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Posts posted by Otsdarva

  1. Somehow, while walking through Pinkie's haunted house, Beat managed to find herself in the middle of the Everfree Forest. "Oh, this is soooooo scary!" as she chuckled to herself. "It's actually really pretty out here" as she admired the surroundings. She cantered on for approximately 10 minutes before she saw some more ponies. She smiled and said "Hey, Is anyone there" as to be polite.

    Douglas had continued further down the path, it was seeming to go on for almost ever! Did it ever actually end? Douglas couldn't be sure, but he could see a glow growing from behind him. It seemed odd when suddenly he heard somepony call out to him. He turned to see a pony coming up the trail behind him. "Why, hello! How's your Nightmare Night been? Any nice scares or good hauls?" Douglas asked, slowing his pace for the other pony to catch up.

    "I had some nice frights by the some pink pony at Sugarcube Corner. Got me good with some zomponies. Then I got scared by Princess Luna at the Nightmare Moon statue. It's only got me three pieces of candy though." He shared his experiences, as he waited for the pony to come up beside him. "It sure seems like this path goes on forever, I can hardly tell if it turns or not. Sure makes the night look nice though. Real creepy." Douglas slowly blew a few more bubbles with his pipe before putting it back in his coat.

  2. Douglas' eyes shifted to the side, humoring the voice while his head never left the direction of the bush. The jostling of the bush suddenly walking off on it's own had garnered a deadpan expression as his eyes returned to watch it walking off. His head stayed locked on where the bush had been, a slight tapping of his hoof as he soon turned his head.

    "You didn't need to harm the plant, y'know?" Douglas flatly said, thinking if he should keep pushing whoever was in the bush or just continue on with his trick or treating. Giving a slight facehoof, he started. "Well then..." slowly Douglas trotted a little ways after the bush to make sure it was still in earshot. "Happy Nightmare Night."

    And with that, and the scare of the lifetime from Princess Luna, Douglas decided to hit his next location of the night.

  3. Wow, what a night! He actually met Princess Luna, even tricked by her too! Although, he should have expected her to be at Nightmare Moon's monument. Still that was two tricks and three pieces of candy in one night and it was still far from over! Douglas was feeling pretty upbeat as he moved into the Everfree forest, wanting to explore the Discord's Everfree Adventure. The path he stuck to gave off a sickly green glow to the air around him. The luminary bags even gave his Detective overcoat a rather unreal glow to it. Again, it felt like the trees along the path were trying to reach out for him, for the path, to cover any and all signs of life.

    Stopping for a second to adjust his tie and take out his gentlecolt's pipe, Douglas noticed the path darkened behind him, which only fueled his thoughts of the forest trying to take back the route. After closing up his coat, Douglas put the pipe into his mouth and gently blew a few bubbles from it as he started his trot further down the path. "No use going back now, it's obvious they don't want me too." He mused, letting his eyes focus further down the path for any other ponies.

    Douglas could not wait to see who he was going to meet next in this night, surely there was no event more entertaining that Nightmare Night and Ponyville seemed to take the tradition a step above the rest! Just then, a faint echo was heard, nearly incomprehensible, but always constant as if something up ahead continually making some sort of noise. Douglas knew he'd have to get closer to find out just what it could be and decided to pick up his pace.

  4. Douglas listened to words the bush spewed, soon finding his believability being washed away. Was it...quivering? Douglas decided that it couldn't possibly be a real thing. His eyes narrowed to slits as his face showed disbelief. "Oh, I get it now...you're just some prankster trying to trick ponies aren't you? Raving about killer poniacs hurting ponies who pass by...I bet you were gonna try to scare me, huh?" Douglas eluded, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

    He blew a stream of bubbles from his pipe to vent his emotions, to think somepony would try to throw dirt and sound like a talking bush. The nerve of it all. "Well, the jig is up. You coming up or are ya gonna have to be dug out?" It was just then that he saw something at the base of the bush move, it's color just a little off from the leaves. He couldn't make out what it was, but thought he could bluff whatever it was. "I see ya, come on out already, the joke is over!"

  5. Douglas took his hooves from the bush, tilting his head slightly to the side as he eyed up the wild shrubbery. "Well...it is the Everfree..." he thought. "Wait...a killing, crazy, talking bush of death....why warn me? Wouldn't it have been better to just eat me?" He blurted out, feeling a little stupid talking to a bush. "I'm really talking to a bush? Wow, I just need some stone slabs and ponies to lead and I'm all set..." Douglas sat back on his haunches for a moment and thought about just calling it as the Everfree being the Everfree.

    He took out his pipe and blew a few more bubbles as he just sat and watched the bush. "Will Mr. Bush if that's how you feel." He said slowly getting to his hooves and moving away. It was just as another bunch of bubbles rose out of his pipe that he stopped. "Wait a second...whose Orange and why are ponies looking for him?" Douglas asked, turning back to the bush with a suspicious look.

  6. As Douglas waited for Miss Mint to reply he noticed a few clods of dirt being chucked into the air. Looking around, he spotted them coming from a bush that was for lack of a better word, trembling. Slowly Douglas walked over to the bush, inspecting it carefully and trying his best not to get hit with any flying dirt clods.

    Clearing his throat, Douglas addressed the shaking bush. "Excuse me...is somepony in there? Um...I really don't think you're going to find treasure if that's what you're doing." He joked lightly, still wondering what could be in the bush. Taking a deep breath he began to approach. He could feel his heart pick up in pace. What if a beast leapt out from the bush? What would happen to him? Gently Douglas reached out with his hoof, giving his lips a lick as he grabbed on to the bush. "Now or never, Trotter..." he thought, spreading the bush apart.

  7. Douglas had decided to take a gander at the statue of Nightmare Moon, of which this tradition was loosely based on. He gave his head a slight shake as he made his way through the Everfree. "Yeah...they would put it out here, wouldn't they?" he thought to himself. His Nightmare Night had a rather jumpy start. That prank from the pink Earth pony, Pinkie Pie, was definitely something that left his heart in a rush. Although she did give everypony a piece of candy for being good sports with her Trick.

    Slowly opening the beige overcoat that wrapped over his body he pulled out the gentlcolt's pipe and placed it in his mouth. Closing his overcoat over his striped shirt and tie, Douglas gave his matching fedora a little tilt and gnawed lightly on the pipe. It was then that he saw a tint of red on his overcoat. Apparently some of that Earth pony's trick had got on him. "Ah well, guess I'm a Detective caught in the line of fire then." Douglas smirked at the thought, taking his attention off his costume to stay on path. The trees gave an ominous feeling, it seemed as if they were leaning in over the path, almost trying to reach out and cover it up! Then there was the occasional snap of twigs or animal sounds deep in the wood. It was surely enough to frighten anyone, but Douglas had already been frightened once so he wasn't too phased by some sounds. Still, Douglas was more than willing to find a few more scares before the night ended.

    Soon enough the statue could be seen as he moved around the turn of the path and came from behind some bushes. Now with the whole statue in sight he could even see a few ponies already gathered here for whatever reason. Amongst them was a mare in a familiar Sheriff costume. He let out a slight chuckle as she tossed a candy at a little filly. The faux Detective took a breath and blew into the pipe, causing a mess of bubbles to raise from the tip. "Good evening, Miss Mint. How has your Nightmare Night been?" He asked, blowing a few more bubbles before putting the pipe back in his coat pocket.

    Stopping just a bit away from her, Douglas sat back on his Haunches as he eyed the statue. "What a statue, somepony sure got a laugh sculpting that. Was it meant to look that scary?" he thought aloud. Clearing his throat he looked back at Ginger Mint. "I just came from Sugarcube Corner where the uh, Earth pony, Pinkie Pie tricked us good there. Never knew somepony so cheery could be so... detailed with zomponies.." Douglas stated, giving a little shudder. Letting out a gentle breath, Douglas brought his composer back. "So then, how many houses have you hit so far?"

  8. What better place to start one's Nightmare Night activities than in a spook house! Douglas nodded to himself confidently as he strode up into line with the other Ponies that had gathered and waited for their entrance. It should be a real good scream, it's rare that Douglas just gets to let himself get scared on purpose and act like a child. Besides, looking at the line, he isn't the only one. As he waited he tugged at his costume briefly.

    The outfit was a little too covering from what he was used too. A beige fedora sat upon his head and a matching overcoat draped over his body, a stripped undershirt and tie rounded out his Detective costume. Fetching a gentlecolt's smoking pipe from his coat pocket, he placed it in his mouth and gently blew into it. A heavy stream of bubbles overflowed from it's tip, floating out over the other ponies.

    Taking the pipe from his mouth and returning it to his coat, he noticed the group head in before he could go with them. Stepping up himself to the door he decided he'd have to say the famous greeting as well. Eager to play the part, Douglas put on his best detective impersonation, which sounded more like a two-bit Manehattan gangster. "Nightmare Night, what a fright, See? Give us something Schweet to bite, or you're gonna get it, See?" Douglas said, waiting for the door to open before him.

    Slowly it creaked open, allowing Douglas to move into the Haunted house with the rest of the group before they could get too far ahead. "Hope ya don't mind me tagging along. Scares are always more fun with a group." Taking place at the back of the group, Douglas calmly awaited for them to start moving through the spook house and find out what scares and treats await them deep within!

  9. Douglas laughed about Ginger talking about holding up on her packages. "Please don't, it puts food on our tables. And I have to agree, having been in a thunderstorm both inside and out...inside is nicer." Douglas joked, taking a breath before continuing. "Beside, they aren't all that common, they're just... untimely? I guess that's the right word fer it. We don't get caught in storms often, or at least I don't, but when it happens we're usually durin' a big order. Luck as it were. That's not to say it's all bad, sometimes we get a little spring shower. It's a nice little change of pace and as long as the roads hold up we're usually fine." Finished, Douglas grabbed another cookie to snack on, giving it a hardly chomp.

    Soon enough he was listening to Bramble's talk about upbringing, it was something he's heard only a few times in his travels. It was an interesting subject and soon enough Bramble struck a cord, "What so many ponies seem to miss is that it can be both..." That was something Douglas had to agree with. The few times it's been brought up it was always one side or the other, it was nice to hear there were other ponies who could see it from both sides and he listened intently until Bramble finished with a soft blush.

    Douglas gave a quick tap on the table with his hoof. "It's nothing to be ashamed of! Tah speak so feverishly of something you feel strongly fer is 'bout normal a thing fer most ponies. And I'd have to say that I agree with you. It can easily be both, you could say that t'ere two sides of the same bit. Ya jus' can't have one without the other, it'll always leave something lacking." Douglas voiced, leaning forward a little bit. "Shoot, I've met enough ponies to know that fer sure. I've met the nicest of the humbled, the lowest of the spoiled and in reverse! Met vagabonds that see themselves on par with the Princesses and rich folk with a heart of gold."

  10. The wagon slowly started to move, the pullers giving a mild strain as they began to move the wagon onward. After a few steps the momentum allowed them to ease up and just keep the wagon moving with a steady pace. Letting out a sigh, Douglas looked back to noticed Ginger was talking with the pony who had been woken up by the 'rock they ran over' and gave a little smile of his own to the pony. He waited until Ginger spoke before taking his turn. "So, Mr. Apis, I hope you're enjoying your first Nightmare night. It must be a little overwhelming for everyone to be out n' about at such an hour, but it passes soon enough and all goes back tah normal. I'm Douglas Trotter by the way, I'm sure you'll fit in just fine 'round here." he spoke, letting silence fall as he waited on Mr. Apis' reply.

    Just then the other puller called his attention again, it was time for another little maneuver to keep the young ones from getting bored. And so, with their eyes set on some nice open land the two ponies took up their speed and made a few hard turns, pulling the wagon for a quick shift from side to side as fillies and colts clung to their parents. A few giggles came from the younger riders, but it wasn't near as many from the first time. They'd need a little something extra for the next stop. With the little shakes over they got back on the main route and proceeded for the Haunted House.

    Able to let his pulling partner direct their heading, Douglas looked back towards Ginger and Mr. Apis, catching her question about what had brought him to Equestria. Douglas had to hold back a chuckle as she tried to keep a western accent for her costume. It fit finely, he just wasn't used to hearing her speak that way. Stifling himself long enough to wait for Mr. Apis' answer he decided he'd ask the traveler something as well. "So, I hope ya don't mind me prying, but where didc'ha come from? I ask 'cause I'm a fan of traveling and while I haven't left Equestria I have seen some it's bordahs." Douglas said, letting himself smile as he waited for Mr. Apis' answer.

  11. The IRL should rethink running Open-Wheel cars on Ovals, especially those NASCAR frequently run as the banking allows them to run with no to minimal braking. That being the key difference, the lack of braking is what allows them to remain bunched together so well. The last thing you want is a field of 34 Open-Wheel race cars running 200 laps less than a foot apart from each other. There's also the catch fence, which at the speeds they were going sheered the cars the sheds. Having a cockpit first impact, it was a wonder he wasn't killed instantly.

    It's said that death comes in 3's. A terrible shame that Dan Wheldon had to die and he will be truly missed. And sadly he wasn't the only death in Motorsports. Shortly after the death of Wheldon Off-road racer and champion Rick Huseman was killed in a plane crash in California. And finally, I'm sure even if you haven't been a fan you'll have probably heard by now of the death of MotoGP Rising star Marco Simoncelli who was killed last week after losing control of his bike and getting hit by two fellow riders.

    All Three men were class acts and caring, friendly people. All three will be greatly missed. Please let October end without any more tragedy.

  12. The Sudden thud caused an unsettling feeling between the two pullers, fearing they might had ran someone over until a youthful mare leaned over the front of the wagon and addressed Douglas. Her voice, soft and familiar, but her speaking seemed off. The phrase itself brought a smile to his mouth, it was something a performance pony would say. Looking back to better see who it was, Douglas could feel his jaw drop when he saw her. "M-miss Mint? Uh-I mean, Ginger?! You made it. You...look amazing." Douglas blabbered, looking over the western get-up. It surprisingly made her facial features stand out stunningly. He quickly turned his head forward and took a sip of the water bottle clipped between the pullers. He had to calm himself down.

    Finishing with one last sip, he straightened up and tried to hide his sudden elation. Gathering his cool again, he turned back to face Ginger with a big smile. "You sure can make an entrance, though you could'a just waited fer us to stop." Just then another pony stirred in the wagon, he had apparently been napping and thought Ginger's entrance was them running over a rock. He seemed rather tired from Douglas' perspective. "Yah hear that, lookout? We mite have to trade ya in when we return to the station. Keep them eyes sharp!" Douglas teased with a wink and a wry smile at Ginger. "You brought that one on yourself, Miss Mint." He thought with a chuckle, looking forward again.

    Soon enough only a line of lamps hanging off to the side guided them as they walked along a small road until the Corn Maze came into few. Standing outside it's entrance were a few ponies, taunting and daring one another to enter as the Hay Hop came into view, it's elaborately bright decorations getting a few odd stares as it slowed to a stop. Douglas gripped the nearby bell in his muzzle and gave it a gentle ring. "Corn Maze! Next Stop, The Haunted House! All Aboard!" He greatly bellowed again, allowing those who wanted on or off to do so. Douglas felt excited, they were already on their second stop of the night. Why shoot, they could probably pass the earlier wagon if they kept their pace!

  13. Lesson 46: The person you're currently dating is cheating. And the one person you never thought you'd have something in common with is the only one for you.

    Lesson 47: Love is fickle if the man in the relationship isn't constantly dogged by the woman. Otherwise it's meaningful.

  14. Douglas had carefully listened to Bramble explain the art show, it caused him to chuckle. "I admit, never saw it that way. Puts a whole new spin on tall tails!" Douglas said, keeping a nice smile beaming across the table. It was after that that he heard Ginger speak up about the odd weather further north, it was something he could attest too. "Oh, yes up there it does come faster, not to sure what's up with that. You grow used to it after awhile." He continued to listen to Ginger as she mentioned she had a brother who had a 'flying contraption.' Surely no better interest getter than that. Douglas could picture one he had seen before but he wasn't sure if it was the one she was referring too "Uh..big fan on top...you 'pedal' it with all four legs, right? I might have seen one before." He agreed, letting her finish before jumping back in.

    "I suppose he wouldn't know the road conditions then, but yeah they get rough. When you start heading out towards Appleloosa though is where it really gets nasty! The roads aren't even roads, just paths where nothing grows from being walked on so much! You have rocks and wild animals aplenty, it rarely rains so the dry sand just becomes mush when it finally does. Ugh, I pity anyone who gets caught in a storm out there, they'll be spending the rest of the day covering only a smidgen of ground." Douglas exclaimed, feeling he finally had something he can relate to in conversation.

    Soon Ginger Mint began to tell her story about her brother and how she grew up as well as her Cutie Mark story. He got a nice little laugh at her getting her mark first before her older brother, he could probably relate to her brother. It was a rather touching story and he was happy she was willing to share it, but now he started to feel like he was being a grump in the group. He took another cookie and couldn't hide his pleasure as he ate it, a hum of approval coming from him as he let his body shake quickly. Soon Bramble took his turn to tell the story of his Cutie mark, starting off with a humble blush at it's embarrassment. Once he began though, it was interesting to see him so riveted about it.

    "That's a very sweet story. I feel a bit low for leaving mine out now. I suppose if the both of you are interested." Douglas spoke calmly, looking at the table before clearing his throat. "I didn't live in an honest home until I was well on my own. My father, like me, was a Wagoner. He was an old broad fella, but a little stocky like me. I suppose it's where I get my physique. Anywho, my mother was an old farm hoof that had left the farm to travel the world with my dad. They mostly worked with one constant merchant who was always moving something so they were in constant employ. Shoot, I was even born and raised on the open trails. Spent my time in one of the covered wagons with my mother and the filly of our wagon's puller. Whenever we'd stop for the night we'd circle the wagons and make a big fire to stay warm. Those was the few times I got to play with the other foals on the trail." Douglas let himself smile nostalgically as he took a nibble of a cookie.

    "Course whenever we got too tired to run around we'd sit by the fire and listen to all the pullers talk about where they've been and where they want to go. That's probably where I got my love for traveling, those Stallions were so quiet or aggravated on the trail...to see them light up like a foal when they spoke made me want to see the world even more!" Douglas took a quick breather, making sure he didn't lose anypony in his story. Catching their faces, Douglas figured he stewed them enough.

    "Like yer brothah' Ginger, I too was a late bloomer. In fact, I was probably only three years from Stallionhood with no Cutie Mark. I couldn't get it, I knew my mark was related to seeing the world. There was no way I could be tied down, but out on the open just didn't seem to get me my cutie mark. Or so I thought..." Douglas ended, his wry smile accompanied by a shifty set of eyes, oh had the hucksters of the west taught him to spin a yarn or what?! "One day out on the plains, the sky became darker than the darkest night Luna has ever graced us with. Some of the fiercest clouds started to roll in over top of our wagon train. Everypony was a murmuring with worry when just then..." He brought his hoof down on the table, with a stern clop. "Thunder and Lightning set the sky alive! Oh, had it poured! Sure enough, that dry sand turned to slop beneath our wheels!"

    Douglas leaned deep forward on the chair, hanging over the table as he head turned slightly, his eyes locking with Bramble's as he lowered his brows. "It was terrible! Ponies were losing grip and wagons were getting stuck. There I was, old enough to help but too stupid to know where to go. Just then a loud clatter of objects echoed during the only moment of silence in the storm. The second wagon on the train was stuck, blocking the others. Everypony was too busy to lend a helping hand, 'cept fer me. I sunk my teeth into a spare harness and ran up as fast as I could to get strapped in. Whoo-wee, first real experience pulling a wagon and in the worst of weather, it wasn't looking good! My body was so tired, I slipped and slammed into the mud...that's when I heard a scream. I looked at the first wagon, the one my daddy was pullin' and I could'a swore that thing was doing a dance from how jerky it bounced around! His voice was in pain as he pulled that thin' by himself. Well I tell you what, I hated being in that mud just laying there while my dad did more than all of us were. So I dug my hooves into that mud, deep as I could send 'em and I tugged and I pulled, my body hurt, my head was screaming for me to stop...but I just couldn't, not with my one chance to make my daddy proud!"

    Slowly Douglas sat up straight in his chair, a sly smile upon his face as he looked his friends over, gauging their interest. "The wagon learned then and there I wasn't going lay down and quit, she started jerking in the mud, the puller beside me coaching me when to pull as we worked that heavy thing through the storm! Well, once that mighty rain had stopped and we found hard ground we all climbed out of them harnesses and just dropped where we stood! Not a single one of us could go any longer. That is 'cept my dad, he walked right over to me and sat there, eying me up. Satisfied with his judging, he gave me a hard pat and said 'At'ta boy!' It wasn't till we washed off that I had my Cutie mark staring right at me."

    His gentle look returning to his face, he let out a big breath before he sat back in the chair with a toothy grin. "Didn't waste too much time now, did I?"

  15. Douglas and the other puller slowly leaned forward, the wagon soon beginning to move as they set off around the Festival Grounds. A quick look back caused him to notice that a photographer had climbed aboard. He had to admit, he could feel a little giddy at the spectacle. Her costume was bright and elaborate, although he didn't have much clue of what she was. Craning his head back a bit he addressed the photographer. "Good Evening, so you're a photographer? I hope you can get some nice shots of the fair grounds. Might I pry as to what you're dressed as?" Douglas asked, quickly turning his head forward again. Making sure the coast was clear he turned his head back to catch the Photographer's reply, should she give one.

    "Uh-oh, here comes the fun part, everypony hold on!" he called back, giving a quick nod to the puller next to him. Breaking from the course they picked up their pace into a steady canter, leading the wagon around in a big figure eight on open fair grounds as the fillies and colts oohed and awed as the wagon shifted it's weight, causing little giggles to erupt before slowing back down and getting back on the route. They started to pass by the stalls of the Festival grounds. Games, snacks, shows and so much more could be seen from the wagon, all colorfully decorated and glowing in the light of the lamps hanging above.

    "We got a little ways to go before we reach the Corn maze, everypony. Get'ch yer filla of the scenery now....it's gonna get spooky soon!" Douglas spoke eerily, trying to give the little ones a fright. Sure enough, just as he said The wagon trotted onward as they moved through the fair grounds. The stalls and stands slowly started to die down as they moved about. The area began to become silent, the joys and hollers of the Festival Grounds soon faded out. Crickets chirped, Owls in the distance hooted, and the sudden snap of nearby twigs all wanted to bring one shriek after another from the little foals mouths.

  16. I try to not have guilty pleasures. If I'm going to truly enjoy something, there there shouldn't be anything wrong with it.

    Trust me, I understand but I've caught quite a bit of flak over something as simple as dubbing. It's crazy at times!

    Anywho, another guilty pleasure is probably Singing Tears for fears "Everybody wants to rule the World." Eventhough my voice is that of a tugboat's horn. Seriously though, it's so rare that the nearest 80s rock station even plays this song I'll probably have to call in during the request hour should I wish to hear it while driving.

  17. Douglas looked at the festival map provided for him. He was giving it one last once over before strapping into the wagon. He had walked the route on his own earlier in the day, but now that night has fallen and stalls are all lit up and grounds are becoming crowded it was best just to give it one last glance to make sure everything was alright. Looking over the map, the first stop for them would be the general Festival grounds where ponies would be able to take part in of both the dances going on there as well as the games. After there we was take them the Corn Maze followed by the Haunted House. After that was the Scarecrow Corner and the Pumpkin Patch before wrapping back around to the Hay Hop Stop.

    Putting the map away, Douglas approached one of the organizers and introduced himself. The Stallion was fast to show him where the Hay hop wagon was. Coming to a shed, the doors slowly slid open. A pair of wagons inside, one being pulled out by two ponies while the other sat unused. Douglas looked at the passing wagon. It's sides were decorated with brightly colored streamers running all down the side, with paper cut out pumpkins nailed into the side for effect. Each pumpkin had it's own silly face on it to appeal to the crowd. On the back of the wagon was a sign acting as a tail gate with "HAY HOP!" on it. Surely it was all gussied up and ready to move.

    "Alright, Mr. Trotter. If you're ready, let's get you and your partner harnessed into the second wagon and you can begin making your rounds!" Said the organizer, much to Douglas' agreement. After being harnessed into the wagon Douglas and the other pony began to pull the wagon out of the shed, bringing it to a halt before the organizer. "Wonderful! Please, I won't hold you up no more." Said the Stallion with glee, before going over the little bells and whistles of the wagon. "That bell right there is for you to ring at each stop, make sure to announce the next destination as well. The water is for drinking, we'll refill it once you return to the Hay Hop stop and give you a five minute rest. Good luck, have fun, and Thank you for taking the time out to do this for us!"

    With the pleasantries through the two ponies began to pull the brightly decorated wagon. Making sure they kept in step to keep from tiring out the other before they reached their first stop, the Festival Grounds. Douglas tilted his head back to grab the bell, giving it a good ring before putting it back in place. "All Aboard! Next Stop, The Corn Maze!" Douglas bellowed, announcing their next stop. He slowly watched with a happy smile as ponies piled into the wagon, both parents with foals, and single ponies all the same. Looking at his pulling partner, Douglas gave a quick nod ready to move out.

    ((Let's see just how well this works. If anyone wants to be the other puller you can, but I'm fine leaving it vague. Who wants a Hay ride? :3 ))

  18. Douglas intently listened to his friends shift their conversation to the blank poster on the far wall. He looked it over as they spoke about it, listening to Bramble's explanation of the poster. He couldn't help but feel a little perplexed at it. He eyed it silently, thinking how it just looked like an empty sheet of poster. Shoot, if the cultured type of ponies are so repressed that they must look into something that isn't there than who was he to judge. "I must say, I've never been to a gallery or an art show. I just couldn't take interest in it, although I have seen some nice paintings." Douglas said, making sure to keep up with the conversation as it soon shifted to the on-coming winter.

    Winter was a time of year he both enjoyed and loathed, if only because snow covered roads were a pain to haul wagons through. "Hm? Spooktacular? Oh! The Harvest festival!" Douglas said, catching Bramble's correction of season. They had of course only just brought in Fall with the Running of the Leaves, no need to get so antsy for winter just yet. Back to the festival though, it had been awhile since he last attended one and he was actually planning on helping out this year. "That reminds me, I agreed to work the Hay hop at the festival in Fillydelphia! It should be fun, don't be afraid to drop in and say hi if any of you are there." Douglas soon saw Bramble reach out for a cookie, slowly thinking he had waited enough to not be impolite he followed Bramble's motion and took one for himself. Happily he ate it with hum of approval. "It really is good! One of the best snacks I've had in quite awhile." Douglas spoke in agreement before deciding to let his two friends speak while he enjoyed the cookie for all it's worth.

    As he finished his cookie he heard Bramble bring up their Cutie Marks, albeit with a sort of hesitation toward Douglas'. He was rather used to having a bland mark though, it gave it's own uniqueness to him. "Well the story behind it is more exciting than the mark itself, but I won't bore you with it. I'm a wagoner, simple as that. To put it frankly, I pull wagons for a living. Mostly for merchants or tradesponies, but every now and then I'll pull a carriage. It's rather liberating to always be out seeing the world." Douglas spoke, his eye's drifting off in nowhere particular as he listened to himself.

    He knew the call of the road would be upon him soon enough, but that didn't mean he couldn't stop and enjoy the roses from time to time. "Although...some times it can be a down-right bother... Shoot, just trying to avoid ditches, lumps, sinkholes, or muddied ground can be right exhaustin'!" Douglas rambled, his voice taking a sort of annoyance at the many problems that plagued several of his trips. Clearing his throat, Douglas made sure to regather himself before finishing. "Ahem...Still, pays the bills and leaves enough left over to enjoy myself. Saw quite a few nice sights as well so's it ain't all bad."

    He sat still for a moment after finishing, just letting his usual self slip in before he remembered it polite to return the question. "Oh yes, Mr. Rose how did you get your Cutie Mark, if you don't mind my prying?" Douglas chimed, letting himself finally relax in his chair.

  19. Lesson 12: When Police arrive on a scene after a big shoot out, even if you're just a civilian, leaving with your arm wrapped around the one you love will signify to them that you are not bad and they will just run right past you.

    Lesson 13: Your partner is corrupt and you should wait for backup to arrive before confronting him about it, otherwise he'll get a gold star and you'll get a hero's burial.

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