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Posts posted by Otsdarva

  1. Hm...I could say that I started Rp back in the late 2004s/early 2005s? Trying to remember when Armored Core 3 came out, it was a year or so after it's release and I had finally beaten it. It was the first game I Rp'ed in and boy did it go horridly. After that I mostly dropped back to writing fanfics for Monster Hunter and such until 08 where I finally Rp'ed again (in another Armored Core Rp, no less) which went far better but eventually died out. After that I mostly Rp'ed casually if I could find a place with a strong Rp community.

  2. Name:

    Douglas Trotter






    Earth Pony

    Pelt Color:

    Dark red (Hex: 822A2A)

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:

    Douglas, despite his unruly upbringing likes to keep his mane short and slicked back, imitating those of the big cities, whereas his tail fell by the way side to become long and scruffy. His mane and tail are colored blonde with dirty blonde highlights. (Prim hex: C9BC53; Sec hex: AB8B46)

    Eye Color:

    Hazel Green (Hex: 007D1D)

    Cutie Mark:

    A Worn wagon wheel


    Douglas' height is slightly shorter than the average Stallion. His body is Well-built due to the long hours of work he's put in through his occupation.



    Roleplay Type:



    Wagon Puller. Douglas will pull any wagons and coaches for merchants or travelers from one end of Equestria to the other if the pay is adequate. Although he prefers merchant wagons due to the potential for returning clients.


    Douglas is not too keen on staying in one place for too long. Having earned his cutie mark riding on a wagon train going across the lands of Equestria, he found fascination with the ever moving wanderers that roamed about the land. Finding the many stories they told of their travels the perfect bedtime stories. He wanted to see all the places he was told of and from there it grew to be his dream to roam the whole world. The wagon wheel, rough and worn is the symbolism of how tried and true he is.

    Likes: (optional)

    Sight-seeing, story telling, good humor, dangerous routes, and a willingness to improve oneself. Although aside from all that, he secretly enjoys showing off to certain Mares. In anyway he can whether it is hauling the heaviest wagon, or running the fastest. Douglas isn't too picky on who he socializes with, usually taking what he can get after long hauls in silence.

    Dislikes: (optional)

    Sand burrs, Thorn bushes, stale scenery, and a lack of humor. Douglas also isn't too fond of humid days. Above all else though...he hates hauling wagons in bad weather.

    Character Summary:

    Born the son of two Earth Ponies, Douglas was raised on the open trail. Although later living in a populated town aided in his speech, he'll speak a slight drawl if he's not actively looking out for it. Douglas was brought up on the mentality of work hard, live hard and treat others properly until they prove otherwise. He can be a bit of a softy though for those Mares who know how to bat their eyelashes. His father, was a daring Stallion who made a living pulling wagons for trade caravans. While his mother, was a kind farmer who grew tired of farm life. He was raised to the best of their abilities, but often was left to talk with other pullers in a wagon train. During a small stretch between towns one of the friendlier wagon pullers allowed Douglas to 'pull' the wagon with him. Saddled up with an over sized collar and a set of reins that were always slack, Douglas strode behind the puller, acting tough and imagining pulling the whole wagon on his own. Although it wasn't much, Douglas wanted to pull the wagon with his father one day, wanting to impress his father at what his father did best.

    Douglas was a late bloomer with his cutie mark. Only a few years from Stallion-hood and he still didn't have one. Until one day on the open trail a heavy downpour washed over the wagon train. With the dry ground fast turning to mud and several wagons getting stuck or broken down, Douglas began throwing himself where he was needed in the train. Old enough to help, but too naive to procedure there wasn't many places where he didn't become just a hindrance. That is until one of the lead wagons had gotten stuck, blocking the train. It's puller straining fruitlessly to free the wagon. Taking a spare collar from the supplies, Douglas galloped to the wagon and harnessed himself in. It was through working in tandem with the other puller that slowly the wagon began to inch through the mud. Feeling the true strain and stress of a puller for the first time in his life, Douglas felt like he was in a losing battle before he noticed the lead wagon jerking through the muddied trail. His father it's lone puller as his pained groans cut through the storm. Seeing his father in such pain, but with so much determination not to stop Douglas found his second wind and pulled harder than before. His body was low to the ground, his pained voice groaned through clenched teeth with force as the wagon's pace started to pick up, slowly treading through the thick mud until it was again rolling at a steady pace.

    When the storm had past and the wagon train stopped on solid ground, Douglas laid strewn out in agony. His body burned from tail to muzzle. Weakly his father plopped down onto the ground beside him. The both of them caked in dried mud. His father gave a stern look over his boy, Douglas had no idea what kind of reaction to suspect. Slowly, his father's head began to nod, his lips curling to a smile, and a gentle hoof reaching out for his son's shoulder. "Atta' boy." Two simple words that filled Douglas with a burning pride and a weathered smile. Lifting his head to glance around, he noticed others giving soft smiles and subtle nods before moving along. Letting his body splay out on the ground, Douglas brushed at the caked mud. It wasn't until it started to fall away that his cutie mark became visible.

    ((Woo! Cliched revelation! lol))


  3. Why thank you, Tales.

    Most refer to me as Darva for short. I'll be sure to alert you should any incidents befall me or any questions come up. As for my arrival. A member here, Appledash, had made slight comments here and there among the times we've talked and eventually with my curiosity peaked I looked over an RP post she said she was in the middle of. I scanned over the thread in general before heading to the index page and silently wiggled my way through the forums looking over topics that flirted with or peaked my interest. Eventually coming to today, I catch the nifty little event being planned for the 'Mane' RP. As such, I figured I might as well finally make my account.

    To Armony and Phil the Wizard.

    I do indeed hope to enjoy my stay. I hope this site will become the next to find it's way permanently saved to my bookmark list.

  4. Thank you, I'm sure I will! I may even rile a few more hunters out of hiding.

    Man...that was so true of Monster Hunter. The moment the quest started everyone ran for the monster and started chopping at it's legs until they either hit each other or got mowed down. That game was absolute torture when you first started. I can't believe how easy certain monsters become, ones that I completely feared when I first started!

    Hm? I'm guessing you mean the heavy bowgun? It folds out and has more attack than the lighter ones. Or do you mean a specific bowgun? I loved using the Bowgun. Something about loading up some cluster shot and waiting for the monster to spin around, knocking away the lunatics with greatswords made everything all the sweeter when said monster went up in flames!

  5. "Good Evening, kind folk. How are you on this fine summer's night? I am but a simple Monster Hunter, looking to take residence and hopefully find work in my particular area of expertise." States the oddity standing at the edge of town.

    His armor rough and ragged, his weaponry well broken in as his eyes glance over the sights before him. Gingerly he lifts a hand to his shrouded face and tugs off the mask that hides his features. A smile crawls over his lips as he looks over his greeters, a slipping strap on his shoulder causes him to re-adjust the mighty weapon that hangs from his arm.

    "I hope you wouldn't mind me setting up shop in this peaceful town, I bring with me no ill will and hope for only positive stories on my trip."

    [/silly intro rp]

    Seriously though, nice to meet you. I'm Otsdarva, just a long time lurker tired of lurking. I hope we can get along well. It would be nice to have a nice little community to hang around.

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