginger Mint. "Thank Celestia it wore off before I got here." He thought, making sure to brush up his costume. The faux Detective was back on the case! Giving a slight adjustment to his beige Fedora and overcoat he began his approach.

    Stepping closer to greet his friend he inspected the situation ahead of him and it seemed like she was trying to help some other ponies who probably found themselves on the bad side of a Poison Joke prank. He suddenly wasn't feeling so chipper about his own worries now. Finally bringing himself close enough to the group he spoke up. "Did they get Poison Joked as well?" He asked Ginger as he looked over the group. Noticing the two sulking ponies, he decided to admit to his incident. "Come on now, the Poison Joke wears off. Look at me, a mere hour ago I looked like I got in a fight with an open paint can. Nightmare Night is about having fun."

  15. "Oof" Douglas let out, feeling something bump into him. Glancing up slightly it was as he feared, he came across another pony. "Well, this night is officially complete..." he thought, watching the pony back up. The pony soon spoke up and apologized for bumping into him. Douglas was about to tell him it was alright, until the pony pointed out his coloration. He stammered slightly, wondering what he should say. "Could I tell him it's part of my costume?....No, what the hay kind of sense does that make?" Douglas fought over what he should say before finally giving up.

    "Yeah, Ah'm alright. I was uh...pushed into some Poison Joke...it turned my coat this color...Err, colors." Douglas admitted, feeling foolish for letting himself be pushed into the Poison Joke in the first place. He could feel an awkward silence fall upon them. "So...how's Nightmare Night treating you?" Douglas decided he might as face whatever comes of it. "You heading to the statue as well?"

  16. Douglas trotted around the Everfree, again returning to the statue of Nightmare Moon. He was far from content with himself. In a effort to get out of the Mirror house with the other ponies he had been knocked into a batch of Poison joke...and boy had it done it's job. Douglas kept his fedora tilted over his face in some small attempt to hide who he was. The last thing he wanted was a friend to see him. "I really dislike the mob mentality..." he thought to himself, glancing at his hooves. His left foreleg beamed fluorescent blue while his right glowed orange. He groaned, his entire coat had changed into a slew of different colors, with his head being a snot green.

    The faux Detective adjusted his coat and fedora, making sure his costume at least looked partway decent. He could only hope that he didn't run into any more trouble at the Nightmare moon statue, his last visit turned out to be quite fruitful. "...If somepony sees me like this I'm likely to uproot a tree with my bare hooves..." He sulked as he moved toward the statue.

  17. Douglas stopped outside the entrance to the House of Mirrors. "Alright, The last place I haven't hit yet! This should be good! Gin-gin got quite a scare here. Onward!" He called, trotting into the door. Stopping just inside, he caught himself in the mirror. By golly was he having quite the night! He'd already met both Princesses! And while the younger of the too played the biggest scare, it was her elder that played on his fears with the faint noises and sounds of the Everfree. He couldn't wait to see what the Mirror house had for him!

    Douglas put his attention on the reflection in the first mirror. Eying his costume's condition he hummed, his Detective costume had sure seen real wear and tear throughout the night. A ketchup like blood stain on his coat from the haunted house, dirt and grime clung to his coat tails and shirt cuffs from walking around the Everfree. Yet through it all, the beige basked Detective looked quite dapper as he fixed his fedora and took out his genltecolt's pipe. Giving a pose in the mirror and blowing a few bubbles from the pipe, Douglas let out a chuckle and moved into the Mirror maze.

    As Douglas moved through the halls he began to think to himself. "This has been quite a night, I can't wait to see what I get from here...hopefully it'll be someth-" His train of thought cut off as he rounded himself right into a mirror with an audible 'Oof!' Taking a few steps back from the mirror he noticed how dangerous it could be to have a pipe in his mouth if he bumped face first into a mirror.

    Letting out an embarrassed chortle he put his pipe away before moving down a new hall. Which had lead him to see a mare before a dead end. As he was about to speak Douglas heard her say something about getting lost. "Why Hello! What were you saying about being lost?" he asked approaching the mare until he could see she was a Unicorn. "Nice to get lost with you, the name's Douglas." he said, holding out a hoof.

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