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Posts posted by Leafeon8

  1. About Myself: I'm currently a UK based student studying game design, very interested in Narratology and such am an avid roleplayer. I of course enjoy video games and RPs mostly, but also spend a lot of time on Twitch Tv.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Simply by googling Pony roleplay. Second result.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Mostly by a friend's recommendation, though it took a fair bit of pushing.. what mostly sold it to me was Lauren Faust's involvement and how much I enjoyed her other works, such as Foster's home for imaginary friends.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Hello members of Canterlot, I'm Leafeon8. I'm an aspiring games designer and an avid roleplayer, though I am sad to say I haven't touched forum roleplaying in just under 10 years. I've been more focused on actual RPG systems for a while now, but as of late felt the desire for more freeform rp with a sense of community as such, went on a search for such a thing in the form of IRC rooms.. which turned out to be an admittedly fruitless search, as such a friend of mine recommended I try forums rather than IRC rooms, which has lead me here. I may be a tad rusty and out of touch with how forum roleplays work, but I think I understand the most of it, its just the joining in process I'm rusty with.

    I enjoy a mix of slice of life roleplay with the more serious side of things, so you can expect to see me around rather than in just one area.. though as of right now I don't even have an original character or anything, I'm not too sure where to start.. any advice for OC creation would be much appreciated. But otherwise I hope to join in with you all soon!

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